As I discuss in this question, by far the most popular school of Hindu philosophy is the Vedanta school. But there are five other Astika or orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy: Purva Mimamsa, Samkhya, Yoga, Vaisheshika, and Nyaya. My question is about Vaisheshika, according to which atoms are the cause of the Universe. The defining text of the Vaikeshika school is the Vaisheshika Sutras, composed by the sage Kanada Kashyapa.
In any case, in Adhyaya 2 Pada 1 Sutra 5 of the Vaisheshika Sutras, Kanada argues that Ether, the substance that the sky is made of, does not possess color or the other sensory attributes that other elements possess. Now in this excerpt from his commentary on the Vaisheshika Sutras, Shankara Misra answers the objection that the sky appears to possess color:
If it be asked, "How does the perception arise that Ether is as white as curd?" we reply that it is due to the impression created by the perception of the white coloura of the rays of the sun. If it be asked "How then does the perception that Ether is blue?" we reply that it is due to the impression created in the minds of the observers who are looking at the radiance of the emerald peak lying largely extended over the south side of Sumeru mountain. It has been opined that it is due to the impression created by the eye when after traveling to a long distance it turns back and reaches its own pupil. This is not a sound opinion, because those who possess jaundiced eyes also have such impressions.
So Shankara Misra discusses two potential explanations for why the sky appears blue:
It's the blue glow of the emerald peak of Mount Meru
It's just the eye seeing a reflection of itself
Now Shankara Misra accepts the first explanation and rejects the second, but my question is, does Hindu scripture offer any other explanations for why the sky is blue? Or is this the only text that mentions this subject?
Note that, keeping with the rules of the site, I do not want people to engage in scientific speculation. I just want factual references like "the Vishnu Purana says the sky is blue because...", not attempts to show that Hindu scriptures have prefigured some modern scientific theory.
EDIT: The Yoga Bhashya, the commentary on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras attributed to Vyasa, gives the same Meru explanation:
[Sumeru's] peaks are or silver, coral, crystal, gold and jewels. There the Southern portion of the sky being colored by the radiance of emerald, is blue like the leaf of blue lotus.
Note that Jambudvipa is to the south of Mount Meru, so assuming Jambudvipa is all of Earth the southern portion would cover the whole sky. In any case, this is all the more indication that the Meru explanation might be mentioned somewhere in Hindu scripture.