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What makes a person a Hindu? [duplicate]

In Hinduism we have monotheists as well as polytheists. We do not have same deities and same customs. Does one become Hindu by accepting supremacy of Vedas? We don't have a single book like other ...
nayana v's user avatar
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Sub-castes within lingayatism?

Are the sub-castes within lingayatism similar to the hindu caste system like the Sharana/Ainor(priests), Shettar(merchants/vaishyas), holeya(shudra) etc ? NOTE: What will be the accepted references ...
Nandan TM's user avatar
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Are there finer classifications than the 4-varna/guna classification in scripture?

Priests, Warriors, Traders, Labourers is fine and dandy but where do scientists, journalists and artists, to name a few temperaments/occupations, fit into this? I remember reading that a Soviet ...
S K's user avatar
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Are shudras allowed to wander near sacrifices?

This question is asked by the curiosity created by my previous question. Are shudras allowed to wander near sacrifices? Are they allowed to put a sight on a sacrifice? Are they allowed to touch ...
Fierce lord's user avatar
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Why low-caste people are not allowed inside some temples and homes?

In most temples and homes, especially in villages, low-caste people are not allowed. These regulations are being followed for thousands of years now. What is the reason behind such practice? What do ...
Sakthi's user avatar
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Are we encouraged to become a brahmin?

Is becoming a brahmin best for us? if yes then why? are we discouraged if we choose a different path?
Utsav's user avatar
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Can Hinduism work in a classless society?

I'm not Hindu but it's my understanding that there are Hindu texts that specify a caste system. Must these systems be followed, or is something like a classless society as outlined by Marx (minus the ...
tox123's user avatar
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