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Questions tagged [critical-edition]

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How many slokas are there in the Bhavarthadipika?

According to BORI (the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute), how many slokas are there in the Bhavarthadipika? (And therefore, how many slokas are there in Nilakantha Chaturdhar's commentary on ...
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Confirmation on the number of verses in different editions of the Valmiki Ramayana

There is a slight confusion In the number of verses attributed to different edition of the Valmiki Ramayana in the critical edition published by BORI. As regards the critical edition, the critical ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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List of critical edition of Hindu texts?

I have read Critical edition of Ramayana [will start with CE of Mahabharata too]. I was wondering if anyone have the list of critical editions of other Hinduism text?
Shiv Sahil Guleri's user avatar
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Udyoga Parva - Mahabharata BORI edition with the footnotes

I am looking for the BORI critical edition of the Mahabharata in Sanskrit, with footnotes, so that I can see the different variations available for a text. I saw has a few of those pdfs. I ...
sidharth chhabra's user avatar
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Is the BORI Critical Edition of the Mahabharata the most authentic? [closed]

Is BORI Critical Edition translated by Bibek Debroy truly the most authentic version available on this planet right now?
RGH's user avatar
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Is the "narayanam namaskrtya" benedictory initial stanza present in the critical editions of the Mahabharata?

D.D. Kosambi writes that V.S. Suktankar's 1933 text-criticism rejected it. What do different critical editions say about that?
S K's user avatar
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How do we know whether the BORI people are qualified (to do what they do) and what are their methods?

The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute or BORI prepares critical editions of Hindu scriptures. They also seem to remove portions from ancient manuscripts deeming such portions as interpolations. ...
Rickross's user avatar
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How many Puranas have critical editions?

I have heard of a critical edition of Harivamsa prepared by BORI. Are there any others and are they available on the net?
S K's user avatar
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Is the Virata War considered an interpolation according to BORI scholars? [closed]

Is the Virata War considered an interpolation according to BORI scholars? In the Mahabharata, there are varying accounts regarding the Virata War. As I understand, Vyasa mentions that there was no ...
Gabriel Alexander Gonzalez Agu's user avatar
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Exact References of number of wives of krishna in mahabharat?

Please give exact shloka number(and its translation) in Mahabharat(not puranas) , where number of wives of krishna is mentioned, Esp. the 16000 wives in narakasura episode and other wives? I will ...
zaxebo1's user avatar
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Is there a critical edition of Bhāgavata Purāṇa?

There's a critical edition of Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa and there's one for Mahābhārata. Does Bhāgavata Purāṇa also have a critical edition? If it does, maybe it will help answering questions like Questions ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Whether in mahabharat itself(not in purana), krishna is depicted as makhan chor(stealing butter)?

Whether in mahabharat, esp. BORI edition(though other edition may also do), krishna is depicted as makhan chor(stealing butter) ? Please do not give reference of any purana.
zaxebo1's user avatar
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Is the verse about Indra forcing himself upon Ahalyā present in the Critical Edition of Rāmāyaṇa?

The translation of Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa on this site says Indra forced himself upon Ahalyā: BOOK 7: UTTARA KANDA SECTION 35 ... Thereupon she propitiated the ascetic Gautama saying, "O ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Is the verse about Rāmāyaṇa containing 24,000 ślokas present in the critical edition?

The following verse from the website indicates the total no. of verses present in Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa. चतुर् विंशत् सहस्राणि श्लोकानाम् उक्तवान् ऋषिः | तथा सर्ग शतान् पंच षट् का...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Is there a BORI critical edition of Rigveda available online?

BORI critical edition of Mahabharata is available online on This article on says that BORI has ancient manuscripts of Rigveda. Is there a BORI critical ...
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What events in Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa can be explained only if Rāma was a God?

In Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, are there any superhuman feats that Rāma performed that a layperson could not have performed? I'm looking for feats such as Hanumān flying over the sea to reach Laṅkā (a feat ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Which recension of Mahābhārata did K M Ganguli use for his translation?

A lot of answers and questions on this site use the translation of Mahābhārata that's freely available at This translation was done by Kisari Mohan Ganguli (a.k.a K M Ganguli) over ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Is this verse of mahabharata found in the BORI critical edition of Mahabharata?

Did this verse make the cut for the critical edition? उभौ मध्वासवक्षिप्तावुभौ चन्दनरूषितौ । स्रग्विनौ वरवस्त्रौ तौ दिव्याभरणभूषितौ ॥ (I saw) both of them (Krishna and Arjuna) drunk with ...
Anubhav Jha's user avatar
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What are the major differences between the Critical edition of Mahabharatha and the Kumbhakonam edition?

There seems to be a lot of difference between the Critical edition of Mahabharatha and the Kumbhakonam edition. One major difference is the Aswamedha parva where the Critical edition cuts it at 96 ...
Vishwanath N's user avatar
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Why did BORI excise the Vyāsa-Gaṇeśa conversation from its critical edition of the Mahābhārata?

The following extract is from the introduction to The Mahabharata: Volume 1 by Bibek Debroy. There are many different versions or recensions of the Mahabharata. However, between 1919 and 1966, ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Was Bhagavad Gita a later interpolation?

BORI removes Bhagavad gita from the Mahabharata claiming it to be a later addition. How authentic its claim can be?
Kishy Nivas's user avatar
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Who was it that really saved Draupadī's modesty?

Contrary to popular belief, seems like it wasn't Kṛṣṇa who rescued Draupadī when she was being disrobed by Duḥśāsana. This is what Bibek Debroy writes in the introduction to his translation based on ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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To save themselves from the Lākṣāgṛha (house of lac), did Pāṇḍavas kill an innocent niṣāda woman and her five children?

In this YouTube video (1988 TV series Mahabharat, Episode 31 - Escape from Lakshagraha) it is shown that a niṣāda woman and her five children are urged by Purocana, the builder of the infamous ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Is Bhagavad Gita with 745 verses available? [duplicate]

I read on a website that the original Bhagavad Gita had 745 verses. Is it true? If yes, is it available to read online? Also, why were the 45 verses excised from the current version of Gita which only ...
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