Who is Agni Kravyad? People know that fire is sacred to Hindus and Zoroastrians. Jews had it on the main altar of the one allowed Temple of Yahwah, when it existed.
Some consider consigning body to fire is polluting fire. In some places such as Wikipedia, the fire of cremation is called a form of Agni. Whereas the exact name of the flesh eating fire is Kravyad. Since Agni appears throughout the scriptures as Agni and Jatavedas, it would be a grave error to call the cremation fire as Agni.
I am looking for an authoritative scriptural reference about the difference and non-interchangeability of Kravyad ( flesh eater ) and the divine Hotar , Lord Agni.
Rig Veda 7.104.2.:
इन्द्रा॑सोमा॒ सम॒घशं॑सम॒भ्य१॒॑घं तपु॑र्ययस्तु च॒रुर॑ग्नि॒वाँ इ॑व । ब्र॒ह्म॒द्विषे॑ क्र॒व्यादे॑ घो॒रच॑क्षसे॒ द्वेषो॑ धत्तमनवा॒यं कि॑मी॒दिने॑ ॥ इन्द्रासोमा समघशंसमभ्यघं तपुर्ययस्तु चरुरग्निवाँ इव । ब्रह्मद्विषे क्रव्यादे घोरचक्षसे द्वेषो धत्तमनवायं किमीदिने ॥
Translation.: Indra and Soma, fall upon the destructive (rākṣasa) and the performer of unprofitable acts, so that,consumed (by your wrath), he may perish like the offering cast into the fire; retain implacable hatred to the haterof brāhmaṇas, the cannibal, the hideous, the vile (rākṣasa).”
Brahmadvishe, Kravyade to be hated.
Rigveda 10.16.10.:
यो अ॒ग्निः क्र॒व्यात्प्र॑वि॒वेश॑ वो गृ॒हमि॒मं पश्य॒न्नित॑रं जा॒तवे॑दसम् । तं ह॑रामि पितृय॒ज्ञाय॑ दे॒वं स घ॒र्ममि॑न्वात्पर॒मे स॒धस्थे॑ ॥ यो अग्निः क्रव्यात्प्रविवेश वो गृहमिमं पश्यन्नितरं जातवेदसम् । तं हरामि पितृयज्ञाय देवं स घर्ममिन्वात्परमे सधस्थे ॥
Translated.: “The flesh-devouring deity Agni, who has entered your dwelling, I turn him out, for the worship of thePitṛs, upon beholding this other (Agni) Jātavedas; let him celebrate the sacrifice (to the Pitṛs) in the mostexcellent assembly.”
I suppose it is self-enjoined upon us to be discerning in our choice of words using Jatavedas, Matarisvan, Vaishwanara, Narashamsa as per context.