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Questions tagged [gaudapada]

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10 votes
5 answers

Were Gaudapada's views closer to Madhyamaka Buddhism?

Sankara’s doctrine of maya has been one of the principle reasons that he has been accused of being a closet Buddhist. Yet it was actually Sankara’s parama-guru, Gaudapada who posited the idea of maya ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Who are five Acharyas between Gaudapada and Adi Shankaracharya mentioned by Vidyaranya?

I searched a lot while trying to find answer to What was the lifestyle of Gaudapada? ; Though I couldn't find an answer worthy to post. I read couple of research papers and some pages of a very useful ...
Pandya's user avatar
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4 votes
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What school of philosophy believes in an infinite number of Tattvas?

The most prominent thinker associated with the Advaita Vedanta school is Adi Shankaracharaya, but he wasn't the founder of Advaita; Adi Shankaracharaya's guru Govinda and Govinda's guru Gaudapada were ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Uttara gita bhashya of Gaudapada

Uttara Gita is a famous text containing the conversation of Lord Kesava with Arjuna. Traditional scholars claim that the Uttara-Gita has taken as its source the Asvamedha Parva of the Mahabharata. ...
GIRIBLR's user avatar
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Do Advaitins believe that Vishnu appeared before Gaudapada?

The most prominent thinker associated with the Advaita Vedanta school is Adi Shankaracharaya, but he wasn't the founder of Advaita; Adi Shankaracharaya's guru Govinda and Govinda's guru Gaudapada were ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Who was Gaudapada's guru?

Gaudapada is known to be the guru of Govindapada and the grand-guru of Adi Shankara. Who was his (Gaudapada's) guru?
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