Rāmalīlā/Ramaleela (रामलीला) —
Name of a dramatic performance or play, on the story of Rāma & Sītā based on the Rāmāyaṇas; (Literally - ‘Rāma's līlā or divine play/pasttime ’) is any dramatic folk re-enactment of the life of Rāma according to the ancient Hindu epic Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa or secondary literature based on it such as the Ramcharitmanas, etc..
This enactment in a dramatic form is an annual ritual, at least in the North-Indian belts.
Question: Do we have any scriptural references for “Ramaleela” being enacted in the previous Yugas?
Or any major character in the scriptures (Purāṇas or Mahābhārata, etc) watching the Rāmalīlā’s enactment?
Or more broadly, which scriptures explicitly mention / prescribe enacting the Rāmalīlā plays in the public? Does this practise find any canonical support?