I am trying to identify the source of this shloka,
Jīvana muktā api punar bandhanaṁ jānatī karma bhī
जीवन मुक्ता अपि पुनर बंधनं जानती कर्म भी
researched online but couldn't find anything relevant, any hints are appreciated.
I am trying to identify the source of this shloka,
Jīvana muktā api punar bandhanaṁ jānatī karma bhī
जीवन मुक्ता अपि पुनर बंधनं जानती कर्म भी
researched online but couldn't find anything relevant, any hints are appreciated.
It is from a gaudiya vaishnav text called Shri Gaudiya Kantahara
Verse 12:32
jīvan-muktā api punar-bandhanaṃ yānti karmabhiḥ yady-acintya-mahā-śaktau bhagavaty-aparādhinaḥ