In this chapter of Brahmanda Purana says:-

24-29a. It was the lord who created all types of sacrifices and the necessary adjuncts thereof. He duly created the sacred fires of Gārhapatya and Āhavanīya and the monthly Śrāddha rite of Anvāhārya. He created the various adjuncts of sacrifice such as the Vedī (Altar), the Kuśa grass, the Sruvā (holy ladle), water for consecrating (Prokṣaṇīya etc.), the Śruta (holy texts and Mantras) and the Āvabhṛthya (holy water for purificatory bath at the conclusion of a sacrifice.

Then he created sages who offered shares in the oblations in the fire for gods in the sacrifice (shares in the oblations). He made the Suras the partakers of Havya, and the Pitṛs the partakers of Kavya. He made persons deserving enjoyment through the holy rite of Yajña. It is the lord himself who is termed Yajña in the course of the holy performance of Yajña.

He created the requisite materials of Yajña such as the Yūpas (sacrificial posts), Samits (holy twigs) Sruvā (sacred ladle), the Soma (the creeper as well as juice), the Pavitra (the sacred ring of Kuśa grass with a projecting tail) and Paridhis (the holy twigs of Palāśa etc. laid around the sacrificial fire). He created the sacrificial fires, the Sadasyas (the members of the holy assembly), the Yajamānas (performers of sacrifices), the Udgātṛs (those who sing Sāman Mantras and hymns) and others. He created excellent sacrifices such as Aśvamedha (horse sacrifices) and Rājasūya (imperial consecration) etc. of diverse kinds. By means of the Pārameṣṭhya (concerning Brahmā) holy rite he sustained the worlds and Yajñas.

But, how he created them in his any incarnations or otherwise? That information is mentioned in any other Puranas?

1 Answer 1


It is mentioned in detail in the Kālikapurāṇa

Background : In the beginning of the kalpa, Bhagavāna Viṣṇu, assuming the form of Yajñavarāha, emerged from the nostrils of Prajāpati Brahmā & lifted up Bhūdevī, whose gross corporeal form on being covered with the flesh & marrow of Madhu & Kaitabha became the physical earth as we know it, hence the name of this kalpa is Śvetavārāha. (N.B Bhagavāna Viṣṇu reappeared in this form when Bhūdevī was abducted by Hiranyākṣa). However, smitten with the arrows of Kāma & due to the curse of Kapila, Yajñavarāha became enamoured of Bhūdevī & indulged in sex with her, which resulted in the birth of 3 porcine offsprings named Suvṛtta, Kaṇaka & Ghora who laid waste of the cosmos. When Bhūdevī became pregnant for the 4th time, the Devas were wary of Yajñavarāha & petitioned Bhagavāna Śiva to kill Him. Accordingly, Bhagavāna Śiva assumed the form of Śarabha & killed Yajñavarāha & His 3 sons. Bhagavāna Viṣṇu disposed off Yajñavarāha's corpse by creating various yajñas & its implements out of it.

विदारिते वराहस्य काये भर्गेण तत्क्षणात् । ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवाः देवाः सर्वैश्च प्रमथैः सह ।। निन्युर्जलात् समुद्धृत्य तच्छरीरं नभः प्रति । तद्भिदुः शरीरं तत् विष्णोश्चक्रेण खण्डशः ।। तस्याङ्गसन्धयो यज्ञा जाताश्च वै पृथक्पृथक् । यस्मादङ्गाच्च ये जातास्तच्छृण्वन्तु महर्षयः ।।

Translation: On the body of Varāha being immediately sliced by Bharga, the devas Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva accompanied by all the pramathas (of Bhagavāna Śiva, who were created during the fight between Yajñavarāha & Śarabha) lifted it up from the waters & held it in the sky. The body was cut into pieces by the discus of Viṣṇu. Various yajñas emerged from it's limbs & joints. Hear O great sages, what arose from what limb. [Kālikapurāṇa:31:10-12]

भ्रूनासासन्धितो जातो ज्योतिष्टोमो महाध्वरः । हनुश्रवणसन्धोस्तु वह्निष्टोमो व्यजायत ।। चक्षूर्भ्रूवो सन्धिना तु व्रात्यष्टोमो व्यजायत । जातः पौनर्भवष्टोमस्तस्य पोत्रौष्ठसन्धितः ।। वृद्धष्टोमवृहत्ष्टोमौ जिह्वामूलादजायताम् । अतिरात्रं सवैराजमधोजिह्वान्तरादभूत् ।। अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृयज्ञस्तु तर्पणं । होमो दैवोबलिर्भौतो नृयज्ञोऽतिथिपूजनं ।। स्नानं तर्पणपर्यन्त नित्ययज्ञाश्च सर्वशः । कण्ठसन्धेः समुत्पन्नाः जिह्वातो विधयस्तथा ।। वाजिमेधमहामेधौ नरमेधस्तथैव च । प्राणिहिंसाकरा येऽन्ते ते जाताः पादसन्धितः ।। राजसूयोऽर्थकारी च वाजपेयस्तथैव च । पृष्ठसन्धौ समुत्पन्ना ग्रहयज्ञास्तथैव च ।। प्रतिष्ठोत्सर्गयज्ञाश्च दानश्राद्धादयस्तथा । हृत्सन्धितः समुत्पन्ना सावित्रीयज्ञ एव च ।। सर्वे सांस्कारिका यज्ञाः प्रायश्चित्तकराश्च ये । ते मेढ्रसन्धितो जाताः यज्ञास्तस्य महात्मनः ।। रक्षःसत्रं सर्पसत्रं सर्वं चैवाभिचारकं । गोमेधो वृक्षयागश्च खुरेभ्योह्यभवन्निमे ।। मायेष्टिः परमेष्टिश्च गीष्पतिर्भोगसम्भवः । लाङ्गुलसन्धौ सञ्जाता अग्नीषोमस्तथैव च ।। नैमित्तिकाश्च ये यज्ञाः संक्रान्त्यादौ प्रकीर्तिताः । लाङ्गुलसन्धौ ते जातास्तथा द्वादशवार्षिकं ।। तीर्थप्रयोगसामौजः यज्ञः सङ्कर्षणस्तथा । आर्कमाथर्वणश्चैव नाड़ीसन्धेः समुद्गताः ।। ऋचोत्कर्षः क्षेत्रयज्ञाः पञ्चसर्गातियोजनः । लिङ्गसंस्थानहेरम्बयज्ञ जाताश्च जानूनि ।। एवमष्टाधिकं जातं सहस्रं द्विजसत्तमाः । यज्ञानां सततं लोका यैर्भाव्यन्तेऽधुनापि च ।।

Translation: The great yajña named Jyotiṣṭoma was created from the junction of the eyebrows with the nose. Agniṣṭoma was created from the junction of the cheeks with the ears. Vrātyaṣṭoma was created from the junction of the eyes with the eyebrows. Paunarbhavaṣṭoma was created from the junction of the snout with the lip. Vṛddhaṣṭoma & Vṛhatṣṭoma were created from the base of the tongue. Atirātra & Vairāja were created from the lower portion of the tongue. Studying (the Vaidika texts belonging to one's own śākhā) is brahmayajña, doing tarpaṇa (in the name of deceased ancestors) is pitṛyajña, performing (Aupāsana & Vaiśvadeva) homa is devayajña, offering bali (daily to crows & dogs, occasionally to snakes) is bhūtayajña, serving the guest is nṛyajña, things done between bathing (in midday) & doing tarpaṇa (in the next morning) i.e offering oblation in the form of food to the hunger-fire residing in the stomach is nityayajña. All of these were created from the junction of the throat with the tongue. Aśvamedha, Mahāmedha (i.e Sarvamedha), Naramedha & other such yajñas involving animal-slaughter were created from the joints of the feet. The wealth-bestowing Rājasūya, Vājapeya & grahayajña were created from the joints of the back. Yajñas with rites of establishment (vāstuyajña), consecration (involved with pūrtakarma like planting trees, building houses, temples, forts, reservoirs, wells, fountains etc, vṛṣotsarga), donation (like tulapuruṣa-dāna, donating a thousand cows etc) & śrāddha (piṇḍapitṛyajña) and Sāvitrīyajña were created from the joints of the chest. Yajñas involved with saṁskāras (like upanayana & marriage) & prāyaścittas (like kūṣmāṇḍa-homa & Nirṛtiyajña) were created from the joints of the groin of that great soul. Rakṣaḥsatra (performed by Parāśara), sarpasatra (performed by Janmejaya) & all such yajñas related to sorcery, gomedha and vṛkṣayāga were created from the hooves. Māyeṣṭi, Parameṣṭi, Gīṣpati (i.e Bṛhaspati-sava), Agniṣoma (i.e Sautrāmaṇi) & other such yajñas that generate pleasure were created from the junction of the tail. Occasional rites performed at times like saṁkrānti (darśapurṇamāsa, cāturmāsya, paśubandha, iśānabali, śulagava, caitrī, śrāvaṇī, āśvayujī, āgrahāyaṇī, aṣṭakā, pārvaṇa) & the yajña having a duration of 12 years (performed by Śaunaka) were created from the joints of the tail. Tīrthaprayoga(?), Sāmayajña(i.e yajña aimed to create peace), Ojayajña (i.e yajña aimed to cure diseases), Saṅkarṣaṇayajña(i.e yajña aimed for attracting people), Ārkayajña (i.e Putrakāmeṣṭiyajña) & Ātharvaṇayajña (yajña that can be performed only by brahmaṇas who practice Atharvaveda like coronation, invoking kṛtyā etc) originated from nerve-joints. Ṛcotkarṣa(?), kṣetrayajñas(?), paṅcasarga(?), atiyojana(?), liṅgasaṁsthāna(?) & herambayajña (yajña aimed to propitiate Vināyakas as described in Yājñavalkyasmṛti) were created from the knees. O best amongst the dvijas ! In this way 1008 yajñas were created which continue to be practised even to this day. [Kālikapurāṇa:31:13-27]

स्रुगस्य पोत्रात् सञ्जाता नासिकायाः स्रुवोऽभवत् । अन्ये स्रुक्स्रुवभेदा ये ते जाता पोत्रनासयोः ।। ग्रीवाभागेण तस्याभूत् प्राग्वंशो मुनिसत्तमाः । इष्टापूर्तिर्यजुर्धर्मो जाताः श्रवणरन्ध्रतः ।। दंष्ट्राभ्योह्यभवन् यूपाः कुशाः रोमाणि चाभवन् । उद्गाता च तथाध्वर्युर्होता शामित्रमेव च ।। अग्रदक्षिणवामाङ्गपश्चात्पादेषु सङ्गताः । पुरोडाशाः सचरवो जाता मस्तिष्कसञ्चयात् ।। कर्षूर्नेत्रद्वयाज्जाता यज्ञकेतुस्तथा क्षुरात् । मध्यभागोऽभवेद्वदी मेढ्रात् कुण्डमजायत ।। रेतोभागात्तथैवाज्यं स्वधामन्त्राः समुद्गताः । यज्ञालयः पृष्ठभागाद्हृत्पद्माद्यज्ञ एव च । तदात्मा यज्ञपुरुषो मुञ्जा कक्षात्समुद्गताः ।। एवं यावन्ति यज्ञानां भाण्डानि च हवींषि च । तानि यज्ञवराहस्य शरीरादेव चाभवन् ।।

Translation: From the snout was created sruk, the nose became sruva. All other variations of sruk & sruva (i.e sacrificial ladles) originated from the snout & nose. O best amongst the sages ! From the neck was created the prāgvaṁśa (the room where people & materials for yajña are assembled). From the aperture of the ears, iṣṭā (rite of setting up the sacred fires), pūrti (that which is filled) & yajurdharma(?) were created. The teeth became the yūpas (sacrificial pillars on which the sacrificial animal is to be placed), the fur became the kuśa grass. From the right forelimb, left forelimb, right hindlimb & left hindlimb originated the Udgātā (reciter of the Sāmaveda), Adhvaryu (reciter of the Yajurveda), Hotā (reciter of the Ṛgveda) & the pacifier (reciter of the Atharvaveda) respectively. From that which is stored in the head (i.e brain) originated the puroḍāśa & caru. From the 2 eyes was created the karṣū (holy fire fueled by cow-dung), from the hooves was created the sacrificial flags. The middle portion became the altar & the kuṇḍa is created from the groin. From the semen was created ājya, oblations & mantras. From the back was created the sacrificial hall, from the lotus-like heart was created yajña, the soul became yajñapuruṣa, from the sides was created the muñjā (yajñopavīta). In this way, all the havis & vessels required for yajña were created out of the body of Yajñavarāha. [Kālikapurāṇa:31:28-34]

The bodies of Suvṛtta, Kaṇaka & Ghora were transformed into Dakṣiṇāgni, Gārhapatyāgni & Āhavanīyāgni respectively. The 4th child of Yajñavarāha & Bhūdevī, being conceived during Bhūdevī's menstrual period, turned out to have a Asuric predisposition & became Narakāsura.

N.B Curse of Kapila : According to the Kālikapurāṇa, sage Kapila asked Manu for some land to set up his hermitage. Manu, being arrogant on being appointed the lord of the entire earth, proudly remarked that he has no scarcity of land & vainly told that Kapila could take whatever land He wished for. Kapila was enraged at Manu's arrogance & cursed him to witness the destruction of his realm. That curse was fulfilled by the untimely pralaya caused due to the fight between Yajñavarāha & Śarabha but Manu was saved by the Matsya avatāra of Bhagavāna Viṣṇu & the sages who accompanied Manu propagated the rites of yajña.


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