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Questions tagged [life]

Life is a characteristic distinguishing physical entities having signaling and self-sustaining processes from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (death), or because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate.

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Pornography, Incest, Adultery, Infidelity, Unfaithful, doing bad acts in the title of mutual consent

Now a days, Most people receptive to pornography, social media, lust and acts they commit accept the idea of having more than one sexual relation with social media in their favor portraying multi ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Can Apsaras or other celestial beings teach how to extend a lifespan a few times?

Can Apsaras or other celestial beings teach how to extend a lifespan a few times? I have read that they are knowledgeable in this area.
noname7619's user avatar
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How can one get rid of all the diseases, Illnesses?

Hey it's my first question on this site I hope I will get a reply soon. So my questions. Is there any way to get rid of all the diseases, illness and sickness like seasonal cold, influenza virus and ...
Āryān's user avatar
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Does god really accept our prayers despite our wandering mind, our desires, pleasure seeking intentions and praying just for the wish to be fulfilled?

I actually am perplexed by consuming information from various sources and would like to put it out in words now. I fall in an endless mind chatter when thinking about my prayers and god fulfilling ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Does singing about certain things offend gods?

For example, does singing about the Moon, or a sing with lyrics referring to the Moon, offend Soma, the Lord of the Moon? EDIT: I wish to specify that I do not mean a song sung in praise or worship, ...
Seeker's user avatar
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In which scripture it is written that there are 84 Lakh types of organisms?

In which scripture it is written that there are 84 Lakh types of organisms? Who was the person who said it? Is it written in Gita? Was it said by god?
river's user avatar
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Significance of Marriage in Hindu life

In Hindu life marriage is 'Sanskar' … RSS Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale.(PTI) What does Sankar means in this statement?
Jay Thakar's user avatar
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Can one be reborn as a rock?

I know that reincarnation is an important part of Hinduism, but I always thought that a person could only be reincarnated as a plant or an animal (a living thing). However, this passage from ...
CDR's user avatar
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Signs From The universe In Hinduism?

Do Hindu texts say there are always signs from the universe about good or evil, or bad/good omens ? Searching on here and online there are some topics that indicate what is a good omen or a bad omen. ...
veganenvironmentalist's user avatar
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Does Every Jiva Go Through Approximately Same Amount Of Pain & Suffering Before Moksh

I think that Vivekanand said every jiva eventually reaches enlightenment after many lifetimes, and he also said there is no freedom in maya, everyone is made to go through things, behave a certain way,...
veganenvironmentalist's user avatar
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Hinduism Stories Of Creating A Fully Grown New Person (Like Draupadi)

Aside from Draupadi and her twin brother brought about by Drupad yagya in Mahabharath, what are the other stories in Hindu religious texts and Puran where a fully grown new person is created ? I think ...
veganenvironmentalist's user avatar
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What determines the value of a life of a lifeform?

Killing a human is a bigger sin than killing a fish, and killing a fish is a bigger sin than killing a tree. This is because a human has a more valuable life than a fish or a tree. What determines the ...
Targi Koor's user avatar
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What is the major difference between a Brahmana and a Maha Rishi (sage)? They both have divine knowledge, so what are their purposes?

. Are Brahmana and Rishis same? What makes them different? .
Thor Odinson's user avatar
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Saving Dharma and Saving Lives

Between Saving Dharma and Saving Lives, as per Vedic wisdom which comes first?
Kanil's user avatar
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Is abortion permissible if life of mother is in danger?

I understand abortion in general is a sin as per the answers to this question here But what if mother's life is in danger due to a complicated pregnancy. In that case is it permissible ? If not ...
Artist Formerly Known As CSD's user avatar
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Was there ever a mortal restored to life after having succumbed to death?

I heard that the son of Brihaspati was restored to life. Was there ever an ordinary human being restored to life after death?
Fun life's user avatar
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Many people do bad things but live long and prosperous lives. How?

If theory of Karma is correct , then how do many people who do bad things live long , rich and prosperous lives.
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Are there any specific Mantras mentioned in scriptures that reduce sexual lust?

My question is more pertaining towards sexual lust/desires/infatuations. I want to know if our scriptures have mentioned specific Mantras or something related that can be done by a devotee to reduce ...
P Jai's user avatar
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What is life according to Hinduism? [duplicate]

Well I have read that life is a suffering according to Buddhism but I am a Hindu , what is life according to Hinduism?Should you be happy or not ? I am really confused.
Shiv's user avatar
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How can I stop regretting about the mishappening in the world?

I am a student whose duty is to study but it worries me that I cannot contribute to betterment of world or society. Do our Hindu scriptures says anything about our duty towards world or society? Or ...
Shiv's user avatar
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How can insignificant beings (microscopic organisms, insects, plants, etc.) ever acquire enough merit to be born as humans?

And without earning a human birth, one cannot attain liberation.
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Adharniya Vega and Brahmacharya

According to Charaka Samhita(Lesson 1- Chapter 7) Sorry about not being able to paste in text format but as you see, While Brahmcharya prohibits all sexual desires, Charaka Samhita seems to ...
user3125516's user avatar
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Was Adi Shankara Really aware that plants & trees are as much alive as any other living beings?

I've heard that Adi shankara believed that 'immovable (apparently inanimate) objects (like the tree) are endowed with sentience'. Evidently, Adi Shankara viewed 'the tree' as an object like the '...
Prakash RP's user avatar
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Do Vedas and the Vedic dharma regard plants & trees as living beings? [duplicate]

Vedas and the Vedic dharma are very old. People of those days are Most unlikely to have any concept of microbes, embryos present in eggs, fruits, and plant seeds, etc. Naturally, the sensible mind ...
Prakash RP's user avatar
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What are some similar verses to Gita 2:26

BG 2.27: Death is certain for one who has been born, and rebirth is inevitable for one who has died. Therefore, you should not lament over the inevitable. Can you give some similar verses from the ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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What's the significance of Mṛta Sanjeevani Vidyā, when sages (like Bhṛgu Rishi) can revive dead people just by their tapas itself?

As I ask in this Question about some of my doubts in reference to the Mṛta Sanjeevani Mantra (मृत संजीवनी मंत्र), similarly, there have been several instances when sages have been able to revive the &...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Is life predestined or on the freewill? [duplicate]

If someone is in hard times, should he has to think that these problems are because of his past karmas for which he has to suffer or he should make an effort in order to get off of such situation? If ...
Learner's user avatar
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Adharma must prevail in this very Yuga?

Quoting Shastras from reputable sources: "Manu Smriti says: 1.85. One set of duties (is prescribed) for men in the Krita age, different ones in the Treta and in the Dvapara, and (again) another (...
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Is there any good book to compare western philosophy with Hindu philosphy?

I feel like the Western philosophy is inherently depressing and their world-view is mostly nihilistic, I want to juxtapose the Western philosophies with Hindu/Indian philosophy. Are there any good ...
Indeterminate's user avatar
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What happens if a person without Upanayana gets married?

In Brahmins community, it is said one have to attain Bramhachari by having Upanayana and later get into married life. Suppose what if the person never got Upanayana but married? Like run away from ...
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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Does the body have to die for the soul to leave the body?

At the time of death the soul leaves the body, but the body also suffers destruction first before the soul leaves the body, like disease, brain failure, etc. My question is, is it possible for the ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Is past life real?

Is past life talked about by various spiritual gurus true or it's a scam.. ? Do people who are alive now really lived some time back...and took birth again
Ronit sharma's user avatar
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On affirming life

I have good understanding of Advaita and Kashmir Shaivism but I'm specifically looking for verses from Puranas or anywhere else which informs an individual on the importance of affirming life. I'm ...
Nārāyaṇa priyaha's user avatar
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If a person dies unnatural death accident or by murder, then is it also due to his/her karma?

We know that if a person does good or bad karma then he/she has to suffer during his time of death. So if a good person dies unfortunately by an accident or if he is murdered then does that also is ...
5eeker's user avatar
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Why do we have to wait till next life to reap what we sow?

I wonder if there are any scriptural references or slokas that tell us why the fruits of our actions are faced by us in our next life as any jiva or as a human, and why not in this life itself?
juztcode's user avatar
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Geeta somehow says do not grieve over the death of loved one: so are we doing adharma?

Geeta somehow says "do not cry when someone you love dies, keep doing Karma, birth and death are parts of life". I don't know the exact words, but it somehow says this (If someone could correct the ...
Vikas's user avatar
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Does a person who is very good in karma, had to survive very less on this mrityuloka (earth)?

It is believed that people take birth on this earth to attain moksha (which is the last goal) of a jivatma, so if a person who has good karma has to live very less years (or suffer) on this earth ...
5eeker's user avatar
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How somebody can get rid of Vyanthara?

I want to know what is Vyanthara and how to get rid from them.
manish's user avatar
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Which Incarnation of Vishnu faced a lot of difficulties? [closed]

Which Incarnation (probably among Dashavatar) of Vishnu had thoughest life, had to face a strong opponent, had to face a lot of Challenges.
HinduKid's user avatar
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What are Nitya karma of a Brahmin?

What are must to do daily ritual for a brahmin.
HinduKid's user avatar
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How a Teenage student should behave?

Is there any specific quote or reference in Hindu scripture related to the behavior and lifestyle of young Lerner. I understand that Sanatan Dharma is never about to-do and don't list but I believe ...
Talk is Cheap Show me Code's user avatar
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Life on other planets in our solar system

Do Hindu scriptures mention anything about life on other planets of our solar system?
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the story of Sri shankar purushottam teertha?

Famous guru in the siddha yoga line of sri narAyaNa tIrtha What was his life story and teaching
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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The number of legs of creatures/animals

Yayati in his conversation with Ashtaka mentioned about two-legged, four-legged and six-legged animals. "Yayati answered, 'After falling from heaven, the being becometh a subtile substance ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is origin, purpose and future of whole system of everything so called known and so called unknown? [duplicate]

What is the purpose, origin and future of existence of whole of everything or the whole system that include everything e.g. me, you, animals, trees, planets, viruses, bacteria,stars, galaxies and all ...
Alok's user avatar
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What is the purpose of life? Is it all about being happy or being useful to others? [duplicate]

I mean come on, we are born and we die. So what is the purpose of life?
Pratik Joshi's user avatar
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Which verse from Padma Purana states that life originated from the aquatics?

In a letter dated 9th March 1970, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada writes: My Dear Hayagriva, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 4 March, 1970, ...
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Can one know what he was in his previous life? [duplicate]

Is it possible to know what a person was in his previous life. Male, female , person's likes and dislikes, his interests and what was his good and bad karma??
Karmaisrealman's user avatar
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Can any one achieve anything in this world? [duplicate]

I've seen alot of times. The ability of human is praised. Swami Vivekanand also said a quote. "You Can Do Anything And Everything" Ive also heard that in the atharvaved it's said somewhere... "...
Karmaisrealman's user avatar
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Some daily-life hacks to always keep remembrance of God / Isht Devta or Devi

Life has lots of challenges, ups and downs. It is very easy to forget your Isht Devi/Devta (God), while enganged in worldly activities. What are some life hacks to stay connected to God, while ...
spkakkar's user avatar
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