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Questions tagged [chakras]

chakras are energy points or knots in the subtle body. Chakras are part of the subtle body and are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels, called nadiis.

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Is Samadhi experienced through the Crown Chakra only?

Generally, the Crown Chakra appears to be associated with the attainment of Samadhi. Is this final state of Yoga also experienced through the Anahata (heart) Chakra? If so, is there a difference in ...
Harihara's user avatar
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Medha Dakhinamurthy Chakra

Namaste, I was looking for a Medha Dakshinamurthy Chakra to supplement my Medha Dakshinamurthy Mantra Sadhana. I have a version of the chakra in Kannada but the print is not clear. It would be very ...
hariomtatsat's user avatar
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Surya Kala and Chandra Kala in terms of breadth

My 101+ year old mother says that breathing through the right nostril is Sura Kala and breathing through the left nostril is Chandra Kala. Is this true? She also says that breathing through the middle ...
Thirumal Thirupuvanam's user avatar
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Reference Request: Nadis, Chakras in Hindu (or preferably Indian) nomenclature

Consider this question as a reference request. Nadis are branch points corresponding to nerves in the physical body. The branch point of Nadis is called Chakra. Primary nadi involves - Sushumna Nadi ...
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Chakra roses and the Tudor Rose?

I'm curious about the rose petal representation of the chakras - what are the origins and are they universal. And also by extension - It seems there are several in the Tudor Rose?
ina's user avatar
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How does Hinduism explain sudden sexual desire between a man and a woman from the perspective of chakras?

Aside from hormones, I recall feeling extreme lust for a specific girl. It did not happen with other girls; I even felt the lower chakra swadhistanas working. How does Hinduism explain this from an '...
ERJAN's user avatar
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Getting pain while concentrating on Ajna Chakra

I've been trying to concentrate on my ajna chakra while meditating. I'm doing Sri Ram naama japa with one hand while holding chinmudra with the other. I had a sensation suddenly to concentrate on Ajna ...
narasimhadri's user avatar
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What time to meditate with daylight saving time?

We know that the best time to meditate is at 4 AM in the morning, but it gets tricky with daylight savings time. Do we follow standard time zone or daylight savings time? Or do we need to meditate at ...
Devang's user avatar
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Do kundalini reaches sahastra during sukshma samadhi?

It is well-known that thoughts cease to exist during samadhi, which can be achieved in different ways after a long sadhana. This question is about sukshma samadhi, which is experienced by every human ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What's the color of the sahasrara chakra?

In some sources, I read that the Sahasrara chakra is white, in others violet, and in others purple. What is its color, and what's the meaning of the color?
Christian's user avatar
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Piercing Knots Ay?

Granthi is a Sanskrit Name for a Knot. In all Chakra meditation, Kundalini related books, one can find this 'neural knots' mentioned in the path of an ascent of a yogi. The 7 chakras & the ...
Gopal Anantharaman's user avatar
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Are the seven stages of understanding existence as per Advaita correlated to the seven chakras?

I was wondering about the correlation between the seven stages of understanding existence as per Advaita and the seven chakras. The universe as it is- Root Chakra The play of the elements- Sacral ...
Nilayan Majumdar's user avatar
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Is there any difference between 'ajna chakra' and the 'third eye' of a human?

When I try to know more about the stages of a yogi, I read more discussions about a chakra named Ajna. There are numerous mentions of this chakra in several scriptures. Lalitha Sahastranaama also ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the source of the Navadurga Stotram and Stuti?

The Navadurga stotram comprises of nine/ten verses, with each verse describing one aspect of the nine-formed goddess. Quoting from the document hosted by Sanskritdocuments नवदुर्गास्तोत्रम् । देवी ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Do chakras belong to the physical body or subtlebody?

There are three bodies for a human: physical, subtle, causal. There are seven chakras: Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Ajna, Vishuddha, Sahastra. Till now, I believe that chakras do belong ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Gods and respective Chakra

Which Chakra is associated with which Hindu God? Please use the current Hindu Gods, and not only the Vedic ones.
Lucky Pashu's user avatar
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Location of chakras

I have to apply some oil at Anahata, Vishuddhi and Ajna chakra. But I don't know it's location. Searching on google also I didn't got any quality diagram or an answer. Where are they located?
Shaag's user avatar
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Can Kundalini energy regress after awakening?

In scriptures related to the Kundalini Yoga, it is mentioned that Kundalini, often visualized as a serpent, resides at the base of the spine (Muladhara chakra) and can awaken to ascend through seven ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Wearing chakra specific color clothes?

We know that each chakra has a specific color associated with it and that there are certain types of food or gems specified in our texts for each chakra that helps balancing/activating/aligning that ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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If Kundalini awakening is the most potent form of Yoga and requires intense sadhana, what is this ‘westernised version’ being followed by just anyone?

This is rather a confusing stance for me. It’s usually said Kundalini awakening needs proper receptivity and grace, guru initiation is one out of the many necessary methods to reach there and ...
Nehashuklanunibrowbeing's user avatar
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Are there any ragas/musical instruments associated with each chakras/energy centres?

I am interested in knowing and understanding if there are any Indian classical ragas/ musical instrument associated with the chakras/energy centres? Reason am asking is coz we have seed syllables/beej ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Acceptability of Kundalini Shakti and Chakras across Hinduism?

How well is the concept of Kundalini Shakti, the body Chakras, the nāḍīs and subsequently their role in the attainment of Mokṣa (in its various types and levels of hierarchies across different ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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What will happen if one unlock all the chakra in his/her body? [duplicate] So what will happen if one unlock all 7 of these chakra.
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Does all yogas include chakras and kundalini awakening?

Does all the yogic traditions like bhakti yoga, kriya yoga, karma yoga...etc involve the concepts of chakras, kundalini and siddhis based on the scriptures?
Pavankumar T's user avatar
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What are the Siddhis associated with each of the Chakras based on the scriptures?

What are the Siddhis that are obtained by mastering each of the Chakras through kundalini according to our scriptures? Please mention your sources in the answers.
Pavankumar T's user avatar
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Can anyone explain Rig Veda III.6.9 and how does it relate to chakras?

Here on page 95 the author states that According to the Vedas, there are Seven Chakras in each 'layer', of which consists of Three Worlds. But, there are 33 'Layers' of these Chakras, of which ...
Pikk's user avatar
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Rig Veda - can't find the right text -

Please take a look at this book. It reports many times pieces of the Rig Veda. For example on page 25. May the three-seated (tri-vandhura) and mentally-governed (manasa-yukta) come – spreading over ...
Pikk's user avatar
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Astral projection question [duplicate]

Where is method to astral projection (sookshma sharira,) described, is there any mudra/Asana to help simulate astral projection, mentioned?
Aoi. T_015's user avatar
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Which will be best method for awakening 7 Chakras?

As I am very eager to know about Chakras & awakening them for well being. I have read a lot about them but they all are refer to different methods like do some yogas or chanting matras etc. Does ...
MKP's user avatar
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Is Gayatri and Yogic practice compatible with Pure Bhakti practice or not [closed]

This is my doubt, and now again... Is Gayatri and Yogic practice compatible with Pure Bhakti practice or not?! Explanation: I have practiced many things and sādhanas, I'm not the first day, BUT... ...
user1981528's user avatar
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Which scripture talks about chakras (energy centers) present in human?

We have been knowing that there are colors and mantra (or sound) associated with each chakras (energy centers) in subtle human body. Which scripture mentions about it? I am interested in the oldest ...'s user avatar
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Does earth have chakras as well?

I read in an article somewhere that as our body have 7 major Chakras, so does the Earth. Energy flows through each of Earth’s main Chakra and makes up the spiritual body that is our world. My ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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The third eye of lord shiva

I've known that the third eye is actually the place for 'agna' chakra in the body, and that the third eye is actually a metaphor for reaching that high level of conciousness where you start seeing ...
mathmaniage's user avatar
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Is a chakra a supernatural invisible thing, or a symbol for something natural?

I'm western and skeptical. I was born in a spiritualist family where the concept of chakras were used as being a part of spiritual body. But for spiritualists the term "spiritual" is something ...
bmelo's user avatar
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When doing Ajna meditation, what should I visualize?

I am currently trying to do meditation, focusing on opening (awakening) my Ajna (third eye) chakra. I already imagine a candle flame slightly moving when I breath in and when I breath out, it moves ...
mike1024's user avatar
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In the lectures by Swami Vivekananda on "Raja Yoga", Why is there no mention of 'Ajna'?

In the following lecture snippet, the term 'Ajna' is missing; but I am not sure, why? Is there any specific reason, for which he did not mention it? To open that Suṣumnâ is the prime object of the ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Brahmarandhra and the Jewel in the crown is it myth or is it real?

The entrance and descent of the Atman into the phenomenal world via man is through Brahmarandra and the Sushumna tunnel of Maha Kundalini Sakti the major nadi that ends in the Kundalini chamber. In ...
Frank Hestermann's user avatar
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What is the physical location of the chakras? [duplicate]

Where exactly are the chakras located ? If one is to visualise and meditate on a chakra, where in the spine are the chakras ? If looking at the spine's 3-D image, are the chakras located ...
happybuddha's user avatar
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Is the Bindu chakra realization way forgotten now?

Is the Bindu now only a symbol of a forgotten realization ?
Frank Hestermann's user avatar
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In brahmachayra what do I do with pent up sexual energy?

When I have a lot of sexual excitement and sexual energy in my lower chakra, what do I need to do to stop this? Do I channel the energy to higher chakra? Isn't the goal to not get sexually excited in ...
Aleksandar Antonijevic's user avatar
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Vedanta and Kundalini

Kundalini and Chakra are mentioned in many Hindu scriptures. But My question is specific to Vedanta. So Does Vedanta(Basically Main Upanishads) also talk/believe about/on chakras and kundalini concept ...
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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Which scriptures talk about Kalachakra?

We have the concept of Kala Chakra (wheel of time) in both Buddhism and Hinduism. Which scriptures talk about Kalachakra?
S K's user avatar
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How far does the Swadhisthana chakra extend?

I understand that the Swadhisthana chakra is located in the sacral region. Does it encompass the whole hip or only the small space of a circumference of maybe 2-3 centimeters?
Christian's user avatar
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What are the letter of alphabets (varnas) associated with each of the Seven Chakras?

Body consists of mainly seven chakras as I discuss here. In the Netra Tantra book I have; in the introductory preface part it is written: Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahat, Shakini and Ajna ...
Tezz's user avatar
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What scriptures mention correlation between Kailasa and Sahasrara?

In the book "Autobiography of an Avadoota by Avadhoota Nadananda", author says Kailasa (mountain) literally means Sahasrara (7th Chakra which has 1000 petals and hence the name). As per Kundalini ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
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What are the beeja mantras and what is their significance in meditation?

What are the beeja mantras and what are petal mantras, and what is their relationship with Om/Aum? In what ways are they helpful in meditation. If anyone is going to start on meditation, from ...
Saurabh Verma's user avatar
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What are the shodashAdhAras the first six of which are the shatchakras?

Here is a mention of the shodahAdhAras or the sixteen adharas ( adhara means base). ShadadvAnam ShadAdhAram ShodasAdhAranirnayam | Yo JAnAthi VidhAnena Sa Guruh Kathitha Priye || [Lord Shiva ...
Rickross's user avatar
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What is Soma? Is it a drink or a metaphor for spiritual bliss or both? [duplicate]

The whole Mandala 9 of Rig-Veda is devoted to the Soma. My question set is as follows. What is Soma? What is its importance? Are there both interior as well as exterior somas? I've read about ...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
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Which Hindu scriptures discuss Kapāla Mokṣa?

If you ever attended a Hindu funeral or cremation, you will notice that it is customary to wait until the kapāla (skull) of the deceased cracks. I think this is taken as a sign of the deceased person'...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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What are the different methods of Aura cleaning?

As far as I know few methods to clean our Aura are : Keep the body clean(Abhyanga snana). Wind bath. Mud bath. Fire bath. Eat Veggies. Thought , Word and Deed have to be in harmony channelised ...
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