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Questions tagged [demi-god]

In Hinduism, demigod is used to refer to deities who were once human and later became devas (gods). There are three very notable demigods in Vedic Scriptures, Hanuman, Nandi (the divine vehicle of Shiva), and Garuda (the divine steed of Vishnu).

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2 votes
1 answer

How powerful are devatās?

BG 7.20 : Those whose knowledge has been carried away by material the celestial gods. Following their own nature, they worship the devatās, practicing rituals meant to propitiate these celestial ...
12 votes
1 answer

Scripture showing ways to summon Gandharva, Yaksha and Kinnar

Is there any Scripture which provides complete information on how to summon Gandharva, Yaksha and Kinnar?
2 votes
0 answers

Equivalent of Seven Archangels of Zorastrianism in Vedic Religion?

Zorastrianism and Early Vedic religion ar every similar, scholars even opine that they were one religion and got split into two, or one originated from the other. Now in Zorastrianism there are seven ...
4 votes
1 answer

What do we know about Khadgi, the wife of nirrta?

All of the gods are extensively covered but khadgi wasnt found anywhere. What do we know about her?
2 votes
0 answers

Who was the most powerful asura in history [closed]

I want to know if there is any asura who is touted to be the most powerful of all. Like top tier asura.
0 votes
0 answers

Can asuras be born as humans like how devas are born as avadhutas

Do asuras have the power to manifest as humans like how hanuman is a manifestation of shiva.
1 vote
0 answers

Why we haven't discovered different planetary systems yet as described?

While I was reading more and more, I got to know that there are different lokas below and above earth and the distance described for them is only some yojana sway (1 yojana = 8 miles = 12 kilometers), ...
3 votes
2 answers

Who are gratified when the sacrifices are performed by the demigods?

Who are gratified when the sacrifices/yajna are performed by the demigods? Like when humans make sacrifices they gratify demigod (like Indra, Agni, etc.). I mean Indra is a god that had performed a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can anyone give me a list of people mentioned in our ancient texts who attained Siddhis through meditation only

By siddhis, i mean the superpowers mentioned in Hanuman Chalisa, Asta Siddhis like growing large and small, flying and other powers. Can someone give me a list of people who attained super powers ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why do the vedas have hymns to worship demi gods (Agni, Indra, etc) but gita say not to worship demigods? [duplicate]

अग्ने पवस्व स्वपा अस्मे वर्चस्सुवीर्यम् । दधद्रयिं मयि पोषम् ।। O Agni, The God of true deeds! Give us righteous valor and splendor of mind. Give to me Your riches and Your sustenance. - Rigveda 9.66....
13 votes
2 answers

Who are the Aśvinī-kumāra brothers?

I want to know who are Aśvinī-kumāra brothers? What are their names and what is the role of Aśvins or Ashwini Kumaras in our mythology? Are they demigods?
0 votes
0 answers

Is the term "demigod" necessary to translate the name of any entity in Hinduism to English? [duplicate]

In the post Do the long term actions of Avataras survive the end of the respective Avataras? a user in the comment section says "there are demigods" in Hinduism. Is this correct? Note: this ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can Vaishnavas worship other Gods(anya devata)? [duplicate]

Generally Vaishnavas don't worship Gods other Sri Vishnu and His incarnations(Swaminarayan Sampradaya being a notable exception).Is there any mention in scriptures if the worship of anya devata is ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to know if someone is a Deva or an incarnation of a Deva?

How to know if someone is a Deva or an incarnation of a Deva? Do Hindu scriptures talk about how to determine whether someone who claims he is a god or avatar of a god, is actually one?
8 votes
1 answer

Do the Devas not actually eat or drink?

Ramanujacharya, in his commentary on the Brahma Sutras, says this in his commentary for sutra 3.1.7: That eating the soul means no more than satisfaction with it, may also be inferred from the ...
1 vote
2 answers

What word from Hindu scripture translates to "demi-god"?

The most obvious candidate "deva" is now an English word and needs no translation: Merriam Webster: Definition of deva plural -s : a divine being or god in Hinduism and Buddhism From wiki, ...
5 votes
0 answers

Do Agama shastras prescribe rules regarding parivara-devatas?

Are they deities who are relatives/associates of the main deity at a temple? do agama shastras prescribe how their idols should be installed?
2 votes
2 answers

What is the meaning of worshiping a demigod? And is it bad to worship a demigod? [BG 4.12] [duplicate]

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4, Verse 12 it is stated that: Men in this world desire success in fruitive activities, and therefore they worship the demigods. Quickly, of course, men get results from ...
2 votes
1 answer

What are the spiritual benefits of worshipping God moon?

As God moon is connected to feminine aspects of brain (emotions, love, devotion etc). Will worshipping God Moon helps us to ( helps mean being lubricant or catalyst ) make us femininely strong, i.e ...
3 votes
0 answers

What is Niyati? [duplicate]

I've been unable to find following answers regarding Niyati. Can anyone describe? What is Niyati? Who decides it? Is their any Deity to decide ? Or god ? Can it be changed? Or there is no Niyati at ...
6 votes
2 answers

Are new demigods created?

There are said to be a lot of demigods (about 33 crores). Is this number constant? Are new demigods created by the supreme being? What do scriptures say about this?
6 votes
1 answer

Who are Ashta Dikpalakas? what is their job?

What are the duties & responsibilities of Ashta Dikpalakas? Are they considered gods/demigods? Can they be worshiped for any specific purpose? Why are Ūrdhvā & Adho dikpalakas are not ...
0 votes
0 answers

Was Demigod's concept misused? [duplicate]

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) translated the Sanskrit word "deva" as "demigod" in his literature when the term ...