Mandara, One of the sons of Hiranyakashipu became impervious to Vishnu's Sudarshana chakra due to Shiva's boon.
He who took his birth as the Danava named Hiranyakashipu, whose
strength was so great that he could shake the very mountains of Meru,
succeeded in obtaining from Mahadeva the puissance belonging to all
the deities and enjoyed it for ten millions of years. He who was the
foremost of all his sons and who was celebrated by the name of
Mandara, succeeded, through the boon he had obtained from Mahadeva, in
fighting Sakra for a million of years. The terrible discus of Vishnu
and the thunderbolt of Indra were both unable to make the slightest
impression, O Kesava, in days of yore, upon the body of that great
cause of universal affliction. The discus which thou bearest, O
sinless one, was given unto thee by Mahadeva after he had slain a
Daitya that was proud of his strength and used to live within the
waters. That discus, blazing with energy and like unto fire, was
created by the great god having for his device the bull. Wonderful and
irresistible in energy it was given unto thee by that illustrious god.
In consequence of its blazing energy it was incapable of being gazed
at by any person save Siva the wielder of Pinaka. It was for this
reason that Bhava (Siva) bestowed upon it the name of Sudarsana.
From that time the name Sudarsana came to be current in all the worlds. Even the weapon, O Kesava, failed to make the slightest
impression on the body of Hiranyakashipu's son Mandara, that appeared
like an evil planet in the three worlds. Hundreds of Chakras like
thine and thunderbolts like that of Sakra, could not inflict a scratch
on the body of that evil planet endued with great might, who had
obtained a boon from Mahadeva
The Mahabharata Book 13: Anusasana Parva - SECTION XIV
Tarakasura withstood Vishnu's chakra due to Brahma's boon as per Matsya Purana 153.199-201. In the below anecdote, Vishnu hurls his chakra at the demon's chest , but it simply shatters due to the effects of the boon.