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Questions tagged [buddha]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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3 votes
2 answers

As per Hinduism, What happens to those who follow Nihilist Philosophies like Buddhism?

Since Buddhism is regarded as a heretic path as per all the scriptures of hinduism, What would ultimately happen to those who follow Nihilst philosophies like Buddhism as per hinduism? Will Buddhists ...
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does dharma have stages?

the eternal dharma, known as sanatana dharma, is a concept in hinduism. eternal is often confused with unchanging, constant, but it might be more correct to say without beginning-end, forever. I've ...
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Where is this verse mentioned?

VII 6:180-89 वेदा विनिंदिता येन विलोक्य पशुहिंसनम् सकृपेन त्वया येन तस्मै बुद्धाय ते नमः ॥१८८॥ This answer verse is from which book?
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