My question is how come two avatars of Vishnu (Rama and Parasuraman) can be in the same place in the same time ( Ramayana ) ?

  • 4
    Viṣṇu is paramātman, there is no contradiction at all in his two avatāras existing simultaneously. This is discussed even in Brahma sūtra 1.3.27 with respect to the presence of devas in yajñas, and said that devas can assume many forms. From Br̥hadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad (3.9.1-2), we know that each deity can have many forms simultaneously. In Mahābhārata, also it is stated that a yogī, who has acquired supernatural powers as a result of yoga, can assume many forms, have many experiences and take them all back in himself.
    – Bingming
    Commented Jan 21, 2023 at 8:59
  • 2
    I would recommend you to check the traditional bhāṣyas on Brahma sūtra 1.3.27, of Śaṅkara, Rāmānuja, and Madhva especially. They contain more detailed discussion on this (at least Śaṅkara's bhāṣya on 1.3.27 is useful)
    – Bingming
    Commented Jan 21, 2023 at 8:59

3 Answers 3


Srimad Devi Bhagwatam Mahā Puranam 5:1:12-54. says thus.:

12-54. Vyāsa said :-- “True it has been said by you that Vāsudeva the Janārdana, is the destroyer of the Daityas and He is able to create and preserve the Devas and do all other acts for them. But the Great Lord assumed a human body; therefore he had to perform his duties like a man and observe the Varṇa and Āśrama Dharmas pertaining to human beings. . . . Again, the Ṛṣi Nārāyaṇa is the part incarnate of Viṣṇu, and Vāsudeva is the part incarnate of the Ṛṣi Nārāyaṇa; hence what wonder is there, if Vāsudeva be seen to adore and propitiate Śiva? Śiva is the God of gods; and He is the Lord of all the causal bodies that exist; in the state of Suṣupti (deep sleep). In this respect, Śiva is the creator of Viṣṇu and Viṣṇu worships Him in this light. Rāma, Kṛṣṇa and others are all part incarnations of Viṣṇu; so there is no wonder if they worship Śiva......."

Avatars of Lord Vishnu meeting other avatars or avatars meeting Lord Vishnu the avatari himself is not a new concept. Lord Rama Saw Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna and Arjuna (The Nara Avatar) also met Lord Vishnu. Lord Bhargava Parshu Rama and Dasharathi Sri Rama met each other. The verses are given in this answer of mine.

I hope this clarifies all your queries. Prd..


Bhagavan Vishnu is all powerful. He is always everywhere. So what's suprising if he has two avatars at same time ? The eternal God is Omnipresent.

  1. Narayana Suktam -

"Whatsoever is seen or heard in this world, Narayana pervades and exists in all of them, which are both inside and outside."

  • Narayana Suktam, Taittiriya Aranyaka , Krishna Yajurveda.
  1. Valmiki Ramayana -

"You appear in all created beings in the cattle and in brahmanas. You exist in all quarters, in the sky, in mountains and in rivers."

  • Chapter 117, Yuddha kanda, Valmiki Ramayana.
  1. Harivamsa -

"Thus creating the entire universe, you pervade all of the universe. Pervading all these worlds, O keshava! you stay everywhere. Hence you have the name Vishnu, since you are seen to pervade all in the form of elements."

  • Chapter 88, Bhavishya Parva, Harivamsa.
  1. Vishnu Purana -

"You are everything, the beginning and the protector of the world. All beings exist in you. You are all that has existed and all that will exist. You are more subtle than the subtlest. You alone are Spirit, which stands apart from primal Nature."

  • Chapter 1, book V, Vishnu Purana.

It all goes back to the Sanskrit definition of the term Avatara.

Ava: is a prefix conjunction denoting the quantity or measure. In this case "ava" means a portion or a subset.

Tara: in general conversation means star. Primarily tara means Brilliance. So Tara is the brilliance in the sky, far away from our reach.

Ava-Tara: means the same brilliance is now available to our reach.

So, Having said this Sri Vishnu who is Shipivishta (as said by the Vedas), the sustainer of creation can make His brilliance to us in one or many forms and aspects. Since the Upanishad like SwetaSvatara 4.10 says that the whole (sarvamid) creations (jagath) are his (Maheswara) aspects. Which the Vedas concur when they say that the world is filled with infinite Rudras (Vasista Ramayana and Mahabharatam DP 203). And Rudrahridya Upa 1.5 says that Uma is Vishnu. But Vishnu as the primary aspect is Uttama, the best. But the best of what? He is Purushottama, the best of Purusha. All Sages try to reach his abode. So he is the pinnacle of Brilliance

Source: Sanskrit comprehension, please refer to any valid Sanskrit dictionary.

  • When you downvote have a question or justification, else it just means you have the answer and have no justification to your dislike. Commented Jul 16 at 13:24

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