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Questions tagged [buddhism]

For questions about how Buddhism relates to Hinduism. See also Buddhism.SE.

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Revival of Buddhism in India

The Buddha remained silent on the matters pertaining to existence of God and so to the of man/God relationship as it was felt unnecessary or inconsequential. There been attempts by leading Hindu ...
Narasimham's user avatar
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Why does Ramayan and Mahabharat are present in different religions like Buddhism, Jainism and Kabir panthis

Why does Jainism, Buddhism and Kabir panthis and some other religions have their own versions of Ramayana and Mahabharata where they have shown their own deities as Supreme instead of Sri Rama and Sri ...
Special Account's user avatar
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who declared Gautama Buddha 9th incarnation of Vishnu

In some temples, Gautam Buddha is depicted as the 9th avatar of Vishnu. Despite researching various sources, I couldn't find a definitive reference for this. While some temples regard Balarama as the ...
rahul's user avatar
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Can anyone debunk this claim regarding Non Hindus and other religion as per Hindu scriptures

I found this image online which contains references from Vedas and Puranas regarding disbelievers and blasphemers and how Hindu scriptures condemn them. Can anyone explain/debunk these claims?
Crackling Cyclone's user avatar
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Is there any evidence to prove that Ramayan and Mahabharata are not Copied From Buddhist Jatakas. The Dashratha and Gatha Jatakas

I have seen many Buddhist claiming that Ramayana and Mahābhārata are copied from their Jatakas. Even Wikipedia says that Dashrata Jataka is oldest attested version of Ramayana. Is there any evidence ...
InfinitySamm's user avatar
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What was Swami Vivekananda's opinion on Nagajurna and Abhinavagupta?

What was Swami Vivekananda's opinion on Nagajurna? Did he ever talk about Abhinavgupta or Nagajurna at any one of his talks? I know he has talked about Buddha, Jainas and others but never saw him ...
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As per Hinduism, What happens to those who follow Nihilist Philosophies like Buddhism?

Since Buddhism is regarded as a heretic path as per all the scriptures of hinduism, What would ultimately happen to those who follow Nihilst philosophies like Buddhism as per hinduism? Will Buddhists ...
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Difference between Hinduism and Buddhist Tara maa

A Shakti worshipper worships the 2nd mahavidya , Tara maa , which resembles the one present in Tara pith temple . This is a Hindu perception, but in Buddhism also there is mention and strong practice ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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Why Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism require to do blasphemy against our dharma and God like shri ram,hanuman and shri krishna to promote their faith? [closed]

I have respected Jainism, buddhism and Sikhism from childhood, but now, I only tolerate them (due to current law)because their scriptures are blasphemous against shri hari and mahadev avtars. Now ...
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If Ayodhya Ram temple is so dear to Hindus, why don't we see lord Krishna ever visiting ayodhya/talk about his last avtar ? (500 years dream of hindus [duplicate]

Heard that avatars concept is fabricated at the time of Buddhism.
ENTLA SAITEJA's user avatar
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Did Nyaya defend itself and refute Buddhist works

I heard Nyaya was refuted by Nagarjuna. Did any Nyaya scholars defend their works and refute Buddhism in turn?
Haridasa's user avatar
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Reference Request: Nadis, Chakras in Hindu (or preferably Indian) nomenclature

Consider this question as a reference request. Nadis are branch points corresponding to nerves in the physical body. The branch point of Nadis is called Chakra. Primary nadi involves - Sushumna Nadi ...
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Kashmir Shivaism: Is the tradition extinct or alive?

During the time of the great philosopher and tantra master, Abhinavgupta and Asia's biggest ruler in history, Lalitaditya, it was said that Kashmir Shivaism thrived. A very unique blend of Vajrayana ...
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The concept of Shunya (Void) by Dattatreya

I came across a question quoting a verse from Avadhoota Gita: Some seek nonduality, others duality. They do not know the Truth, which is the same at all times and everywhere, which is devoid of both ...
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Arguments: Re-birth

Is there any argumentative way to establish that rebirth exists? In shatdarshanas, it seems like a lot of them - samkhya, yoga, etc don't believe in rebirth. Although Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talk ...
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How can portions of Vedas get 'lost'?

This is not a duplicate question. The question isn't how much of it has been lost, but how it was lost. Vedas had oral tradition and has been preserved by pure memory for thousands of years. How can ...
Suradoe Uchiha's user avatar
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Is post-Vedic Hinduism copied from Buddhism?

Is Hinduism copied from Buddhism? For example, as this answer says, and a lot of others in the same thread, "Hinduism" didn't exist in its present-...
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How does Advaita Vedanta assert and prove the eternality of cognition of Non dual Atman?

This article [1] says Śāntarakṣita has however refuted the Upanishadic non-dualism in the Tattva Sangraha’ chapter 7, section 5. In his refutation of the Upanishadic view he has referred to the ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Elites saying "Buddhism is a child of Hinduism."

Experts and Elite Personalities of Sanatana Dharma knows that Buddhism is born from Hinduism but do not agree with some teachings of Hinduism. Swami Vivekananda is an elite personality states this ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Is Śūnyavāda of Liṅgāyata or other Śaiva traditions same as the Śūnyatā in Buddhism?

Śūnyatā usually emphasis on non-existence of Supreme reality, assertion of no-self and that all things are empty and devoid of intrinsic nature (svabhāva). On the other hand, Liṅgāyats are theists and ...
स्वयम्'s user avatar
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Why do the Buddhists in India claim that Diwali is a buddhist festival?

I am not sure whether it is a question to be asked on this forum but I have come across a lot of Navayani Buddhist online who claim that Diwali was a festival started by Mauryan Emperor Ashoka as ...
Aspiring Learner's user avatar
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How do Adi Shankaracharya or later Advaita Philosophers deal with Brahma Sutra's criticism of Vijñāna vadīs?

As per my understanding, both Buddhist idealists and Advaitins hold the external world to be unreal. Also, according to Shankaracharya's own commentary of Brahma Sutra, the doctrine of unreality of ...
HoaxHorror Stories's user avatar
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Have any prominent gurus explained the Buddha avatar as Maitreya instead of Gautama?

The common explainations of Buddha being Gautama or someone before us, have some problems. For starters the date of Buddha is given in the Bhagavata as the start of Kali Yuga. This would either be ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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Is Buddha or Buddhism mentioned explicitly in Mahabharata?

In the famous Mahabharata translation of Kisori Mohan Ganguli, he remarks at the start of Shanti Parva The Santi Parva is a huge interpolation in the Mahabharata, in the genre known as 'wisdom ...
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Is there any merit to the claim the Gita was written as a repsonse to Buddhism? [closed]

Ambedkar, author of the Indian Constitution, was a student of theology, approaching it from his lower caste experience. He argued that the Gita was compiled as a philosophical defense of Hinduism for ...
AskerOfQuestions's user avatar
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What is the meaning of contrasting (even conflicting) nature of various avatars of Vishnu? [closed]

You know for instance take the last 4 forms of lord Vishnu. There is Parshuram who is violent and slayer of his enemies meanwhile there is lord Budha who says no to harming others who try to harm us. ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Buddhist claim of the concept "Atman" or true self being egoistic?

Is Anatma (or no true self as discussed in Buddhist doctrines), an antithesis of Advaita Vedanta? And is the concept of atman "egoistic"?
Harshwardhan Singh's user avatar
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Do any Hindu schools of thought ascribe to the efficacy of prayer wheels?

Prayer wheels are commonplace in Tibetan Buddhism. According to their lineage texts regarding prayer wheels, spinning such a wheel will have much the same meritorious effect as orally reciting the ...
chhatra's user avatar
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Did buddhism and jainism decline because they are anti ritualistic and contrary to what brahmin hindus propagate? [closed]

Also, can someone tell me where to start from for Indian philosophy and culture like some map which covers all Philosophies?
dr.schultz's user avatar
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Why does part of Vaishnavism consider Gautama Buddha to be an Avatara of Lord Vishnu, even though he rejected Vedic wisdom?

I had seen the arguments of some of the Vaishnavas before, that Gautama rejected the Vedic precepts to keep the evil and ignorant out of the way of Dharma, but after all, why would God send someone ...
Yogmaya's user avatar
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Is there a an online copy of English translation of Pramanavarttika of Shri Dharmakirthi?

Is there a an online copy of English translation of Pramanavarttika of Shri Dharmakirthi? Of the available links only second chapter is available. I'm looking especially for the first chapter. If the ...
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Is distinguishing Body from Atman as Non Self and using terms like Anatma a Buddhist influence on Hinduism?

Prof Peter Harvey writes "Both Buddhism and Hinduism distinguish ego-related "I am, this is mine", from their respective abstract doctrines of "Anatta" and "Atman". ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Did Kumarila Bhatta and Shankaracharya persecute the Buddhists?

In the description of this question, the questioner gives proof from Biographies of Shankaracharya and Kumarila Bhatta that Buddhists including women and children were killed. Is this true?? Do Vedas/...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Why cant Hinduism accept Guna Based Flexible Varna system as Buddhism?

Buddha says "While the differences between these species are defined by their birth,the differences between humans are not defined by their birth.In individual human bodies you can’t find such ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
10 votes
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How to prove that Nirvana term in Gita isn't borrowed from Buddhism?

What is the evidence to show Gita and Upanishads are Pre Buddhist?The term Brahma-nirvana appears in verses 2.72 and 5.24-26 of the Bhagavad Gita. According to Zaehner, Johnson and other scholars, ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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What is the difference between concepts of Maya in Hinduism and Buddhism?

How is the illusion in Buddhism and Hinduism different?An author writes <<The concepts of maya, avidya, vyayaharika-satya and paramarthika-satya, advaya, prajna, the unreality of the universe ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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How to refute the article claiming Buddhism influenced Upanishads

Especially Part 4-It claims Buddhism influenced Upanishads and they are post-Buddhist and lists many contemporaries of Upanishadic Sages during Buddha's time.
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Nature of enlightenment

How did different people with different philosophies and ideologies attain the same enlightenment or did they not? Buddha attained enlightenment and so did Adi Shankaracharya, but their philosophies ...
dark_prince's user avatar
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What are some arguments given by Adi Shankaracharya against Buddhism?

What are some arguments given by Adi Shankaracharya against Buddhist monks? I'm interested in the core of the arguments he used against Buddhists. Is there any advantage to Advaita against Buddhism ...
dark_prince's user avatar
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Is Non Dual Vedanta's Brahman aware of itself?

Is Non Dual Vedanta's Brahman aware of itself, if so isn't it he same as Trika Shavism, and can there really be any difference in Non Dual philosophies e.g. Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism?...
Colin's user avatar
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Where are the bodhisattvic principles in Hinduism? [closed]

It is said that the Buddha reached the Enlightenment for the welfare of all human beings and to free them from the bondage of Samsara. Where are the most significant passages of the bodhisattvic ...
Lucky Pashu's user avatar
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Why do some claim that madhyamika is compatible with vedanta,when consciousness is not a cause in madhyamika? claims sunyavaada is compatible with Upanishadic ideas. but in madhyamika,the 5 elements(earth,water,fire,air and Consciousness) are ...
johny man's user avatar
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Where does the baDabanala tantra recognize vajravarahi as a Buddhist diety originally? [closed]

From the article "VajravArAhI" at the Kamakotimandali website: BhagavatI bimbAmbikA recognizes the fact that the deity is Buddhist in origin, as does baDabAnala tantra, and both prescribe ...
johny man's user avatar
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Why did Gautam Buddha marry his cousin , when cousin marriage is banned in Hinduism? [closed]

Siddharth was born in a Hindu family. Siddharth Gautam Marriage was arrange marriage with his cousin. But as much as i know cousin marriage is banned in Hinduism
Shiv's user avatar
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What is the earliest reference to identifying/differentiating Siddhartha Gautama and the Buddha Avatara?

Hindu scripture describes two Buddha Avataras of Vishnu born to deceive people. One Buddha Avatara took place during the Tripura incident. Another Buddha Avatara took place in the present Kali Yuga. ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Is Valmiki Ramayana copied from Dasharatha jataka? [duplicate]

The stories of Ramayana and Dasharatha jataka are very similar. As we all know that valmiki was of dwapar yug, so valmiki Ramayana should be older than Dasharatha jataka. But there is no clear ...
Sanatan Darshan's user avatar
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According to Hindu philosophy, what are the flaws in Buddha's teachings?

What are the flaws in Buddhism according to Hindu philosophers? Did Buddha really reject the Vedas and Hinduism?
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What is the role of Jainism and Buddhism in introducing Vegetarianism to Hinduism?

It is said on multiple occasions that initially Hinduism was not a vegetarian society. From Was Lord Rama a non-vegetarian? :– I know meat eating is not restricted to any Hindu Caste, while in ...
Talk is Cheap Show me Code's user avatar
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On the doctrine of two truths in advaita (and hinduism) [duplicate]

In hinduism, advaita propounds the doctrine of two truths - vyavahArika satya and paramArthika satya. However, long before Shankara (8th - 9th century CE) , the foremost exponent of advaita, the ...
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Are Siddhis Illusory and part of Maya?

When Buddha and some other ascended masters attained enlightenment were gifted with special abilities or Siddhis. Buddha was even able to recall his previous lives and his and other people's karmas ...
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