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9 votes
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How do we know whether the BORI people are qualified (to do what they do) and what are their methods?

The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute or BORI prepares critical editions of Hindu scriptures. They also seem to remove portions from ancient manuscripts deeming such portions as interpolations. ...
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5 votes
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Is the Virata War considered an interpolation according to BORI scholars? [closed]

Is the Virata War considered an interpolation according to BORI scholars? In the Mahabharata, there are varying accounts regarding the Virata War. As I understand, Vyasa mentions that there was no ...
Gabriel Alexander Gonzalez Agu's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is the verse about Rāmāyaṇa containing 24,000 ślokas present in the critical edition?

The following verse from the website indicates the total no. of verses present in Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa. चतुर् विंशत् सहस्राणि श्लोकानाम् उक्तवान् ऋषिः | तथा सर्ग शतान् पंच षट् का...
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