Linked Questions

10 votes
5 answers

Why has God created material system/universe?

Was He not satisfied with His Transcendental worlds? Why He manifested (tranformed into gross and subtle components) His illusionary material potency "maya", somewhat a punishment based system of ...
user30612's user avatar
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Why does god exist? [duplicate]

If god exists, then for what reason and why does he exist? Is it that he exists only for creation and destruction? What does he get by doing so? Why doesn't he appears when someone calls to him? Is ...
Kailash Chandra Polai's user avatar
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Why did god create humans according to hinduism? [duplicate]

What the reason god thought, for creating humans. I mean here was no requirement for god to create humans. God could have created just microrganism plants and few animals. But why did god create ...
Amruth A's user avatar
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3 answers

Did our scriptures mention any avatar that Parabrahma has taken?

We know Lord Vishnu's avatars and we mostly have knowledge of different forms of deities and their leela. But does our scriptures have any accounts of avatars of Parabrahma?
Agamas Tantras's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do the Vedas teach that Brahman is a conscious being?

Do the Vedas speak of Brahman as a being that is able to think and perform actions? Or is Brahman more like an inanimate thing, except immaterial?
user3776022's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why do Atma and Parmatma split if they are one after all?

As per Advaita philosophy, the ultimate goal of an Atma is to merge into its source, the Parmatma just like drops of water merge into the ocean but my question is how and why do Atma and Parmatma ...
Sanatani's user avatar
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Why did god create bad people?

I want to praise and appreciate god I want to serve and be devoted to god but bad people start to make me even doubt the existence of god. I cant really fully devote myself to god because of these ...
Shiv's user avatar
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is Kashmir Shaivism/Shakti advaita logically coherent?

The premises of these two schools (Kashmir Shaivism and Sri Vidya and kaula shaktism) are essentially the same: the infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, perfect consciousness limits itself to become the ...
Ben Arroyo's user avatar
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Why we are here [duplicate]

In this world everything temporary, not only things, human beings, other beings but also world itself, why do we born and die, die and born. What's this universal structure, why this entire ...
Saisiva A's user avatar
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What kind of experiences does god want to share?

I have read in HSE that God created this world to share His experiences. However not everyone gets the same experience. Some are rich while others are poor. Some are happy while others are sad. There ...
Shiv's user avatar
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