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Does a deity protect atman?

I've heard of bhakti yoga, meditation, etc., as a means of liberation or moksha, but does any scripture profess a deity to be the protector of atman?
blue_ego's user avatar
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Who is Muniswara deity worshipped in southern India? [duplicate]

A deity named Munishwara is worshipped in southern India. He is considered as a form or a devotee of Shiva. Not much information about him is present on the internet. Who is Lord Munishwara? Is he ...
Yash M's user avatar
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What is the source of the mantra "Om Aryamayai Namah"?

A lot of websites and youtube channels related to Brahmacharya recommend meditating on this mantra "Om Aryamayai Namah". I am curious as to what is it's source and who is the deity of the ...
Aspiring Learner's user avatar
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Who is Shree Muneshwara Swamy? What is his story?

There are many temples in South India dedicated to Shri Muneshwara Swamy. On Googling only this much information was found. Lord Muneshwaraan, who is a Hindu God, worshipped as a family deity in most ...
Hari Kumar's user avatar
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Are there any other deities similar to Ardhanarishvara?

Ardhanarishvara is a form of Shiva/Parvati who is (simply put) physically half-man and half-woman. Are there any other similar deities? (Not mortals.) (Doesn't necessarily have to be a synthesis of ...
CDR's user avatar
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Are there any list of Nagardevta/gramdevta of famous Indian cities?

A Nagardevta/Gramadevta is guardian deity of village who is worshipped by people of that Grama(village) and the deity protects the village. I am wondering who are the Nagardevta/gramadevta of famous ...
Himanshya Bhardwaj's user avatar