Hindu scriptures rate anubhuti or direct experience of the Self higher than the knowledge of any scripture. I have given below what Garuda Purana says.
They study the Vedas and discuss. But they do not realize the Ultimate
Reality just as a spoon does not know the taste of food.
The head carries the flowers, the nose knows the scent. The people
study the Vedas. But, very few persons understand the same.
Not knowing the Reality of the self, a fool is infatuated by the
sastras. When the goat stands in the shed, the shepherd seeks for it
in the well in vain.
The knowledge of the sastras is not competent to destroy the
infatuation accruing from worldly affairs.
Scriptures are many, age is short. Obstacles come in battalion.
One should pick up truth
from falsehood as a goose picks up milk from water.
Having studied the Vedas and realized their essence the wise man
should leave all the sastras just as one desiring corn leaves the
Just as one satiated with nectar has no use of food, no one who is in
search of Reality has anything to do with the sastras.
One cannot obtain release by reading the Vedas or the sastras. Release
comes from experience, not otherwise, O son of Vinata.
[Garuda Purana, Dharma Khanda, Chapter XLIX]
What is the purpose of the Vedic rituals?
The Karmakanda (the ritualistic section of the Veda) is sweet with
promises of enjoyments as fruits of ritualistic works. They do not
enlighten man on his ultimate good. They are only a means to stimulate
man engrossed in sensuality to higher goals. Just as children are
prompted to take medicines by promise of sweets, the promises of
ritualism are meant to stimulate men stagnating in abject inertia to
the first step towards the highest good.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana XI.21.23