Is blasphemy forgivable or not in hinduism for

A) Blasphemy by thoughts

B) Blasphemy by speech

C) Blasphemy by acts (intentional /unintentional)

I also want to know what's the possible way of atonement for the three?


3 Answers 3


The Purana texts do speak of Veda Ninda and Deva Ninda (Blasphemy) to be an unpardonable offence which is punished with hell/naraka in the afterlife.

Kurma Purana II.16

enter image description here

Markandeya Purana 14.44

enter image description here

  • If you clearly see" a brahmana who criticize vedas and devas ", now my question is . Is there punishment in hell for others but only brahmans(like no prayachhit for brahmins) but prayachhit for others??
    – user32378
    Commented Feb 6 at 10:06

Narada in Mahabharata severely criticizes people who don't worship Krishna -

'Those men that will not worship the lotus-eyed Krishna should be regarded as dead though moving, and should never be talked to on any occasion.'

  • Section XXXVIII, Rajasuyika Parva, Mahabharata.
  • Not worshipping a God isn't the same as blasphemy though.
    – user32423
    Commented Feb 6 at 9:46
  • @Chatuskoti - Here Narada said this in the context of Shishupala insulting Krishna. So Narada probably do mean Blasphemy here. Commented Feb 6 at 9:54

I saw the answer that gives verses on blasphemy. That answer is supplemented by the concept of offense against the divine name 'namaparadha' in one Vaishnava school.

According to Chaitanya's system, the Divine Name must be repeated faultlessly in order to bear immediate fruit. This conception of namaparadha - faults committed in taking the Name, is peculiar to this school. They have been listed as ten: (1) disparaging genuine devotees, (2) regarding God as absolutely different from His names, form, qualities, etc., or as equal to lesser gods, (3) disregarding the spiritual preceptor, (4) speaking too lightly or contemptuously of sacred scriptures, (5) considering the glory of the Divine Name mentioned in the scriptures as mere eulogy, (6) considering the Divine Name to be imaginary, (7) committing sins repeatedly and intentionally on the strength of the Divine Name, (8) regarding the repetition of the Divine Name as equal to other religious practices, (9) imparting it to unworthy persons, (10) lacking taste for the chanting or hearing the Divine Name even after hearing of its excellences. These faults, however, can be rectified by chanting the Divine Name. As the Padma Purana puts it:

The sin of those who commit offense to the Divine Name is remedied by the Name alone, and it bears that fruit if taken constantly.

Meditation and other Spiritual Disciplines by Swami Swahananda

  • I have doubt like passages from Swami Swahananda, vivekanand ,nikhilanand etc. Are used in answer but they are not scripture then why answers are given by them??
    – user32378
    Commented Feb 6 at 8:18
  • The rules of this website allow such an answer. Commented Feb 6 at 10:00

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