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I unknowingly ate bovine collagen. What now?

I was at the gym and I got a protein shake and I didn’t know there was anything wrong with it but it turned out it had bovine collagen. What do I do, which god or goddess should I pray and repent to? ...
Ojas Saharan's user avatar
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Parents and Dietary Restrictions

I don't wanna make my parents' life hard, so I said I would follow scriptural dietary restrictions of not eating onion and garlic as casual food. I also stated that if scripture prescribes meat/...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Does eating a non vegetarian based food incur sin in our lives?

Throughout the world , meat eating has become a daily routine in our lives. The meat consumed comes from torturing and mercilessly killing animals like pig, goat, chicken etc. Hinduism has always ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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What are lions and tigers eating in Satyug?

In Satyug the animals get along with each other and play together, no enemies, as says Skand Puran Chapter 17. So lions and tigers, cheetah, jaguar, what are they eating ? Cause in Kaliyug they hunt ...
veganenvironmental's user avatar
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Are there any stotras that i can recite without following a vegetarian diet

I have a health condition that keeps me from being a vegan. I have to consume animal protein almost everyday in moderation. But my consumption of meat etc interferes with my daily recitation of ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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Garlic Rasam as exception to Aryuvedic Rule

So I know in many cases garlic and other pungent foods/spices lead to high Rajistic tendencies due to a highly concentrated amount of emotion. But, I also heard sattvic food is any good food that ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Garlic and Onion in Hindu Text

So I know usually speaking Garlic and Onion are considered impure. However, from these news articles: and
Haridasa's user avatar
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Can I consume fruits after having a spoon of Ghee?

I have a dry and vata body so I like to consume a spoon of Ghee before my meals. But I also consume a lot of fruits and soaked nuts after that. Is that a bad combination?
pdna's user avatar
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What is the detailed story of Rishi Jabali turning cow meat into onions?

In the book "Accounts of the Writings, Religions and Manners of the Hindoos" by William Ward published in 1811 there is a section on extraordinary deeds by various high-souled Rishis. (Pages ...
Artist Formerly Known As CSD's user avatar
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Is non-veg really banned in hinduism?

I personally believe that eating non veg is a sin for any hindu,but there are many sects in hinduism which allow non veg such as bengalis offer fishes to kaali ma , a brahmin sect in bihar do also eat ...
Siddharth Singh's user avatar
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Types of Foods mentioned in our religious texts

From Where can I read about Types of foods ( satvik, Rajvik and Tamsik) mentioned in our religious texts?
Nikhil Mishra's user avatar
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Why do many Hindus eat meat and fish? Eating meat and fish directly violates the principle of Ahimsa

Ahimsa is one of the Yamas of the Vedic religion. My question is why do so many Hindus eat meat and fish? Eating meat and fish directly violates the principle of Ahimsa.
Debayudh Chatterjee 's user avatar
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About meat eating and spices in Rama's time

Are spices mentioned in any Puranas / Ramayan used during Rama's time? Specially with respect to sattvik or tamasic nature. What were the dharmic rules about meat eating, about what parts were allowed ...
blue_ego's user avatar
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Dharmashastra and certain types of alcoholic beverages

Among the 5 greatest sins, is the drinking of Surā or alcohol. Basically, Tamasic foods are not recommended which include, fermented items such as alcohol. However the dharmashastras have carved an ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Why is curd an exception to Tamasic food even though it is fermented?

Foods are categorised into sattva, rajas and tamas based on their nature. As is stated here, tamas foods are: Food cooked more than three hours before being eaten, which is tasteless, stale, putrid, ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Why don't Sri Vaishnava acharyas recommend veganism?

According to Sanatana Dharma, store bought milk is considered highly sinful. This is what the Dharma shastra says: The milk of the cow that has not passed its ten days... as also the milk of the cow ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Is meat eating allowed? [duplicate]

I am on a quest to understand religions more deeply. I have one simple question that is meat eating allowed in Hinduism? Are there any instances mentioned in any of the scriptures which talk about ...
Ganit's user avatar
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Is there any specific prayer (or mantra) to recite before eating food? [duplicate]

We see in other religions that prayer after food is best, so is there any such in Hinduism? And if so, what is that particular Mantra or prayer?
Rajam's user avatar
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What "bhog" could we give to various Deities if we dont want to give sweets always

We want to reduce our sugar intake, so we are looking for alternative food items that various Gods like. For Lakshmi and Narayan atleast to begin with. Hoping someone here could help with some ...
Hirak's user avatar
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Which Shastras say that we should not eat after Sunset?

In one of the discourse or dialogue, Jagadguru Shri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Mahaswamigal, while describing the good qualities of crow, said It wakes up at Bramhamuhurtam……it caws and wakes you ...
Hari Kumar's user avatar
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Is there any single nama of devi recommended by scriptures for japa while eating?

Scriptures recommend names to recite based on the task we are doing. For suppose, during bathing, the name Gomati is recommended A person who, as he bathes, says the word “Gomati" attains the ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Do Any Tantra Texts Promote Veganism Or Being Vegan

Been part of the vegan environmentalist movement for many years now, just wondering if any Tantra texts encourage or promote being vegan ? Cause of Shakta path, am more on the Tantra side w/ Hindu ...
veganenvironmentalist's user avatar
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Why are root vegetables (potatoes and carrots) forbidden when they are sanctioned?

Root vegetables such as potatoes and carrots cannot be eaten because they cause injury to the vegetables, unlike non-root vegetables. However, how are these prohibited when root vegetables are ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Six kinds of food

Bhkshya, bhojya, etc. are the different types of food (chewed, licked, sucked,...) mentioned in many scriptures and said the Brahmans should be fed with six kinds of food. The definition of bhakshya ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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What are the high pranic foods according to Yogic culture?

In the following video Sadhguru says Ash Gourd known as Kooshmanda. He says that is a high pranic food. That is why it is also used in sacrifices where they break it by throwing it to ground. https://...
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Do scriptures provide any guidelines or any information for vegan puja and rites?

Do the Hinduism scriptures have any info for vegan puja rituals/reet/rasam ? Like performing abhishek with almond milk and coconut milk and such? Daan/charity as being only vegan food, prasad as being ...
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Why is it advised to avoid foods that are grown under the land on Shraddham days?

I've learnt that certain vegetables are avoided (Onion, Garlic, beetroot etc) on Shraddham/Tharpanam days for 2 reasons: They are Aphrodisiac in nature. They are grown under the land. Can someone ...
Newbie's user avatar
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What type of foods we must not eat during Amavasya tharpanam?

I've noticed that there are certain foods that we must not eat during Amavasya days. I've been told that foods like onion and garlic and certain other foods should be avoided. But some people tell ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Are there any other sadhakas in India who lived without food?

In the scriptures of Sanathan Dharma, there are several mentions about rishis or yogis who live without food. Some may live on the water, some may live with either sun or air. In the recent past, ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Ucchista and its rules- when, how, what?

When one eats food from a few vessels, the food as well as those vessels become Ucchista (उच्छिष्ट) (the food and hand touch the mouth, the same used hand touches those vessels to take new food from ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Regarding meat eating

Is there any process or procedure available in Hinduism before eating meat like halal in Islam or some other process in Christianity? Any prayer or deity to be remembered before eating meat? Please ...
Prasanna Malatesha's user avatar
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Which specific texts dealing with the practice of Agriculture? [duplicate]

I have recently been coming across the term "Vedic Agriculture". I was keen to learn if there are specific scriptures which lay out functional practices for agriculture that may be construed ...
Ananda Bhairav Nath's user avatar
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Do the scriptures recommend not leaving one's home empty stomach in the morning?

I have heard Elders say that we mustn't leave the home in the morning on an empty stomach for that results in ill-fortunes and bad-omens for the upcoming day. The common reasoning given by them is it ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Is it mentioned to not keep the following idol without offerings?

I heard from several people to not keep the idle of maa kali anywhere if we are not providing any offerings. And if we keep the idol then it will harm the surroundings. Is it true? Does it have any ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Cooked rice during rituals

In Karnataka, mainly around Udupi/Mangalore/Sringeri, the cooked rice is called "musure (ಮುಸುರೆ)" (in Kannada). Not sure what it's called in English (may be impure) or Sanskrit. If cooked ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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Is there any similarity in cooking items by Vallav (Bheema) and Bahuka (Nala) in Mahabharatha during their tough times?

Mahabharata has Nalopakyana Parva, which explains the life of Nala in some chapters. Nala appoints as rider and chef in the court of Rithuparna. Bheema was appointed as entertainer and chef in the ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Vedic texts contain verses that support animal sacrifice , then why does Hinduism generally consider eating non-veg to be sin?

Vedas have many verses which support killing of animals in sacrifice , then why does Hinduism generally consider eating non-veg food to be wrong ? Also there is one Nishad caste in Hinduism whose job ...
river's user avatar
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How big of a sin is eating non-vegetarian food?

What punishment do people get for eating non-vegetarian food ? Do they get punished in hell or do they get punished in this world ?
river's user avatar
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Where can I find classification of Indian food items based on its guna?

There are three Gunas: Sattva, Rajas, Tamas. Based on the occupation and some other aspects, people take particular types of foods. Scriptures generally encourage the intake of Sattvic food since it ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Should Hindus eat food objects of non-Indian origin?

Apart from the usual ban on onion, garlic, radish, carrot & mushrooms, the sacred kitchen of Jagannatha Dhama in Sriksetra also bans the usage of vegetables of non-Indian origin like potato, ...
অনু's user avatar
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Onion and garlic dilemma and optimum solution

Suppose someone has voluntarily gave up onion and garlic. Now he went to a restaurant which also offers no onion and garlic food. So you order food without onion and garlic. Mistakenly restaurant ...
manish's user avatar
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Why do some people avoid eating some specific foods on specific days?

Lately, I had a conversation with one of my internet friends from India. I asked her about her dietary habits. She told me that in her family they don't eat non-vegetarian food items on Tuesday (...
Anastasia Calazans's user avatar
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How to prepare "meat juice" that has been mentioned in Charaka Samhita?

The following two excerpts from chapter 27- Diet and Dietetics (Annapana-vidhi) of the Charaka Samhita mentions meat juice #1: Meat-juice nourishes By its very nature, water moistens, salt liquefies, ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Is there any type of food capable enough to change the contents of causal body?

According to Sanatana Dharma, a Jeeva or human contains three bodies: Physical body, subtle body, and causal body. It is well known that food can directly impact the physical body. We can also notice ...
hanugm's user avatar
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As a Hindu, can I feed other people beef?

I am a volunteer who helps feed elderly and disabled people. They choose their meal from the cafeteria, and I feed it to them. My role (which I recently began) has led me to a dilemma. As a Hindu, I ...
keychains's user avatar
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How much of Vedanta Desikan's Ahara Niyamam is based on Ayurveda or shares similarities with it?

Ahara Niyamam means "Dietary restrictions", and Vedanta Desikan wrote a work with the same name that shows what food items are appropriate and inappropriate for Sri Vaishnavas based on the ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Are there any particular food macros instructions given in our vedas

I would like to follow a strictly sattvik diet. I would like to know if there are any instructions given in the vedas or scriptures about the proportions of protein carbohydrates and fats to be ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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According to Vedas, how to cook & eat sacrificed animal's meat?

I know Tantric and Puranic traditions may be different, but how to cook & eat animals as per Vedas? Rig Veda 10.28.3: अद्रिणा ते मन्दिन इन्द्र तूयान सुन्वन्ति सोमान पिबसि तवमेशाम |पचन्ति ते वर्षभा...
R. Kaushik's user avatar
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Why are Asafoetida (Hing) and Brinjal(aka eggplant and aubergine) are offered as Prasadam while other non sattvik foods like onion/garlic not allowed

Onion and Garlic are prohibited to be offered as Prasadam to God. And are even classified as rajasic/tamasic according to Ayurveda. However Brinjal and Hing are also rajasic/sattvik(according to ...
RishX's user avatar
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Diet for fasting in hinduism

There is a mention of fast in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva about fasting which is continued for twenty-eight days, which is the maximum number of days of fasting. That man who having fasted for eight ...
satya's user avatar
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