Linked Questions

2 votes
1 answer

What do the terms "Sanchit Karma" and "Prarabdha", mean?

What do the terms "Sanchit Karma" and "Prarabdha", mean?
87 votes
6 answers

Is our destiny predetermined? If yes, then why do our actions affect our karma?

Is our destiny predetermined? I've read some stories which do show that a person's destiny is predetermined, like: pathi pragrahiṇaṁ kaṁsam ābhāṣyāhāśarīra-vāk asyās tvām aṣṭamo garbho hantā yāṁ ...
6 votes
1 answer

Does Prarabdha karma determine one's spouse?

One's parents are decided by karma. But what about one's spouse? Is this also predetermined by Prarabdha? The suggested question does not answer my question. Mine is specific to spouse. Is one's ...
24 votes
6 answers

Does rebirth or reincarnation occur in Hinduism?

How is the concept of rebirth or reincarnation handled in Hinduism? Does it occur? Will everyone be reborn? Are people always reborn as people?
7 votes
1 answer

How human age is related to number of breaths?

Is it true that brahma assigns certain number of breaths to each creature based on karma? Why it's breaths count and not time?
0 votes
0 answers

Is it true that whatever happens to us is due to karma and karma only? [duplicate]

Whatever good or bad happens to us is due to our own karma only, Or there is a another think in play ?
1 vote
0 answers

How does law of karma work?

If I do seriously bad karma against other guy, I will obtain result of it. But my question is what will happen to other guy why should he suffer from me. Had he done previously bad karma so is he ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why do we have to wait till next life to reap what we sow?

I wonder if there are any scriptural references or slokas that tell us why the fruits of our actions are faced by us in our next life as any jiva or as a human, and why not in this life itself?
12 votes
5 answers

Karma & Rebirth: If you're too attached to your pet and are reborn as that pet, what happens to your karma?

According to Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam a.k.a Bhāgavata Purāṇa, King Bharata a.k.a Jaḍa Bharata was reborn as a deer at some point because he was too attached to the deer which he adopted when it was still ...
6 votes
1 answer

When does Sanchitha Karma becomes Praarabdha Karma? What decides its transformation?

There are three karmas: Sanchitha, Praarabdha and Aagaami. It is my understanding that how and where we are born and other things happen in a particular life is based on the Praarabdha Karmas, which ...
7 votes
1 answer

After a plant dies, will its atma get a human birth directly? [duplicate]

All plants are harmless and they won't be doing any sin during their plant birth. Then what determines which birth they are going to take up in their next janma?
9 votes
1 answer

Punishment for sins or rewards for good deeds in previous births, but how do we know?

I have heard that, normally, as we go on committing sins, we earn ourselves multiple births, sometimes as humans and other times as other living beings. But say someone is born as some being other ...
22 votes
4 answers

How exactly does karma work?

I've heard tales where if you're bad, you are re-incarnated as a bug or something. I'm sure there is more to it than this - can someone clear it up?
17 votes
2 answers

Are new souls created? [duplicate]

According to Hinduism, Reincarnation (Rebirth) does occur, but it is somewhat related to Karma. Also, I felt that Human is ultimate species in Hinduism, so now the question arises that does god create ...
2 votes
1 answer

Accumulation and dispensation of Karma

My question is related to accumulation of karma in different aspects and situations. If I stop myself from doing bad karma then is it treated as good karma? E.g., If there's an urge in me to tease ...