Many people these days scream that varna is determined ONLY by guna & karma, not ONLY by janma.
Dronacharya was a teacher, a brahmin by varna who followed his svadharma.
Later in Kurukshetra war, he was a fighter by KARMA, a kshatriya who fought in war.
Does it mean that :
- he changed his varna ?
- brahmins are allowed to fight but it doesn't change their varna ?
- brahmins are not allowed to fight, so Drona disobeyed rules of varna dharma ?
Same with Kripacharya.
Same with Yudhishtira - who refused to fight until very end owing to his extraordinary brahmin-like patience.
Does it mean Yudhishtira was a brahmin by GUNA until very end when he decided to change into a kshatriya?
Suppose I teach Vedas on Monday, and fight naxals (rural and urban) on Tuesday, does it mean on Monday I am brahmin and Tuesday I am Kshatriya ?
Maybe if I study scriptures in morning I am brahmin, after 12 noon I do business then I am vaishya, and after 6pm I drink/party I am Shudra, so I can change varna 3 times within same day ?