If Purusa and Prakiti are two completely independent realities, then no relation between the two is possible. How does sankara criticise sankhya?

  • It would help if you can refer to the exact criticism and the text.
    – ajitdas
    Commented Oct 7, 2023 at 15:56
  • unclear what you are asking. you have partially answered your own question in the question.... Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 9:12

1 Answer 1

  1. संघातपरार्थत्वात् त्रिगुणादिविपर्ययादधिष्ठानात् । पुरुषोऽस्ति भोक्तृभावात् कैवल्यार्थं प्रवृत्तेश्च ॥ १७ ॥ saṅghāta-para-arthatvāt tri-guṇādi-viparyāt-adhiṣṭhānāt | puruṣaḥ asti bhoktṛbhāvāt kaivalya-arthaṃ pravṛtteḥ ca || Purusa exists : since the aggregate must be for the sake of the non-aggregate ; since there must exist an entity in which the properties of being constituted by the three Gunas and the rest do not appear ; since there must be a superintendent ; since there must be an experiencer ; and since activity is for the sake of abstraction.

18,"जननमरणकरणानां प्रतिनियमादयुगपत्प्रवृत्तेश्च । पुरुषबहुत्वं सिद्धं त्रिगुण्यविपर्ययाच्चैव ॥१८ ॥","janana-maraṇa-karaṇānāṃ pratiniyamāt-ayugapat-pravṛtteḥ ca | puruṣa-bahutvaṃ siddhaṃ tri-guṇya-viparyayāt-ca-eva ||","From the individual allotment of birth, death and the Instruments, from non-simultaneous activity (towards the same end), and from the diverse modification of the three Gunas, multitude of Purusas is verily established."

Ref: https://archive.org/details/thesamkhyaphilos00sinhuoft

Prakriti and Purush are two constructs one made up of three gunas and one not made up of three gunas. Thus unobservable through normal five faculties of senses.

Thus it requires absolute intelligence and clarity to truely comprehend and experience Purush. Only a handful of such folks exist such as Shankaracharya.

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