Creating obstacles or disturbing the rituals is to insult Divinities: For example,
यो अन्तरिक्षे तिष्ठति विष्टभितो ऽयज्वनः प्रमृणन् देवपीयून् । तस्मै नमो
दशभिः शक्वरीभिः ॥11.2.23 The one who (यो ) dwells and establishes
oneself firmly (तिष्ठति + विष्टभित) among the sky (अन्तरिक्षे )
destroys (प्रमृण) those who do not-sacrifice/insulting Divinities
(अ-यज्वन् – देवपीयून् ) salutation and homage (नमो ) to the
anger/fierce one (तस्मै ) we sign thy with ten (दशभिः ) hymns of
Śākvara-Sāman (शक्वरीभिः )
Who to reach out to for forgiveness?
Oh Bhava (भव ) you are the ruler/king (राजन् ) be gracious/favorable,
Pardon/spare (मृड ) towards the one hosting the Yagna (यजमानाय )
especially which donating cattle as a sacrifice (पशूनां ) especially
you are the one to reach (बभूथ )
What happens if the priest/htor intentionally makes a mistake?
A priest (brahmana) who wants to spoil his own yajamāna for one reason
or the other just has to alter one syllable…. Even the smallest
mistake in ritual might lead to disaster: if certain mantras were said
loudly, Rudra would kill the yajamāna’s cattle Caraka-Katha Aranyaka
(II 128A, cf. III 229).
There are many details listed in the Garuda Purana and Manusmriti about improper antiquities towards rituals. Since this is KaliYuga most of the Vedic rituals are gone from regular usage. Mostly, the current era moved towards the principles of Yoga, Vedanta, and Bhakti methods.
Here is the source for those who want to read in detail.