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3 answers

Is Shri Vishnu's Mohini avataram the only avatara where a deity adopts the form of opposition gender?

Mohini came during samundra manthan to treat devas with amritam. She also came other times like to kill evil bhasmasura demon. Is mohini the only avataram which came from opposite gender god? Or other ...
HariHara's user avatar
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Are there any other deities similar to Ardhanarishvara?

Ardhanarishvara is a form of Shiva/Parvati who is (simply put) physically half-man and half-woman. Are there any other similar deities? (Not mortals.) (Doesn't necessarily have to be a synthesis of ...
CDR's user avatar
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What is the concept of male and female in Hinduism?

Male and female gender exists not only in humans (and animals) but almost everything. Even devtas (like Varun, Indra etc) and "inanimate" objects (eg-river) have gender. What is the basic ...
river's user avatar
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Why Krishna is specifying woman, Vaishyas and Sudras in Sloka 9.32 of Bhagavad Gita regarding attening Supream Goal? [duplicate]

Bhagavat Gita 9.32 Translation māḿ hi pārtha vyapāśrityaye ’pi syuḥ pāpa-yonayaḥstriyo vaiśyās tathā śūdrāste ’pi yānti parāḿ gatim Arjuna, women, Vaisyas (members of the tradingand agriculturist ...
Alok's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the name of third-gender avatar of Hari?

Garuda Purana tells that Vishnu will born to kill an asura. Vishnu takes the form of an eunuch The gods would be divided into different clans such as the Svadharmans, Sutapasas, Haritas, Rohitas, etc....
hanugm's user avatar
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Scriptural verses that assign masculinity and femininity to varnas

So my friend (of the Katyayan gotra) she is saying that kshatriyas are the masculine dominated varna, while braahmins are the androgynous dominated varna, a combination of masculine and feminine ...
Temujin Haan's user avatar
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Is there any festival in hindu religion celebrating girl child and why girls have to fast most of the time?

A person raised a question that why in Hindu religion we have "boy" centered festivals but none for girls. For example in north India we have bhai-duj and jhat puja festival in which family worship to ...
Singh's user avatar
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Does gender change during reincarnation in Hinduism? [duplicate]

Can a man be born as woman or vice versa in their next birth?
Jay Thakur's user avatar
4 votes
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What's the source of the story that involves hijras (transgenders) and Rāma?

Devdutt Pattanaik in this YouTube video discusses gender and sexuality in Hinduism. There he mentions an incident from the Hijra Rāmāyaṇa that involves the transgenders and Rāma. From Wikipedia, here'...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Does a soul have any gender?

Normally we consider Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh as the Supreme God and as stated below all souls are part of this Supreme soul. yathā sudīptāt pāvakādvisphuliṅgāḥ sahasraśaḥ prabhavante sarūpāḥ ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Is the object of Putrakāmeṣṭi only a son or a child of either gender?

Is the object of Putrakāmeṣṭi only a son or a child of any gender? For example, if a couple already have a girl child, can they still perform putrakāmeṣṭi desiring a son? Any examples from our ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
10 votes
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Is it mentioned in any ancient scripture that Bhagiratha was raised by a lesbian couple?

From my own answer regarding third gender and its acceptance in Hinduism, I got to know about Krittivasi Ramayana, which says that Bhagiratha was raised by two co-widows, who made love together with ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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9 answers

Vedas and Vedic dharma on homosexuality

This link describes that the Vedas have no problem with homosexuality: In contemporary India LGBT people face discrimination and marginalization. This results from cultural attitudes imposed by the ...
Yogi's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there Hindu-specific rules/norms for the status of women?

I'm not interested in the modern status of women in Hinduism practitioners, instead I'd like to know what the Hindu doctrine says about it. For example, for religions like Christianity there are ...
pgpb.padilla's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Can women be priestesses?

In all of the temples that I have seen, only males serve as priests. I don't remember seeing any women priestesses. Though there are a few famous women devotees like Aandaal, Meera Bai, etc. there are ...
TheLoneKing's user avatar
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4 answers

What does Hinduism say about third-gendered people?

Recently, gay rights have been a very hot topic, and some politicians say that they are un-natural and against Hindutva. But how? I mean I don't remember any Veda or religious book saying anything ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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7 answers

Why don't men wear the likes of Mangal-Sutra to signify they are married?

In Hinduism, brides wear Mangal Sutra to signify that they are married. Additionally, the use of sindoor, red kumkum powder also applied along the parting of the hair, is also worn by married women. ...
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