What you call real i.e. this world is a dream, but what you call dream/myth i.e. soul is real.
Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya - Vivekachudamani
Soul is the real self, not the body which will be destroyed by death and so does the mind's temporary ego of current body with it. Hence, Aryans perform the shraddas for dead person's soul finding rest from its ego of current body and accepted Sanyass in old age. The entire spirituality, Vedas, Dharma, Moksha and religion are for the soul and from the soul. Soul/God is seeked by only those who can see and fear the unfailing death of body with their strong intellect(trait that differs man from animals) like ancient sages like King Parikshit, Markendaya, Gautam Buddha etc.,
Uttara Geeta Chapter 2
- Although the cows may be of different colours,but the colour of their milk is one and the same; even so in the case of the Jîva, the
bodies may look different, but the Atman is one and the same in all.
- Food, sleep, fear, and sexual desire men have in common with brutes; it is the addition of knowledge (i.e., the faculty of
knowledge of Buddhi) only that makes him a man; if, therefore, he is
devoid of this he is but equal to a brute.
- In the morning a man performs the necessities of life, in the middle of the day he fills his stomach with food, in the evening he
satisfies the cravings of his sexual desire, and afterwards falls into
the embraces of deep sleep- such is the case with the beasts also. 43
& 44. That hundred millions of Jîva and thousands of Nãda-Bindus are
constantly destroyed and absorbed in that AllPurity, therefore the
firm conviction that "I am Brahman" is known to be the only cause of
Moksa for Great Souls (Mahãtma).
- Two words bind and liberate the Jîvas respectively, the firm belief of "I" and "mine" (Mama) holds fast and binds the Jîva down,
and the absence or want of the same (Nirmama) liberates him from all
- When the Mind becomes free from all desires and passions, then only the idea of duality ceases. When there arises that state of
Advaita feeling (al in One and One in all), there dwell the supreme
Feet of the Brahman.
As an hungry person imply wastes his energy in vain when he strikes the air with blows for food, so also a reader of the Vedas and
others Sãstras simply wastes his time and energy, if, notwithstanding
his study, he fails to realize that "I am Brahman".
Sãstras are innumerable, and again it takes a long time to understand their real meaning (even if one succeeds in going through
them); life is short, but the obstacles are many; therefore the
intelligent should only take the real meaning of them as a Hamsa
(swan) separates the milk only out of milk-mixed water.
The Purãnas, the Bhãrata, the Vedas, and various other Sãstras, wife, children, and family are simply so many obstacles on the path of
Dost thou desire to know all by thy own experience - that this is knowledge, and that is worth knowing, etc., - then thou shalt fail to
know the end of the Sãstras even if thine age be over a thousand
- Considering life to be very impermanent, try to know only the indestructible Sat, give up the unnecessary reading of books, and
worship Truth.
Out of all the beautiful objects that exist in this world, most are intended either to please the tongue or give pleasures to sex: if you
can relinquish the pleasures of both these,then where is the necessity
of this world for you.
The sacred rivers after all are but waters and the idols worshipped are nothing but either stones,metals, or earth. Yogis go neither to
the former nor worship the latter, because within themselves exist all
sacred places and the synthesis of all idols.
- Agni or Fire is the god of the twice-born who are given to sacrifice; the Munis call the Atman within them their god, the less
intelligent portion worship the idols, but the Yogis see Brahman
equally everywhere - both in the fire, within themselves, in idols,
and all around.
- As a blind man cannot see the sun although it lightens the whole world, so those blind of knowledge, or the spiritually blind, also
cannot perceive the Omnipresent Eternal Peace that encompasses the
whole universe.
- Wherever the Mind (of a Tattvajnãnin) goes, it sees the Paramãtman there because all and everything is full with the One Brahman.
- As the serene bright sky is observable with all its panorama of forms, names, and colours, so he who is able to realize the idea that
"I am Brahman" - in spite of all forms, names, and colours - alone can
see the eternal Paramãtman actually
Animals-insects lack intellect(long term memory) and dont have fear of death and dont worship God despite seeing death all around, so does majority people of Tamsik Kaliyuga, age of darkness rather they deny existence of God and barbarians worship their bodies as soul and preserve them in graves.
Bhaj Govindam by Adi Shankarcharya
mudha jahiihi dhanaagamatrishhnaam kuru sadbuddhim manasi vitrishhnaam
yallabhase nijakarmopaattam vittam tena vinodaya chittam
O Mindless fool, discard thy greed for amassing lucre And turn thy
mind on the real, devoid of passion Accept thy past karmic actions, as
thy anchor And satiate thy mind , accepting Reality , free of rancor
nnaliniidalagata jalamatitaralam tadvajjiivitamatishayachapalam viddhi
vyaadhyabhimaanagrastam lokam shokahatam cha samastam
Life is ever changing,transitory and uncertain As a dancing droplet on
a lotus leaf Know, this world is prey to disease and conceit In
constant sorrow and grief, so replete
yaavadvittopaarjana saktah staavannija parivaaro raktah
pashchaajjiivati jarjara dehe vaartaam koapi na prichchhati gehe
While you earn and support your family's welfare You get their love
and solicitous good wishes But when with old age and infirmity, your
body withers your kin do not have for you, even a word to spare
yaavatpavano nivasati dehe taavatprichchhati kushalam gehe gatavati
vaayau dehaapaaye bhaaryaa bibhyati tasminkaaye
While one lives, and contacts abound Solicitous kin, inquire to thy
good health and well being But, when the soul departs, and death
knells sound The sight of thy corpse, sees even your wife fleeing
baalastaavatkriidaasaktah tarunastaavattaruniisaktah
vriddhastaavachchintaasaktah pare brahmani koapi na saktah The child
is lost in the playground of childhood Youth is lost in the attachment
of woman The old are in their own pasts enmeshed Alas, there are none
left to be one with the Brahman
kaate kaantaa kaste putrah samsaaro.ayamatiiva vichitrah kasya tvam
kah kuta aayaatah tattvam chintaya tadiha bhraatah
The real mysteries of life, need answers Who is thy wife, thy son,
from whence didst thou arrive ? Delve into these questions as your
salvation's anchors Through these endless cycles of birth and death,
to derive
satsangatve nissngatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam nirmohatve
nishchalatattvam nishcalatattve jiivanmuktih
From the bonding( Sat Sangha) of good friends Does one achieve
enlightened detachment From this detachment comes freedom from
delusion From this freedom comes self settled peace From this peace
comes Jivan Mukti, the release of the soul
Asuras buddhis like Ravana and Hiranyakashyapa tried to make their material body immortal in ego but failed because matter is inert but the spirit is already immortal. The desire to become immortal, beautiful and Omnipotent in every individual comes from the God's soul in all but they work all their life on temporary body in ignorance failing to worship God, the cause of all. Only surrender of ego and Oneness/Yoga with Cosmic consciousness/Paramatma can lead to immortality, peace and real happiness.
asato ma sadgamaya tamaso ma jyotirgamayamrtyorma amrtam gamaya om
shanti shanti shanti.
Lead me from the asat to the sat, Lead me from darkness to light.Lead
me from death to immortality, Om Peace Peace Peace. (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad — I.iii.28)