Linked Questions

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Who are the parents of Lord Shiva? [duplicate]

Once upon a time, a saint asked this question to Lord Shiva: "Who is your father, Lord?". Lord Shiva replied that Brahma is his father. So who is the mother? “Who is your grandfather?” ....
CR241's user avatar
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Which scripture says Shiva first created Brahma-Vishnu and delegated rest of the creation to them? [duplicate]

I watched a serial that narrates how Shiva created Vishnu and Brahma to create and save Earth and all the souls. I have not read this in any of the scriptures but could someone point me to the source ...
ssr1012's user avatar
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What is the history of Brahma's birth? [duplicate]

I am looking for details about Brahma's birth, his parents etc. I have never heard about it. can any one explain real detail about it,.
Aditya Vyas-Lakhan's user avatar
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Are Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh seperate or just different forms of Brahman? [duplicate]

Are Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh present or these are just different forms taken by Brahman as per the action that needed to be performed?
Rishabh's user avatar
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Parents of Maha Vishnu [duplicate]

This question was asked by my 8 year old son-- Who are the parents of Mahavishnu? He further added to put this question in stack exchange. Although I told him that Lord Vishnu manisfests himself he is ...
Parthasarathy Raghavan's user avatar
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Is there any support in the vedas for the theory that all 3 gods are the same? [duplicate]

Great acharyas like Ramanujacharya have stated that Lord Narayana is the supreme being and other gods like Brahma and Shiva occupy subordinate positions. Yet many common people believe that all 3 gods ...
user15740's user avatar
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Who is the biggest god in hinduism? [duplicate]

Who is the biggest god in hinduism? I mean the god who is not created by other god or the god who exist before all of other gods? The purpose to ask this question is to identify the the biggest ...
sugunan's user avatar
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Mahadeva/Shiva's origin [duplicate]

I read Brahma originated from of Narayana's naval lotus. How did Shiva originate? He was there to marry Daksha's daughter; he was made lord of Rudras. Interested to learn about his birth/origin.
Kanthri's user avatar
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Who has created Trimurti? Adishakthi or Brahman? [duplicate]

In my childhood, I heard a myth that Goddess Adishakthi created Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu (I am familiar with this myth). But now I am listening new myth such as Brahman is the one who made Shiva, ...
Avis's user avatar
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Is Shiva self manifested or born? And if born who were His Parents? [duplicate]

Srimad Bhagavat Mahapurana in the Third Canto Chapter VIII narrates the tale of Creation / Birth of Brahma. However I have found no reference there in to the birth / creation of Shiva. The detailed ...
Suresh Ramaswamy's user avatar
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Some questions on Sri Vishnu ji .. [duplicate]

1) Who or what created Vishnu ji ? If brahma has come from a lotus of his navel, then what is the origin of vishnu ? ofcourse the vaishnavs will say Vishnu is parbrahm , so he is without any origin. ...
Curious Seeker's user avatar
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How was Bhagwan Shiva born? [duplicate]

It is being said that Shiva is the father of Vishnu, Vishnu is the father of Brahma and Brahma is the father of Shiva. I want to know how did Brahma give birth to Shiva ?
river's user avatar
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How did Lord Shiv came to the world [duplicate]

I want to know that how did Lord Shiv, Lord Brahma & Lord Vishnu came to the world, before them, what was present ?
Rohan's user avatar
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Who has created whom out of the following 3: Bramha, Vishnu, Shiva? [duplicate]

Who has created whom out of the following 3: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva? I found conflicting texts in different books.
Ashok Kumar's user avatar
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Who came first among our supreme gods [duplicate]

Actually i have seen in many references about the first god but always answer is not clear..... I want to know that among the three supreme gods shiv vishnu brahma and also goddess durga ...
Amit Rana's user avatar
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