The Alwars (also spelled Azhwars) are a group of 12 ancient Vaishnava saints who lived in Tamil Nadu and are famous for their poetry in praise of Vishnu. The 4000 verses of the Alwars were compiled by the Vaishnava Acharya Nathamuni into a book called the Naalayira Divya Prabhandam, which is considered by many to be the "Dravida Veda", or South Indian Veda. The Alwars are crucially important figures in the history of Vaishnavism; it is the principles and beliefs embodied in the Alwars' poems that Nathamuni used to found what we now call the Sri Vaishnava sect (of which I'm a member).
Now the Alwars are believed to be incarnations of various attendants and attributes of Vishnu; for instance the Alwar Nammalwar is considered an incarnation of Vishwaksena, the general of Vishnu's army. But the early Sri Vaishnava Acharyas are also considered to be incarnations of gods, as described in this website:
Gajaananar is a nityasuri in Sri Vaikuntham who is an assistant of Vishwaksenar along with Kumudan, KumudAkshar and Harivaktrar.
Gajaananar took avataaram as Nathamuni
Kumudan took avataaram as Uyyakondar
Kumudaakshar took avataaram as Manakaal Nambi and
Harivakktrar took avataaram as Yamunacharya
As you can see, Nathamuni is believed to be an incarnation of Gajanana, an elephant-headed god who is an attendant of Vishnu's general Vishwaksena. My question is, is this Gajanana the same as Shiva's son Ganesha?
In most Hindu temples, there is a statue of Ganesha in the front, because he is the remover of obstacles. But in very conservative Sri Vaishnava temples, this is replaced by a statue of Gajanana (called Tumbikkai Alwar in Tamil). Similarly, while most Hindus have Ganesha in mind when they say "Suklambharadaram Vishnum...", a lot of Sri Vaishnavas consider it to be a prayer to Vishwaksena.
So there seems to be at least some connection between Ganesha and Vishwaksena's attendant Gajanana, insofar as they play similar roles. But are there any scriptures or works by Sri Vaishnava Acharyas which say whether the two figures are the same or different?