The Tamil TV serial "Ramanujar" is about the life story of Ramanujacharya, the most famous Acharya of the Sri Vaishnava sect (of which I'm a member). (You can watch past episodes here; it's a great show.) In one recent episode, Ramanujacharya as a boy is learning the Vedas from his father when his father mentions that the Vedas begin with the Pranava, i.e. the word Om, which is made of the letters A, U, and M. Ramanunacharya responds that the first three lines of Nammalwar's Thiruvaimozhi also begin with the letters A, U, and M.
For those who don't know, the Alwars are a group of 12 ancient Vaishnava saints who lived in Tamil Nadu and are famous for their poetry in praise of Vishnu. The Alwars are crucially important figures in the history of Vaishnavism, it is the beliefs and principles embodied in the Alwars' poems that gave his rise to the Sri Vaishnava sect.
Now as I discuss in this answer, one of the most famous Alwars was Nammalwar, who spent his life under a banyan tree. The collection of his poems, the Thiruvaimozhi, is often called the "Dravida Veda", or South Indian Veda. Here's the first verse of the Thiruvaimozhi:
Uyarvu aRa uyar nalam udaiyavan yavan avan
Mayarvu aRa madhi nalam aruLinan yavan avan
Ayarvu aRum amarargaL athipathi yavan avan
thuyaraRu sudar adi thozhuthezhu enmananE!
Higher than the highest good - it's posessor - who He
Remover of ignorance, giver of true knowledge, and grace - who He
Remebering always -the liberated souls- their Supreme Lord - who He
The Dispeller of sadness, with luminous feet: prostrate before them and get uplifted - Oh my mind
As you can see, the first letters of the first three lines can be rearranged to spell out AUM.
So my question is, does the first verse of Nammalwar's Thriuvaimozhi intentionally spell out AUM as the TV serial suggests, or is it just a coincidence?
This web page contains information from a lot of different commentaries on the Thiruvaimozhi, but it doesn't mention this fact. Are there any other commentaries or works by Sri Vaishnava Acharyas which say that the verse spells out AUM?