Rig Veda 2.33.15
Sanskrit text [Accents, Plain, Transliterated]:
ए॒वा ब॑भ्रो वृषभ चेकितान॒ यथा॑ देव॒ न हृ॑णी॒षे न हंसि॑ ।
ह॒व॒न॒श्रुन्नो॑ रुद्रे॒ह बो॑धि बृ॒हद्व॑देम वि॒दथे॑ सु॒वीरा॑: ॥evā babhro vṛṣabha cekitāna yathā deva na hṛṇīṣe na haṃsi |
havanaśrun no rudreha bodhi bṛhad vadema vidathe suvīrāḥ ||English translation:
“Cherisher of the world, showerer (of benefits), omniscient and divine (Rudra), hearer of our invocation, so consider us on this occasion, that you may not be irate, nor slay us; but that, blessed with excellent descendants, we may worthily glorify you at this sacrifice.”
A warrior called Chekitana fights on the Pandava side in the Mahabharata. Is his name related to the sense in which it is used here?