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7 votes
3 answers

Do gods like Brahma, Vishnu, Indra and Yama, in their Lokas, have bodies or are they just Atmans?

Life after death is found in Hinduism, the Atmans are taken by Yama then they are judged and go either to heaven (abode of Indra) or to hell (abode of Yama), however this residence is temporarily and ...
salah's user avatar
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How do Devas from deva loka help us humans in bhuloka?

If Devas are in Deva loka and we humans live in bhuloka, then how they will help us? please explain.
harish android's user avatar
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Where are the cities of the of the gods?

Chapter 124 from Matsya Purana describes the cities of Indra, Varuna, Yama and Chandra surrounding Mount Meru and the Lokaloka mountains where the four guardians of the directions stay. In other ...
Arya's user avatar
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Do we take Birth with Physical Body in Hell/Heaven?

EXPLANATION : People living in Heaven have Childhood and also Marry and Fight with Humans,Vanaras,etc,.this clears that they have Physical Body. I didn't know whether we take Birth in Hell/Heaven as ...
Sakthi's user avatar
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Different Brahmalokas?

The Earth is situated in the middle of the 'fourteen planes of existence', of which 'Brahmaloka' is the highest plane. But on the earth, atop the Mountain Meru, there is a city of Brahma, called '...
Surya's user avatar
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Did Prahalad attack Devaloka in his lifetime?

I can recall that I read in a question that Prahalad once attacked Devaloka and maybe won over Indra. I wanted to know if it is true or not and if true, then what is the story behind this and why did ...
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