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Why does the Garuda Purana say that the Mahabharata has been undergoing interpolations since Satya yuga?

In the Garuda Purāna, we come across the following verse- दैत्याः सर्व विप्रकुलेषु भूत्वा कृते युगे भारते षट्सहस्र्याम् । निष्कास्य कांश्चिन्नवनिर्मितानां निवेशनं तत्र कुर्वन्ति नित्यम् ॥ ३,१.६९ ॥ In ...
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Is Brahma Kanda of the Garuda Purana an interpolation? [closed]

Is Brahma Kanda of the Garuda Purana an interpolation? The Brahma Kanda of Garuda Purana talks about Dvaita, Vayu, Shankaracharya. It tells that Shankaracharya is maniman. Is it an interpolation?
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