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Questions tagged [advaita]

Literally non-duality; a school of the Vedanta philosophy that declares the oneness of God, soul, and the universe.

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Resource Request: Copies of the various biographies of Shri Adi Sankaracharya

I am interested in learning about the various biographies of Shri Adi Shankaracharya. My interest sprouted when I was reading about the traditional and historical views of the Acharya in this link. ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Is the non dual realisation same as the experience we gain after taking psychedelic drugs?

Psychedelic drugs are those drugs after intaking them can distort the sense of reality within minutes. Some of the psychedelic drugs are Dimethyltryptamine and magic mushroom. After consuming them, we ...
Crackling Cyclone's user avatar
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Is this counterargument to the claim that "Adi Sankara was a Vaishnavite" correct?

There is a semi-legendary biography of him in which he was supposedly saved by Narasimha from a Kapalika. He is alleged to have composed "Bhaja Govindam" and other devotional works to ...
S K's user avatar
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What is the difference between the Vedantic philosophies of Advaita, Vishista Adwaita, Dwaita, Shudh Adwaita and BhedAbhed?

The prominent philosophies of spiritual practice includes the Adwaita of Adi Sankracharya, Vishista Adwaita of Ramanujacharya, Dwaita of Madhavacharya, Shudha Advaita of Vallabhacharya and BhedAbhed ...
Aditya Mishra's user avatar
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Does Advaitins have any Victory stories?

The Madhwa Brahmins claim that they have won over advaita and they show there yatis debated with advaita scholars and won. What about advaitis does they debated with Madhwas and won the debate ? (...
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Should one try to understand the reality/knowledge of atman using logic/reasoning or not?

अतो विचारः कर्तव्यो जिज्ञासोरात्मवस्तुनः । समासाद्य दयासिन्धुं गुरुं ब्रह्मविदुत्तमम् ॥ १५ ॥ Hence the seeker after the Reality of the Ātman should take to reasoning, after duly approaching the Guru –...
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Refuting 'Sa Atma Atat Tvam Asi' of Madhava: Paingala Upanishad

In his commentary, Madhava very ingeniously uses rules of grammar to twist 'Sa atmaatatvamasi' to 'Sa atma atat twam asi'. Here Atmatatvam asi, the a is bifurcated to a+a. This is actually fine with ...
Samridh Joshi's user avatar
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Rama's question to Hanuman and his reply [duplicate]

When where and why ( context ) did Rama ask him when Hanuman replied to him thus: Deha Budhhya thadasoham, Jeeva Budhhya thadamsakah, Athmabudhhya thwamevaham,ithyenam mamanischayaha ?
Narasimham's user avatar
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Why is there so much condemnation of Advaita and Liberation in certain Gaudiya Texts

One can find the oft quoted statement from Chaitanya Charitamrita, "listening to mayavadi(advaitic) commentary will lead to ruin" and the same preceded by "those who preach or believe ...
Samridh Joshi's user avatar
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What is wrong with samsara and dukkha from the perspective of advaita philosophy?

To my understanding, most Āstika schools of Hinduism view dukkha (suffering) and samsara (the cycle of life and death) as something bad, from which one should strive to be liberated (Moksha). This is ...
Ruben's user avatar
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What lead Shri Madhusudhan Saraswati to accept Advaita Vedanta?

Shri Madhusudhan Saraswati, a Vaishnava by birth was a great devotee of Lord Krishna. He once went out to meet Chaitanya Mahaprabhu but en route switched over to Advaita Vedanta. What happen during ...
Vedant Singh's user avatar
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Question in the Activities of Brahman

According to Shri Adi Shankaracharya's Advaita vedanta the Saguna Brahman of prativasika satya is the active God who creates, protects, and destroys the cosmos. Saguna Brahman is therefore active. His ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Six Darshanas and their means of reason and authenticity of Dharmasutra, Dharmashastras and Nitishastra

I am looking out how mainly the 6 Darshanas, but especially Advaita viewed Dharmasutra, Dharmashastras, and Nitishastra and how to interpret them in the constant change of the world. Traditional ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Will I be unable to unite with the Lord Krishna if I follow Advaitic teachings?

I have been tortured by this dilemma for quite a while now. On the one hand, I feel intellectually drawn to Advaita Vedanta. I read and deliberate routinely on Ramana Maharshi's teachings. On the ...
VinceWizd's user avatar
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What is 'ḍukr̥ṅkaraṇ'?

In the Moha Mudgara stotra by Shankaracharya, the sage advices an old man practising the rules of Paninian grammar in the streets of Varanasi to let go of all this, and worship Krishna. His advice is ...
swift_truth's user avatar
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What's the logic behind the definition of unreal in advaita vedanta?

From what I have studied, unreal in advaita vedanta is defined as something on which any of the following limitations applies: Limitation in space: It exists here but not there or vice versa. ...
tinkerer's user avatar
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Doesn't this make brahman limited?

If I am brahman, the unchanging reality, the absolute truth and I am the one without a second then why does this world appears to exist? Now one may give an analogy of snake and rope to answer this. ...
tinkerer's user avatar
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How Does Shri Madhvacharya interpret the following

Consider the following translation from the Bhagavat Purana: आत्मनश्च परस्यापि यः करोत्यन्तरोदरम् । तस्य भिन्नदृशो मृत्युः विदधे भयमुल्बणम् ॥ २६ ॥ If a person makes even a slight difference between ...
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Procedure of panchayatana puja

Ik of the stones used and the placement according to ur ishta and that dwijas can use vedic suktas but what is the procedure for non dwijas? Should they use stotras/other mantras? And what is the ...
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Alternative to Naam Japa

I used to do Naam Japa in the past but since I have come to know about Advaita this practice is unacceptable to my mind. I can't find it logical. Though I have experienced it's mind purifying benefits ...
Sudhir Sharma's user avatar
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Smarta Puranas in Hinduism

Is their any Purana which equally praises all deities and explains Smarta worship? If so please provide refrence to how so.
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Is there an Advaitan text which explains the relationship of different aspects of the absolute reality

Is there any explanation of the relationship between Brahman, Ishvara, Atmans, and Prakriti in this world? Obviously, we are all within Nirguna Brahman, but details in regards to these aspects also ...
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Do deities such as Rama, Krishna , Shiva etc exist in Advaita Vedanta?

I see that a lot of followers of Advaita Vedanta say that praying doesn't make sense since 'I' myself am Brahman. But the Swami they often refer to, Swami Tatmananda (Arsha Bodha) says otherwise. He ...
Vedant Singh's user avatar
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What is the origin of the phrase "देशकालवस्तुपरिच्छेदशून्यम्"?

Phrase "देशकालवस्तुपरिच्छेदशून्यम्" is used in many Advaita vedanta lectures. In which scripture it has its origin?
Tattvamasmi Salty Doll's user avatar
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How do Advaitins respond to the Vishishtadvaitic argument that attaining the state of Kaivalya does not lead to liberation?

In this Vishishtadvaitc work called Siddhanta sangraha, the author Sri Shailacharya, a Vishishtadvaitin of the Rāmānuja school argues- One who is interested in kaivalya-bhoga is included in amumukṣu ...
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An online version of Tattva Bindu of Vacapati Misra

I am interested in the works of Vacapati Misra I am wondering if I can get a free, english translation of his work Tattva Bindu where he summarizes his reasoning.
Haridasa's user avatar
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Is Brahman beyond Advaita, Dvaita, and Visistha-advaita? If so, why have the great acharyas restrained themselves by these concepts?

Garuda Purana preta khanda chapter 49 states. अद्वैतं केचिदिच्छन्ति द्वैतमिच्छन्ति चापरे । समं तत्त्वं न जानन्ति द्वैताद्द्वैतविवर्जितम् ॥ २,४९.९२ ॥ Some Desire Advaita, others desire Dvaita. Neither ...
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Looking into Smarta

Can someone please refer to a scripture which describes the Smarta god and the 5 main forms. Also a scripture which adds Skanda as a form. Clarification: I mean Nirguna Brahman and learning about the ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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What are the principal upanishads according to different Vedanta sects?

I was wondering whether different Vedanta sects (Advaita, Vishishtadvaita, Dvaita, Dvaitadvaita, Achintya-bhedabhed-vada, shuddhadvaita and Akshar-purushottama) agree on the number of principal ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Did Sri Ramanujacharya attain nirvikalpa Samadhi

Did Sri Ramanujacharya ever attain nirvikalpa samadhi or Dharmamegha samadhi and at last Maha Samadhi ?
Tech Tat's user avatar
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On the nature of the soul - ability to create, fade, disappear, or still

Nature of the soul: Perishable, Uniqueness, etc. In Indian philosophy, there are multiple schools of philosophy including - Advaita, ShuddhaAdvaita (Vedantic), Sankhya, Yoga, Madhyamaka, Jaina, etc. ...
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On what basis does an enlightened person decided what to do and what not to do in advaita vedanta?

From what I understand, for the enlightened person, it doesn't matter if he/she gains something or loses something because nothing we observe is ultimately real. Ultimately there is neither the ...
tinkerer's user avatar
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Does the Brahman of Advaita Vedanta know every knowledge?

The Advaitha vedanta says that Brahman is the omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent being beyond any proper description that can be elaborated uses our 5 senses. Being the sat-chit-ananda can we ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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how is advaita deep sleep blankness different from materialist nothingness?

i was convinced by the advaita point of view actually ia am still........but still a doubt is coming......acc to advaita in deep sleep or coma the blankness we expeirience is actually conciousness ...
prithwish ghosh's user avatar
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Are wrong things also done by god?

Here it is written that god pervades in all. So, Does this mean wrong and evil things are also done by god ? It is also written that we should see god in everyone,so, Should we see god even in persons ...
river's user avatar
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How Do Advaitins interpret Scriptural statements where the Impersonal aspect of Brahman is Subordinated to the Personal?

In the Scripture texts, One can at times Comes Across Verses Where The Formless Nirguna Brahman is subordinated to the Personal Form of Lord Krishna, where the personal form is either stated as the ...
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Why Srimad Bhagavatam is not mentioned by Sri Ramanujacharya, Sri Yamunacharya and Sri Adi Shankaracharya. Why is that. Vaishnava answer pls

Why Srimad Bhagavatam is not mentioned by Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Yamunacharya or Sri Ramanujacharya
Tech Tat's user avatar
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The relationship between Brahmin and Ishvara in Advaita Vedanta?

From what I have seen Nirguna Brahman seems more like a concept that is attainable bliss. Compared to Sanguna Brahman a deified persona of Nirguna. However, Advaitans also accept Ishvara as a supreme ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Why Sri RamKrishna Paramhansa cut / attack Maa Kali with sword according to both dvaita and advaita perspective

Why did Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa cut Maa Kali on the order of Sadhu Totapuri even though Sri RamKrishna Paramhansa considered both Dvaita and advaita and saguna and nirguna as same and he even said ...
Tech Tat's user avatar
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Good introductory references on Shatdarshanas that covers debates, arguments and principles

As far as I know, only Advaita Vedanta has been well commented for principal Upanishad. It belongs to the Vedanta school. Is ther any single text like AdvaitaSiddhi that covers the arguments, ...
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Mahavakyas According to Shri Adi Shankaracharya

I have read the Mahavakyas, which are central to the Advaita School, from the following Wikipedia page; however, did Shri Adi Shankaracharya mention them in his works or were they promoted to ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Arguments: Re-birth

Is there any argumentative way to establish that rebirth exists? In shatdarshanas, it seems like a lot of them - samkhya, yoga, etc don't believe in rebirth. Although Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talk ...
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How do different Astika schools prove re-incarnation according to this verse of Bhagavad Gita?

Different schools - Shatdarshanas in Indian philosophy tackle the phenomenon of reincarnation differently. While there are sufficient yogic practices to experience past lives when on the path of self-...
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Commentaries on Abhinavgupta's Tantraloka translated to English

In the school of Kashmir Shivaism, if I'm not wrong, then both texts - Abhinavgupta's Tantraloka and Vigyaan Bhairava Tantra belong to Spanda Doctrine (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm very ...
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As per Advaita, Atman/Self/Brahman is unborn and doesnt "pass" away when body dies? What is the reference for it?

As per Advaita Vedanta, its the Sukshma Sharira(Subtle Body/Mind) which reincarnates after a body dies and Atman/Brahman/Self does not "pass away" or "leave" when body dies. But in ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Tonsuring head of new born

Apart from the family customs, is it alright to do the shaving head ceremony of the newborn after the first year is completed? I have read in many places that the tonsuring is done before the first ...
Freshman's user avatar
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Shatdarshanas: Who is understood to be the one that grants liberation and enlightment?

Consider this question as the sequel to: Foundational texts of Shatdarshanas Out of shatdarshanas: The Vedanta school has primarily three sub-schools: Advaita Vedanta, Vishishtadvaita and Davita. ...
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Brahm sutra number for pashvādabhis cha vīśekā

I am trying to identify the brahmsutra chapter and verse number for this verse pashvādabhis cha vīśekā पश्वादभिस च विशेका I came across this sloka in a lecture so might not have converted into text ...
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If absolute consciousness cannot be objectified ,what is the way to realize it? How to know it exists and all 5 sheaths appear to it and not the mind?

Advaita Vedanta says, Pure Consciousness (Chit) cannot be known as an object unlike Reflected Consciousness (Chidabhasa). How can we understand that all things appear to Pure consciousness but not the ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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How does Vedanta differentiate between reflected consciouness(Chidabhasa) and pure consciouness(Chit)?

Pure consciousness is said to be the source of reflected consciousness. How does Vedanta try to separate the mixture of mind and reflected consciousness from pure consciousness and establish the "...
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