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Is Mata Parvati a human or a goddess?

Since she is daughter of human king Parvata raja(is Parvata Raja human or devta?) Is Parvati ji human or a goddess(devi)? Is she worshipable? Especially what is the opinion of Madhvas and Vaishnavas ...
Harsh's user avatar
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How and when can god listen our pray?

The concept of time in Hindu mythology has remarked that one day of god is equal to billions years of human. for example( correct me if wrong) One day of Brahma = 4.32 billion human years One year of ...
HRAUNMAKASH's user avatar
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Is it possible for humans to attain the power to create Universes or Multiverses of their own through any Yoga , Mantra or Tantra Sadhana?

Is it possible for humans to attain the power to create Universes or Multiverses of their own through any particular sadhana? What do all the different scriptures and philosophies say about it? It's ...
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After human life, is next step a low-level divine being?

The jiva goes from plant to insect to animal to human then divine ? Assuming we don’t achieve moksh, and we have good karma, would the next birth after human one be a low level divine being ? Like ...
veganenvironmental's user avatar
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how to get rid of karna pisachi if you effected by it through black magic

According to Hindu mythology there is an entity call Karna Pisachi (Pisachini), if you were under influence of pisachas through black magic, how to get rid of it according to Hindu Exorcism.
Unknown's user avatar
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Why are 'HUMAN BEINGS' different, according to Hindu Philosophy?

All of us inherently recognise the concept of fundamental human dignity - that human beings are BORN FREE and EQUAL. But why are they, what is its philosophical basis in HINDUISM? What is the basis of ...
Siddharth Bhardwaj's user avatar
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Why god do not change human's brain to worship god and do good work?

I heard that without the permission of god a leaf can't move. So, my question is Why god do not change human's brain to worship god and do good work. Please give me answer to this question by giving ...
Harsh kumar's user avatar
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Are devas similar or dissimilar to human beings?

Are the devas very similar to humans beings in most aspects, and are they like the material beings and objects that we encounter in daily experience? Or are the devas very dissimilar to human beings ...
Terjij Kassal's user avatar
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What is the exact time to live as a human before getting moksha?

Consider the following words of Indra from the Mahabharatha From the order of brute life one attains to the status of humanity. If born as human being, he is sure to take birth as a Pukkasa or a ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Human exceptionalism in Vedanta and Hindusim?

Shankaracharya in Vivekachudamani says Jantoonam Narajanmadurlabham Of All life forms human life is difficult to get. What is so much special about the Human body, that it helps the soul to realise ...
Profile name's user avatar
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Is there a hierarchy of power among humans,Devas and Gods?

In Greek mythology, humans sometimes defeat Gods - for example, in the Trojan war, the Greek hero Diomedes is said to have wounded goddess Aphrodite and even the God of war, Ares himself. Are there ...
S K's user avatar
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Is Human birth better than heaven?

During human birth we can advance spiritually (especially when one is born in a Hindu family) while in heaven there is only pleasure and enjoyment. Which is better - heaven or human birth ?
river's user avatar
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According to Hindu scriptures which location on earth had the first human settlements?

According to Hindu scriptures, after Brahma created the first humans and decided to populate the earth with early human settlements, in which geographical location did he put them. I want to know the ...
Swami Factanand's user avatar
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Did the human lifespan gradually change from 100k to 10k during the course of sata-yuga, or was the change abrupt when treta-yuga began?

Did the human lifespan gradually change from 100 thousands to 10 thousands during the course of satya-yuga, or was the change abrupt when treta-yuga began? I am only interested in answers that contain ...
Devin's user avatar
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Exact reason for a person to become mentally disordered due to wrong practices while kundalini awakening?

If kundalini awakening practices are supervised by a guru then it will be fruitful and there will be no negative effects. But, we generally hear that if it is practiced without a guru and in any wrong ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What exactly can be the concept of possessing in this context?

We frequently encounter the phenomenon of "someone possessing the others" in the scriptures. One example can be found here. I provided below another example of kali possessing Nala. "...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is average lifespan of humans according to puranas in different yugas?

Could someone site some sources and tell what is the average lifespan of human according to Puranas in different yugas?
Lokesh's user avatar
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What do humans do in Manvantaras 2-6?

It seems humans are completely missing in any story in Manvantaras 2-6, despite humans known to be there as Svārociṣa, Uttama, Tāmasa, Raivata, and Cākṣuṣa Manu are present. Does anyone have a ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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What does Sanaatana Dharma (Hinduism) say about the early humans?

I've heard that Sanaatana Dharma (Hinduism) exists since the formation of the universe. Were the early humans also Sanaatani (Hindu)?
Anastasia Calazans's user avatar
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Is Advaitha the only school of thought that gives highest possible status to a Jiva?

There are many schools of thoughts in Hindu philosophy. The most powerful or highest status is becoming a Brahman. Advaitha is the only school I know assuring that highest possible status to Jiva as ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Who is God of relationship?

खलसहवासं विघटय सतामेव सङ्गमनिशं भो । सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ १७॥ Oh Lord break my relation with evil people and always make me in company of good people Oh Samba , ...
HinduKid's user avatar
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What did God the Supreme Being create actually: Body or Mind?

In Bhagavad Gita, we encounter these words by Lord Krishna: 'I am the Creator and Sustainer of all living beings'.(Bhagavad Gita 9.5) All 'living beings' are endowed with consciousness that all ...
Prakash RP's user avatar
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Who is Right: Vivekananda or Lord Krishna?

Vivekananda claimed that God the Almighty exists inside every human being, and so he advised to treat everyone as God. But, Lord Krishna said: All living beings dwell in Me, but I do not dwell in ...
Prakash RP's user avatar
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Does the Vedic Sanatana dharma endorse the view that a cow deserves to be worshipped as the mother of humanity? [duplicate]

I've heard by the Vedic view, the birth as a human follows numerous births as beasts. A cow is a beast. Can a cow deserve the respect as the Mother of humanity? What's the True Vedic stance on this ...
Prakash RP's user avatar
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Parabrahman as generator of thoughts

Every human (in fact living organism) has thoughts throughout the lifetime. Thoughts occur to humans during jagrit and Swapna avasthas. Modern science believes that the brain is responsible for the ...
hanugm's user avatar
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How does mimamsa explain the existence of humans?

How does mimamsa explain the existence of humans. Do they take the verses about manu literary or do they believe that humans came after evolution. Or Do mimamsa believes that humans existed co-...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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How do we know that non-Indians are humans, "manushyas"?

According to Hinduism, there are many intelligent races like human (manushya/nara), asura, deva, gandharva, etc. Indians in Bharatavarsha are obviously manushya because the shastras say so. But how do ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Relation between manas and moon

I heard several times that according to Jyotish, the moon is related to manas. Which scripture talks about it? Did any scripture tell about the relation in detail?
hanugm's user avatar
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Are vedas for the entire humanity? [duplicate]

Vedas are shruti the highest text in Hinduism, so is the wisdom or knowledge of vedas for the entire humanity. Or for Indians who are brahmin. [And can a foreigner understand and properly translate ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Is there a human mentioned in the Vedas that has got the boon from the God? [duplicate]

There are many asura's that got boon from the God but are there humans that got boon from God.
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Are humans superior to other animals according to Vedas, Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads?

Are humans really superior to other animals or are they equal?
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Where is the verse(s) about Sāvarṇi (a name of the first human) in the Ṛgveda (Rig Veda)? Who are Sāvarṇya and Saraṇyū?

I tried control-f-ing to find the mention of Sāvarṇi but it did not work.
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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What were the acts of the first human between the Svāyambhuva Manvantara and Vaivasvata Manvantara. (Manvantaras 2-6) What do other humans do then? [closed]

In the long period of not hearing about the first human a lot, he was born by the names Svārociṣa, Uttama, Tāmasa, Raivata, and Cākṣuṣa. What was that Sāvarṇi up to during those times? How did his ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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Wolves appear often in religion, with many wandering, houseless people/deities having wolves as companions Why, then, are there no domesticated dogs?

Wolves are commonly mentioned in religion, appearing as beloved companions of many deities. Domesticated dogs, who are known as Man's best friend have no representatives on the other hand. I find this ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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Some questions on 'Dharma vs Sanatana Dharma'

As to burn is the dharma of the fire, the dharma of a being is to be of it's own nature. If dharma is 'the execution of' laws of nature, why is sanatana dharma not applied out of India? According to ...
Vikranth Inti's user avatar
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Would the ultimate goal of attaining Moksha lead to extinction of humans? [closed]

Illicit sex is wrong. Even sex in marriage is only for procreation. Sex takes one away from the ultimate goal of Moksha. This materialistic world is a place of suffering and pleasure, but more biased ...
Sampad Mohanty's user avatar
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Age swapping between humans

Yayati got a boon from Sukra that he can swap his old age with anyone "Vaisampayana continued, 'Yayati, the son of Nahusha, thus cursed by the angry Usanas, was then divested of his youth and ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Mentions of use of fire for cooking purpose in Hindu scriptures

Consider the following paragraphs which tell about using fire for cooking by humans. The act of cooking food using fire seems to be so old and important one. Paragraph 1 The control of fire by ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Can any one achieve anything in this world? [duplicate]

I've seen alot of times. The ability of human is praised. Swami Vivekanand also said a quote. "You Can Do Anything And Everything" Ive also heard that in the atharvaved it's said somewhere... "...
Karmaisrealman's user avatar
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Does Rakshasas belongs to human species? [duplicate]

Is Rakshasa a separate species or a group of people in human species? I mean, does Rakshasa means a bad/immoral human or entirely different from human species? Rakshasa
hanugm's user avatar
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Is it a sin for Rakshasas, Pisachas, and Asuras to kill humans?

The armies of the Asuras (Daityas and Danavas), Rakshasas, and Pisachas frequently come to Earth and kill humans. It is even said in scriptures that the food for Pisachas is human flesh. Do these ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Do gods feel uncomfortable when they approach human bodies?

I heard from this video that gods does not like to stay near human bodies and they feel uncomfortable to stay with in or nearer to human bodies? Which slokhas of which vedic scripture tells this?
hanugm's user avatar
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Does Hindu scripture have statements approximating "you can't step into the same river twice"? you cannot step into the same river twice because you are changing and the river is changing I think this describes the ...
S K's user avatar
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Using hypnotism as a mean to access past or future lives?

In the books 'Same Soul Many Bodies' and 'Many Masters Many Lives' by Brian L Weiss there are many cases where he used hypnotism as a tool to either regress or progress the patients past/future lives ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Is liberation possible only through a human birth?

In the Gita we see that even after the attainment of any loka one has to come back (as a human being) - Aabrahma bhuvanallokaah (8.16) and Ksheene punye martya lokam vishanti (9.21). It seems ...
Lotus's user avatar
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What is the origin of humans in Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma? [duplicate]

What is the origin of humans in Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma? Hinduism is not based on stories or myths. Its other way around here. The facts are being told as stories and mean heads misinterpret it ...
EternalHindu's user avatar
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Are all human beings capable of self-control?

I have been trying to find an answer to this according to the Hindu holy texts, but I cannot find reference to this in the Gita. Are all human beings capable of self-control or are there human beings ...
Charlie's user avatar
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What does Hinduism say on Evolution and inception of mankind? [duplicate]

The question title is very explanatory. However, I always wonder what does our scriptures say on Evolution if at all.
Nandan Chaturvedi's user avatar
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How many rebirths does a soul go through?

I heard that an Atma (soul) will take 7 births on the earth. Is it true? If it is true, then seven janma-s apply only for humans or animals or combinations of them?
ssr1012's user avatar
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Do all species have soul?

There is a famous quote which is circulating online that according to Hinduism, soul transmigrates through 8.4 million or 84 lakh bodies before reaching human form. Now, if we remove 4 lakh human ...
Crackling Cyclone's user avatar