Glory of Bhāratavarṣa, the land bound by the Himalayas in North, Udayācala (consisting of Patkai hills, Chin hills, Mishmi hills, Lushai hills & Arakan Yoma hills) & Bay of Bengal in the east, Indian Ocean in the south, Astācala (consisting of Hindu Raj hills, Sulaiman hills, Kirthar hills & Central Makran range) & Arabian Sea in the west, extending from the shrine of Śāradā (in Kashmir) in the north to the shrine of Kanyākumarī (in Tamil Nadu) in the South & from the shrine of Hiṅgulā (in Balochistan) in the west to the shrines of Bhavanī & Candranātha (in Chattagram) as stated here
वदन्ति मुनयो वेदवादिनः स्वर्गवासिनः ॥
अहो अमीषां किमकारि शोभनं
प्रसन्न एषां स्विदुत स्वयं हरिः ।
यैर्जन्म लब्धं नृषु भारताजिरे
मुकुन्दसेवौपयिकं स्पृहा हि नः ॥
किं दुष्करैर्नः क्रतुभिस्तपोव्रतैर्दानादिभिर्वा द्युजयेन फल्गुना ।
न यत्र नारायणपदपङ्कजस्मृतिः प्रमुष्टातिशयेन्द्रियोत्सवात् ॥
कल्पायुषां स्थानजयात्पुनर्भवात्क्षणायुषां भारतभूजयो वरम् ।
क्षणेन मर्त्येन कृतं मनस्विनः
संन्यस्य संयान्त्यभयं पदं हरेः ॥
न यत्र वैकुण्ठकथासुधापगा
न साधवो भागवतास्तदाश्रयाः ।
न यत्र यज्ञेशमखा महोत्सवाः
सुरेशलोकोऽपि न वै स सेव्यताम् ॥
प्राप्ता नृजातिं त्विह ये च जन्तवो
ज्ञानक्रियाद्रव्यकलापसम्भृताम् ।
न वै यतेरन्न पुनर्भवाय ते
भूयो वनौका इव यान्ति बन्धनम् ॥
Translation: The sages well-versed in the Veda & the residents of heaven thus say, " Oh ! What amount of good works have these people (born in Bhāratavarṣa) have done in their past lives, by which Hari Himself has become pleased with them (to shower His grace upon them) without performing any austeritires. We too desire to be born in this (holy) land of Bhāratavarṣa amongst these people with the desire to be able to serve Mukunda. Of what avail is of the performance of severe austerities, yajñas, vows, charitable acts & residence in heaven if they increase our desire for sensual pleasures & not the remembrance towards the lotus-feet of Nārāyaṇa ? It is better to be born as a short-lived person in this (holy) land of Bhāratavarṣa than to be born elsewhere with a lifespan of a kalpa. Those who in their short lifespan fearlessly devote to serving the feet of Hari are truly intellectuals. The land devoid of the nectarine glories of Vaikuṇṭha, presence of the saints & the devout, ceremonies & festivals devoted to Yajñeśvara shouldn't be resorted even if it were to be (as luxurious as) the residence of Indra. Inspite of being born as humans & endowed with the knowledge, potential & materials, those who don't takes steps to prevent being reborn are indeed (as dumb as) wild animals & get repeatedly entangled into various bondages. [Devībhāgavata Purāṇa:8:11:21.02-26]
If you ask that if the Hindu śāstras state Bhāratavarṣa is indeed THE HOLY LAND & devout Hindus living here are THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, then why they are suffering from poverty & dominated by non-believers, then the answer is -
नैकत्रवासो लक्ष्म्यास्तु भविष्यति कदाचन । क्षुद्रा सा चलचित्ता च मूर्खेषु च वसिष्यति ।। म्लेच्छेषु पार्वतीयेषु कुत्सिते कुत्सिते तथा। मूर्खेषु चावलिप्तेषु अभिशप्ते दुरात्मनि ।।
Translation: (Sāvitrī curses Lakṣmī for approving Brahmā's marriage with Gāyatrī) O Lakṣmī of wicked soul ! By my curse, you will never reside in one place, you will be mean, fickle-minded & will reside with the fools (i.e materialistic people who don't strive for liberation), the non-believers, the barbarians, those with an ugly disposition and the accursed ones. [Padma Purāṇa:1:17:169-170]
Such a curse detrimental for the believers is expected to be more prominent in this Kaliyuga.
If you are still tempted, then these verses are suggested
गङ्गातीरं परित्यज्य योऽन्यत्र वसते नरः । करस्थां सन्त्यजन्मुक्तिं सोऽन्वेषी नरकस्य तु ।। धन्य स देशो यत्रास्ति गङ्गा त्रैलोक्यपावनी । गङ्गाहीनस्तु यो देशो न प्रदेशं स गण्यते ।। गङ्गातीरे वरं भिक्षा वरं प्राणवियोजनं । नान्यत्रं पृथिवीपालत्वं नरः प्रार्थयेत् क्वचित् ।।
Translation: The man who abandoning the banks of the Gaṅgā, lives in any other place, is searching for hell after discarding liberation situated within his fists. Blessed is the country (of Bhāratavarṣa) where Gaṅgā, the sanctifior of the 3 worlds exist ! The country devoid of Gaṅga shouldn't be considered as a country (fit for residence of Hindus) at all. It is better to beg or even die living by the banks of the Gaṅgā, but (devout) men shouldn't even seek for sovereignty over other lands. [Mahābhāgavata Upapurāṇa:74:29-31]