I recently came across a WhatsApp message which showed that there is a temple in Indore, India called Shri Shri Vidya Dham which is the only temple that has idols of full family of Lord Ganesha. Full family here means:
- Lord Ganesha
- His 5 wives, ie, Riddhi, Siddhi, Tushti, Pushti and Shri
- 2 sons, ie, Shubh and Laabh
- 2 grandsons, ie, Aamod and Pramod
Here is a picture of the temple:
I have already heard and read about Lord Ganesha's wife Riddhi and Siddhi and His sons Shubh and Laabh, but I have not heard of Tushti, Pushti, Aamod and Pramod. I wanted to ask whether we have any scriptural reference for them and any stories about them like who were these ladies and how did they got married to Lord Ganesha. Also did they along with Aamod and Pramod have any roles/responsibilities.