Linked Questions

29 votes
8 answers

Why did Sri Rama banish Lady Sita when he was a witness of her fire-test himself?

Sri Rama was a great and just king of Ayodhya. There were some rumors reported by his subjects against the purity of Lady Sita. So, as per the Raja Dharma, Rama had to banish Sita. But was it against ...
doptimusprime's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Weapon with which Rama killed Ravana

In the Ramayana war, Rama killed Ravana with a weapon given to him by sage Vasishtha. What was the name of the weapon?
Indu Bhusan Nath's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Is the story of Sita's banishment present in any scriptures other than Valmiki Ramayana?

The story of Mother Sita's banishment by Sri Rama present in the Uttara Khanda of the Valmiki Ramayana, is perhaps the most controversial part of Sri Rama's story. Many Hindu acharyas such as Swami ...
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9 votes
3 answers

Why do women not wear Yagnopaveetham (Janeu or Poonal)?

In this question it is said that the three strands of the poonal signify the debts to parents, teachers and sages. If so, aren't these debts also meant for women? Why is it that women do not wear ...
Bravo's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

What is the real concept of brahmacharya?

What is the real concept of brahmacharya as per vedas or Hindu scriptures ? Is it about remaining bachelor or about celibate? Or is it abstaining from inter course? Or controlling desires? Or ...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What are the curses given to Ravana?

Ravana did many adharmas and got curses which let to the entire destruction of the asura race and him. QUESTION : How many curses were given to ravana and what were the reasons for giving them to ...
Sakthi's user avatar
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4 answers

Did Lord Rama win as a king but fail as a husband? Why or why not?

Rama was full of different aspects of his life, such as son, friend, brother, king but I feel that he has spread like a husband because who left his pregnant wife after listening to a washer man ...
Udhav Sarvaiya's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is the significance of Marriage as per Sanatana dharma?

Firstly would like to know the Deeper significance of a Marriage. Few enlightened souls tell no need to marry(adopt sanyasa ashram) to achieve God but few others do tell Gruhastha ashrama is the one ...
mano's user avatar
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Are there any instances in scriptures of husband & wife separated AND remarried, because of reasons accepted by shastras?

In this question about remarriage, the reasons for a husband leaving a wife, or a wife leaving a husband, are listed. Are there any actual examples in Smriti of this happening - where husband ...
ram's user avatar
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1 answer

Why did Bhagwan Ram abandon Mata Sita?

It is commonly known that Bhagwan Ram abadoned Mata Sita after returing to Ayodhya. And she had to live in forest. I want to know the exact details as to why Ram abandoned Sita. What did Ram say to ...
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