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Who is the ruler of Naraka (hell) & Is any details about them?

Like Indra is the king of Svarga, Is any scriptures mention the ruler of Naraka? Is any details about them?
Boovanaes's user avatar
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What are the origins of Svarga and Naraka?

Most of us know about Svarga and Naraka. But, what are their origins? Does any scriptures mentioned that how these places were created?
Boovanaes's user avatar
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Is there any scriptural basis for the belief that heaven and hell are not physical places but merely states of mind?

I often hear many people claiming that heaven and hell are not actual physical places in hinduism but merely states of mind. Does this belief have any scriptural support?
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Why Śiva is so vehemently denigrated as Sadā-aśiva etc. only in the Brahmakhanḍa of Garuḍa purāṇa and Śaivas are said to be destined for eternal hell?

In contrast, the Ācāra khaṇḍa, chapter 24 says worshippers of Sadāśiva will become free from death itself. इच्छाज्ञानक्रियाशक्तिस्त्रिनेत्रो हि सदाशिवः ॥ एवं शिवार्च्चनध्यानी सर्वदा कालवर्जितः ॥५७৷৷ ...
Śipiviṣṭa's user avatar
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As per Hinduism, What happens to those who follow Nihilist Philosophies like Buddhism?

Since Buddhism is regarded as a heretic path as per all the scriptures of hinduism, What would ultimately happen to those who follow Nihilst philosophies like Buddhism as per hinduism? Will Buddhists ...
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In case of ignorance Or athiesm if one criticize ved will he incur great sin and go to hell?

I want to know if one is childish and disrespect ved without knowing much about it in ignorance. Will he face serious consequence. Also if one with context say a material thing is greater than ved ...
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Eternal Hell in regards to Mahabharta

According to this verse in Mahabharta, there is an eternal hell "Yudhishthira answered,--'He that summoneth a poor Brahmana promising to make him a gift and then tells him that he hath nothing to ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Are there Any Annihilationist schools in Hinduism?

Among, All the schools of Hinduism, The Madhva school believes in eternal hell for Tamo-yogya Jivas who are beyond saving. There are a few other schools who also believe in the concept of nitya-...
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Unholy literature and media, what our scripture says

I want to know what scripture says on unholy sources of entertainment like a film promoting alcohol, smoking, or literature magazine promoting sexualization. What do scripture recommend us?
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Question about thoughts and actions

Parashara Smriti's Chapter 1 verse 26 " In the satyug, sin is incurred by one who converses (with a sinner) ; in the Treta by one who touches (the sinful man) ; in the Dvapara by taking the ...
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Is it true that people who keep dogs as pet go to hell?

Is it true that people who keep dog as a pet goes to hell ?
river's user avatar
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How to explain the conflict between the theory of Karma and hell?

According to Hinduism, souls reincarnate and experience the fruits of their Prarabdha Karma. Bad things happen to people because of their bad karma from previous birth. Then what is the function of ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Are people in Narak (hell) tortured and left alone ? Or Do they have companionship of other hell-dwellers?

What happens in Narak (hell)? Are people in hell left alone in solitary and tortured? Or do they have the companionship of other dwellers of hell?
river's user avatar
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Does a man get punished in hell for not loving all his wives equally?

Hinduism allow polygyny for men . But Does a man get punished in hell for not loving all his wives equally ?
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Do husband and wife go to heaven or hell together?

Do husband and wife go to heaven or hell together ? It is being said that sin of the wife is absorbed by the husband. Plus it is quite well known that a Pativrata wife takes the husband to heaven ...
river's user avatar
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How big of a sin is cow-killing ? What punishment is given for it in hell?

Killing of cow is considered as sin . I want to know how big of a sin it is. What is the punishment given in hell for killing of cow ? And what punishment for it in next birth(s) ?
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Which hell do people who interpolate scriptures go to?

There are many kinds of hell in Hinduism, but I have not seen any specific reference to hell for people who interpolate scriptures or propagate interpolated scriptures for political aims (like Arya ...
R. Kaushik's user avatar
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Where is the location of Naraka, the abode of Yama?

Hindu scriptures often refer to hell-like place as Naraka. I want to know whether this place is located inside or the outside of the earth. I have read somewhere that it is located on the same plane ...
Deependra Singh 's user avatar
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What is the ratio of speed of time between Earth and Swarga Loka and Narak Loka?

At what speed does the time move in heaven or hell with respect to earth ? What is ratio of speed of time at these places ? Anyone ?
river's user avatar
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Do plants feel pain upon being cut?

Do Plants feel pain when we cut them or kill them ? Are people punished for killing for hurting or teasing plants meaninglessly ?
river's user avatar
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Are dead people able to see us?

Are people who are dead i.e.those who are in Swarga , Narak , Pitri-Lok etc able to see us on earth ?
river's user avatar
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Do women who not follow Brahmcharya after death of husband go to hell?

Is it true that widows who don't practice celibacy after death of husbands go to hell ?
river's user avatar
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How to save oneself from hell?

How can one save oneself from going to hell ? What are the ways from which one can save himself from hell ?
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How much maximum time one has to spend in hell?

How much maximum time one has to spend in hell ?
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Do people get saved from hell if one of their family member is in heaven?

Yudhistira was allocated heaven while other four Pandavs and Draupdi were allocated hell . But when Yudhistira requested Yamraj that he too would live in hell with his other four brothers and wife in ...
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Is there a concept of hell in trika Shaivism?

Shiva Purana gives a detailed account of different hell. Is this the case in trika Shaivism?
Christopher's user avatar
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Will a sati go to heaven or hell?

Parasara Smriti 4.30 “A widow, who immolates herself on the same funeral pile with her deceased husband, resides in heaven for ten millions of years, which is the number of hairs on the human body.” ...
Sanatan Darshan's user avatar
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Who are the creatures that will torture us in hell according to purans?

There are many tortures mentioned in purans. So who will torture bad people in hell.
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