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Treatment of a Chandala who has good Moral Character

If a Chandala had good moral character can one give him gifts and treat him more than what is stated in Dharmashastras. Please answer from Dharmasutras/sastras and Nitisastras.
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Why do some Dharmasastras allow abortion in the case of adultery/assault?

It appears sastras clearly admit even a fetus has a Jivatma menaing it has a spark of life, but why should it be moral to abort if say the mother or some evil man commit sin. It is innceont after all.
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Ordeals and their weight on Dharmashastras

Ordeals or divine tests were prescribed based on Dharmashastras, but is this fair in regards to running a kingdom? Why was the logic behind them from a legal and justice standpoint and a theological/...
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Reintegration of mixed Varnas into society based on morality

While birth is a feature of mixed castes, it seems their violent nature was also discussed. Is there any text that explicitly states that a mixed Varna member with good morality can integrate into a ...
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