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Questions tagged [caste-system]

For the questions about a caste-system based on varna e.g the Chaturvarna: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudras. The mixed varnas, apostate varnas, and varnas not necessarily related to the Chaturvarna (e.g. Mleccha) are also valid for this tag.

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1 answer

Is there any other work from ancient India which considers any caste other than Brahmins as superior?

There are 18 Mahasmritis and Upasmritis . Almost all of them are advocating birth based Varna considering Brahmins as superior. I would like to know any similar work which says any caste other than ...
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Where does this verse on caste come from? [duplicate]

I saw this statement on social media. Which scripture does it come from? Which verse? The verse you are referring to is: "Janmana jayate shudrah, samskarat bhaved dvijah, vedapathad bhaved ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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How may a twice-born atone for eating an egg unknowingly?

This answer says Rig Veda has a verse which prays to destroy egg eaters. So if a twice born are egg knowingly or unknowingly, what are all the atonements shall be done? Whether egg is consumable for ...
Crackling Cyclone's user avatar
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Can't Shudras listen to the puranas?

I always thought that Shudras can read/listen to Puranas. But when reading Skanda Purana, came across one shocking verse: 23.The man conversant with Purāṇas should be an expert, clean, calm and ...
Crackling Cyclone's user avatar
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Treatment of a Chandala who has good Moral Character

If a Chandala had good moral character can one give him gifts and treat him more than what is stated in Dharmashastras. Please answer from Dharmasutras/sastras and Nitisastras.
Haridasa's user avatar
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Did Tulsidas promote a society with caste violence?

In Ramcharitmanas Sunderkand Paath Chaupai Part 59, Tulsidas writes: ढोल गवाँर सूद्र पसु नारी। सकल ताड़ना के अधिकारी॥3॥ This is translated as "Drums, the illiterate, lower caste, animals and ...
JaiHo's user avatar
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Marriage in Brahmins

How is marriage is decided between hindu boy and girl according to their gotras for example : Can a bhardwaj gotra girl marry kaushik gotra boy?
Devansh 's user avatar
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Does Shiva promote total caste discrimination in housing and rituals?

Kamika Agama Purva Pada: 1.80 For the brahmins, tripundra should be with a length of 6 angulas.... For the women, it should be in one angula. People of other castes (अन्यजातिस्तु-children of higher ...
JaiHo's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does Bhagavad Gita insult people? Is it original?

BG 9.32 मां हि पार्थ व्यपाश्रित्य येऽपि स्यु: पापयोनय: | स्त्रियो वैश्यास्तथा शूद्रास्तेऽपि यान्ति परां गतिम् The word "paap yonayah" clearly means born of sin or race of sin since the ...
JaiHo's user avatar
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In which scriptures does Shiva support casteism?

In Mahanirvana Tantra, Shiva himself reportedly says the following: Chapter 3: Let the excellent Guru, ocean of kindness, next whisper the Mantra seven times into the right ear of the disciple if he ...
JaiHo's user avatar
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How to reconcile hereditary varna vs. the limits of Sabda Pramana?

DISCLAIMER This question deals specifically with the belief that one's varna depends on the family into which one is born. For those that believe varna is based only on actions and qualities, this ...
Wanderer Seeker's user avatar
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How to ensure Brahminas don't step out of line regarding the law

The Dharmashastras forbid any capital punishments on Brahminas. While this is partly understandable as doing harm to a holy man is considered wrong, couldn't some Brahminas with evil intentions step ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Is the pouring of lac in a Shudra who hears the Vedas or recites them intentionally Danda or Prayaschitta?

Generally, people say that Shudras who hear the sacred knowledge (Vedas) have to undergo painful punishments, but is this self-imposed or imposed by a ruling or governing authority? Because, if it is ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Books Defending Caste and Untouchability

It is obvious that today's historians never place themselves in the shoes of past people and have a very one-sided and biased view of history looking at an individual over a societal level. I am ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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1 answer

Can a Kshatriya put on a Urdhvapunda Tilak?

I read some where that Narada Purana says a Brahmin should wear a Urdhvapundra (for Vishnu) and a Kshatriya should wear a Tripundra (for Shiva). Does the Narada Purana say it is absolutely necessary? ...
Vedant Singh's user avatar
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The Metaphsyics of Varna

Clarification of Metaphsyics A clarification: By metaphysical I mean more the system in which it's decided and the various aspects of it ie what differs a Brahmin-Brahmin from a Brahmin-Chandala and a ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Books for Anyone Regarding the complex nature of Varna

I want books not modern ones, but ones by authentic religious personalities from olden times on the system of Varna and their differentitation of bodily and mental gunas. I would prefer a more ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Is Varna and Bodily Gunas have a similar system to genetics

Varna is based on birth or one's Gotra, but I found some similarities when studying simple Mendelian genetics keep in mind this is simple and not modern genetics. Now I am not saying necessarily that ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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2 answers

Regarding Mixed Castes in Mahabharta

So the Tirtha Yantra Parva of the Mahabharata says mixed castes are considered better than the original when purification rites are performed. (
Haridasa's user avatar
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Treatment of Chandalas

Within Ithihasas there seems to be bad treatment of Chandalas as Bhishma recounts. By Chandala I mean a child born to a Brahmin mother & Shudra father. Are there any alternative treatments ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are Hindu texts like Mahabharata so focused on race, lineage and varna?

I was reading Mahabharata, the abridged version from C Rajagopalachari ji. I liked the literature aspect of it and some of the advices there. But one thing that bothered me was the hyperfocus of the ...
Suradoe Uchiha's user avatar
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According to Vaishnavism, what is a fruitive activity?

I am currently reading Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu by Rupa Gosvami (with commentary by Jiva Gosvami). In it, it has been mentioned that a pure devotee is above fruitive activities such as the varnasrama ...
RV10's user avatar
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Pravara of Suryavamsa Kshatriyas

From the question given here: Who is the Vaishya Rishi Sankila?, It is evident that true vedic kshatriyas must have a three-rishi (pravara) "Manava, Aida, Paururavasa" for the Hotri, ...
Krishna's user avatar
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vrAtyastOma on fallen dwijAs in Kali Yuga

In a previous question, we established the lack of kshatriyas and vaishyas in today's day and age. Basically, the only dwijAs to exist today are the sath BramhanAs. For reference, one can gloss over ...
Krishna's user avatar
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Can we go back to our own varna dharma?

If our Brahmin or Kshatriya ancestors did not perform Upanayana Samskara and have not followed their dharma can we still have rights to get Upanayana Samskara for ourselves and our children? If no, ...
Rare questions 's user avatar
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Did other Srivaishnavite teachers like Vedanta Desikan differ from Ramanuja on the caste system?

The Chaaturvarnya caste system of Aryaavarta has been reduced to just two castes in Tamil Nadu _ Brahmins and Sudras (polite Brahmins call them "Non Brahmins", since there cannot be ...
S K's user avatar
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Do any principal Upanishads unequivocally advocate for the birth-based caste system?

Apparently, Sankara cites the Rig Vedic Purusha Sukta while commenting about the caste system advocated in the Bhagavad Gita. But since the Vedas are regarded as apara vidya in comparison to the ...
S K's user avatar
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Exploring sadhanas for transformation: Overcoming the impact of birth on nature

In a fascinating discourse between Yudhishthira and Bhishma found in the Anusasanika Parva of the Mahabharata, Bhishma discusses the interplay between a person's birth and their conduct. He ...
hanugm's user avatar
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3 answers

What was Sri Rama's opinion on the caste system?

Did Rama enforce castiesm or did he attempt to reform it or did he ignore it?
Rajam's user avatar
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Does canonical Sanskrit scripture contain rejections of caste that go beyond the birth vs qualities dichotomy?

Starting from the Purusha Sukta - there is the birth-based four-fold division of humanity - Brahmins,kshatriyas,Vaishyas and Sudras. refers to an ...
S K's user avatar
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Which caste is "software developer"?

Advocates of the varnashrama dharma claim that we should follow the varna professions listed in the dharma shastras. For example: 10.47 - For Sūtas, the management of horses and chariots; for ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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If kshatriyas and vaishyas don't exist, who can take up arms and do farming?

For example, the shastra says only people born as kshatriyas and who have done upanayanam can be military or police: Manu 10.79 - For the Kṣatriya, carrying of arms and weapons. For the Vaiśya, ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Was there any case of Yadav men marrying Kshatriya women?

Was there any case of Yadav men marrying Kshatriya women ? Duryodhan daughter married son of Krishna , but Duryodhan opposed it. Was there any such instance where Yadav men married Kshatriya women and ...
river's user avatar
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4 answers

Do people who are born in dwija castes did lots of virtues in their previous lives?

Is it true that those who born in twice-born castes (Brahmin , Kshatriya and Vaishya) did lots of virtues (Punyas) in their previous lives ? I am asking this as in the past only twice born castes had ...
river's user avatar
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Were there only Brahmins in Satyuga or in remote past ? Were all Varnas created from Brahmins?

Were there only Brahmins in the past ? Were all other Varnas created from Brahmins ? How did it happen ?
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Is there any mention of presence of Ambasta caste community in Puranic or historic text?

A caste in India claim to be Ambasta . But there is a confusion , if it is the name derived from Ambasta as in Manusmriti (Brahman Father + Vaishya mother) or from Amba devi. I am asking this as I ...
river's user avatar
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Is working for wage sin for twice-born castes?

Is working for wage sin for twice born castes (Brahmin , Kshatriya and Vaishayas) ? Does it lead them to hell ?
river's user avatar
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Can a person be of more than one caste?

For example people like da vinci who are talented in many fields can they belong to more than one cast? what if a person is very intellectual like a brahmin can fight like a kshatriya?What caste will ...
Shiv's user avatar
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How many caste are there in Hinduism?

If one searches Caste on google images, the first few images they would be greeted with is this: However on wikipedia, the following is written: There are 3,000 castes and 25,000 sub-castes in India,...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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How to know which Brahmin sub-caste is real and which one is fake?

All Brahmin sub-castes call one another fake brahmins and themselves to be the real one. So, How to know which one is real and which one is fake ?
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What are the marriage conditions for an offspring boy of sagotra vivah?

Marriage in Kaliyug is to be within castes not outside, but not sagotra as well or else the offspring is Varnasankara. The pramana for this is given across Shrimad Bhagvad Gita and Puranas. I am born ...
Sudas's user avatar
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By performing what acts does a brahmin become outcaste?

I want to know about all the acts on doing which a brahmin becomes outcaste or chandala!
Harsh's user avatar
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Differences between Lingayats and Aradhyas?

Lingayat community was founded by Basavanna. What is the history of Aradhyas who are shiva followers too and they too wear lingas. What are the differences between these communities?
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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When Varnas are already defined from were did yavana, mleccha or Chandalas originated

When Varnas are already defined as per Vedic principles from were did yavana, mleccha or Chandalas originated
Kanil's user avatar
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What was the caste of Vidur's wife?

What was the caste of Vidur's wife? To which caste does Vidur's wife belong?
river's user avatar
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How valid are these words of Arjuna in discouraging inter-caste marriages of 'contemporary' times?

Consider the following words by Arjuna in Bagavath Geetha. यद्यप्येते न पश्यन्ति लोभोपहतचेतस: | कुलक्षयकृतं दोषं मित्रद्रोहे च पातकम् || 38|| कथं न ज्ञेयमस्माभि: पापादस्मान्निवर्तितुम् | कुलक्षयकृतं ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Which other scriptures say that inter-caste marriages can give better children?

In a discussion between Yudhishthira and Yaksha, Yudhishthira says that children from inter-caste couples can be treated better compared to the same caste couple if the inter-caste couple undergoes ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the story of Vasista changing his caste through penance?

It is almost impossible for an individual to change her caste in her lifetime. It will take at least five generations to change the caste. ‘Caste becomes elevated during the fifth or the seventh ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What are the possible names of 'others' who changed their own caste?

It is almost impossible for a person to change one's own caste during her lifetime. Bhishma said, 'The status of a Brahmana, O Yudhishthira, is incapable of acquisition by a person belonging to any ...
hanugm's user avatar
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On doing what a Brahmin and Kshatriya lose his caste?

By doing what things a Brahmin loses his caste? On doing what a Kshatriya loses his caste?
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