I am somewhere in what you may call “dharma sankat” here. I know such questions have been asked before but they do not ask it correctly or are answered partially.
Everyone has some negative traits but what shall a son do if he has devoted years to the family and what they have done is disrespected, discouraged and insulted him so much that he had to be put on medications.
I understand that parents are to be given utmost respect and love. But not all apples weigh the same right? What if one has tried many times to move on with them but they never seem to change? (Like Prahlad)
In one of the verses, Prahalad Maharaj compares this material household life, where the householder is entangled badly, as dark well. Srila Prabhupada suggests the only solution that a householder has in order to free himself from such a deep entanglement
Thus the household becomes gṛham andha-kūpam, a dark well into which the man has fallen. For such a man to get out is extremely difficult unless he is helped by a strong person, the spiritual master, who helps the fallen person with the strong rope of spiritual instructions. A fallen person should take advantage of this rope, and then the spiritual master, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, will take him out of the dark well.
- Srimad Bhagavatam 7.6.11 - 13 Purport
I am asking this question because I wish to be a knowledgable and apt Hindu, I know the value of parents in our culture.