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Questions tagged [hanuman-chalisa]

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Do different stotras for same god have different effects?

Do different stotras for same god have different effects? For example, if I want to recite stotra for god Hanuman, should I recite Maruti Stotra (in my mother tongue Marathi, written by Swami Ramdas) ...
user5155835's user avatar
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What gives the "spiritual - theological authenticity" to modern compositions like Chālīsās & ārtís?

Hanumāna Chālīsā is by far, one of the most popular devotional hymn to a God. It's authorship is credited to Tulsídāsa, although few other sources might also call it as a later interpolated addition ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Can we chant the Hanuman Chalisa outside of the temple?

I have taken up chanting Hanuman Chalisa during my daily puja and have been doing it for some time now. But recently I came across an article that says, to never chant Hanuman Chalisa anywhere else ...
bluejay05's user avatar
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Does the Hanuman Chalisa require Guru Diksha for it to be effective?

If one wants to chant the Hanuman Chalisa does that particular individual need need to undergo Guru Diksha?
Rajam's user avatar
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Garuda visiting Sri Ram in Ramayan

In Ramayan, when Garuda visited Sri Ram and Laxman to save from Naag fans, Sri Ram behaved as if he doesn't know Garuda. Well Sri Ram has had his education in Gurukul and must be knowing about Garuda. ...
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