If we surrender ourselves to the Supreme God (whichever name you call him, Aum, Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahman, ...), then all sins are virtually removed; i.e. we are kept away from its effects of those fruits. Same thing happens for good deeds as well. :-)
BG 18.66
sarva-dharmān parityajya
mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo
mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ
Abandon all varieties of Dharma and just surrender unto Me. I shall
deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.
If you worry about the past actions, then remember that, you were just a reason of something happened as a part of the grand story of God.
A person who forfeits the fruits of all his actions will be out of this illusion or the projection of the world and hence need not worry about any kind of deeds.
IMO, though your body or senses might be bearing all the good/bad fruits of your actions, your Atman will be plugged into the Param-Atman and hence you won't be able to make a difference between the senses of Happiness and Sorrow.
BG 2.56, 2.57
— One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold miseries or
elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear
and anger, is called a sage of steady mind.
— In the material world, one who is unaffected by whatever good or evil
he may obtain, neither praising it nor despising it, is firmly fixed in
perfect knowledge.
If one makes a practice of renouncing the fruits of own actions and always concentrated on the supreme soul, then after the death he/she is destined to be liberated from all the worldly miseries in form of happiness & sorrow.
BG 8.5, 8.6
— And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his body remembering Me
alone at once attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt.
— Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, O son
of Kuntī, that state he will attain without fail.