What are the specific benefits and the good qualities that are bestowed upon when one regularly chants the Sahasranama of goddess Saraswati? Please provide the source of reference . Thank you.
1 Answer
The benefits are as follows:
The above are the thousand sacred names of Maha Saraswati Devi. These Names are filled with mantras which are of confidential meaning constituting the quintessence of invaluable knowledge, wisdom and discernment that Maha Saraswati is all about. (1)
Those who accomplish full reading and hearing of the Devi's names three times a day are indeed bestowed the best of everything.They are blessed high with complete fulfilment of achieving unique Vidyas most certainly(2).
He will gain wealth and prosperity in full along with sons and grand sons. Even the dumb, mute and wreched human beings once exposed to the Sahasra naama of Saraswati would be eligible to excellence in the domains of Knowledge by the grace of Chaturmukha (3).
All those absorbed in this Sahasranamaa shall indeed get closer to Devi. This Sahasranama is a concentrate of Sarva Mantras and is the conferrer of Sarva Vidyas (4).
This Highly Confidential Sahasra naama of Devi Vani naama is the most apropriate and rewarding to persons of my minimal standing and average intellect in all respects.(6).
Note: Partial only, fifth verse and part of sixth verse is not fully translated.