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Can a man go against the order of his parents?

Can a man go against the order of his parents, if he doesn't like the order Can a man defy the order of his mother and father ?
river's user avatar
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Rules for when marriage actually consummates?

So, I know the ages of marriage are generally young and there are rules for when the ritual for actual marriage begins, but are there rules as to when procreation can begin? Furthermore, why do epics ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Questions regarding marriage

I am ofc going to be single, so this rule doesn't apply to me, but what I want to know is when a boy and girl would formally marry. Then, when that marriage is consummated. What is the punishment for ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Is it wrong to hug a friend of the opposite gender?

I was listening to a katha and the katha vachak said that in our shastras, it is forbidden even to touch a female wooden toy. In which shastra is it mentioned that you shouldn't touch/hug females? ...
Alkyl Alkanoate's user avatar
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What is the nature of Man in Hinduism?

The nature of women is described within the Manusmriti as the following: Manu assigned to women sleep, sitting, ornament, lust, anger, dishonesty, malice and bad conduct. So then what's man's nature?...
Rajam's user avatar
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Is Brahmacharya biggest virtue in a man?

In case of women , being Pativrata is considered as biggest virtue. Just by being Pativrata , she not only reserves her place in heaven (with her husband) for crores of years but also protects her ...
river's user avatar
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What does Hinduism say about romantic love between man and woman?

What does Hinduism say about romantic love between man and woman ? Is it some illusion(maya) or Is it divine ? Even Vishnu , Shiva and Krishna have spouses and romance certainly exists between them. ...
river's user avatar
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What is the correct age of marriage for men?

What is the correct age for marriage for a boy ? Until advent of modernity (in about 1950s,) historically both boys and girls used to get married before puberty, in childhood. In case of women , ...
river's user avatar
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Are husbands required to give up their lives to save their wives?

Is a husband required to sacrifice his own life, if needed, to save his wife's life? Are there any scriptures commanding this, or any scholars dealing with this question?
Terjij Kassal's user avatar
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Notion of "Patni Parameshvari (Wife is the Supreme Goddess)" - found in scriptures?

Similar to this question where I ask: Is notion of Pati - Parameśvara (husband is the Supreme Lord) based on scriptures? Does canonical texts enjoin: Patnī Parameśvarī (पत्नी परमेश्वरी) - i.e., A Wife ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Is notion of Pati - Parameśvara (husband is the Supreme Lord) based on scriptures?

In this question: Why a husband is called पतीपरमेश्वर (Pati Parmeshwar)? Whom should a wife devote to at time of death?, one of the answer gives reasons why husband might be considered like the Lord, ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Definition of a Father in the Scriptures?

Father is one of the most important figures for anyone. Especially within the Hindu traditions, he's accorded an almost divine status, especially for his Child. I'm interested in the scripturally ...
kritika jain's user avatar
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Is any variant of Sati prescribed for men in scriptures?

It well-known that the primary purpose of marriage is to begot children. Since humans begets children through sexual reproduction. The role of men is very limited. He needs to contribute his tejas, ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Is there a ritual in Hinduism when son leaves parents house?

I'm just wondering, is there a ritual in Hinduism, where a son leaves the house of the parents if he is going to live in his own house alone?
Jay's user avatar
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Is there a scripturally recommended age of marriage for men?

As discussed in this QnA: What is the recommended age for marriage for girls as per Shastra? We have lots of guidelines for how much "younger" a bride must be compared to her groom. For ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Does Hinduism have any test for virginity?

Do Hindu scriptures tell us how to test if someone is a virgin or not? (Male or female) Which scripture tells about this process and what are the details of it?
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Do scriptures besides Padma Purāṇa permit wives to discipline their husbands?

This passage from Padma Purāṇa recommends a wife beat her husband to discipline him. Assuming this is not a mistranslation, do any other scriptures support this view? The brāhmaṇa’s wife said: 47-65. ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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What is the male equivalent of a Widow called, in the scriptures?

As I understand, a female (having lost her husband), is called as a Widow (hindi: विधवा, vidhavā ). Scriptures have detailed guidelines on the "Code of Conduct - CoC" for the Widows: Which ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Punishment for the crimes committed by the head of the house?

The Smriti texts and other religious treatises deals with a lot of prescriptive rules on the householder' lives and rituals. A commonly pointed out situation is of discipline, crime and subsequent ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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What are some verses from Hindu scriptures which are against men?

I want to know some antimen verses from Hindu scriptures.
Ankit Nayak's user avatar
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Cooking by men in family life

It is well known that most of the Indian women use to cook for family and is really a great opportunity for a woman. It is mentioned in Mahabharata that Nala, Bhimasena could cook food and performed ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Why is a woman's virginity more valued than a man's? Is men's virginity not required for marriage?

Is men's virginity not required for marriage? E.g., Manusmriti says: If a man gives a defective damsel, without mentioning the defects, he should be punished by the king himself with a fine of ninety-...
Ayushi Jagriwal's user avatar
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Is libido in men greater than women? Or is it the other way round?

There is a popular notion that men crave for sex more than women. And medical science seems to agree with it. But what do Hindu scriptures say about this? For example, the Mahābhārata version ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Men are treated as god for women or both treated as same according to hinduism? [duplicate]

I have listened to both of them true. but I want to know what the Hindu scriptures say about it. Is there any scripture says that men are equivalent to god for women? and Is there any scripture ...
Kailash Chandra Polai's user avatar
19 votes
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What are the duties of an ideal husband as per Hinduism?

As a follow-up to a recent question Dharmic role of wife in marriage, what are the duties of an ideal husband?
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Are there any temples exclusively for women?

I have listen that, there are some specific god's and temples where women are not allowed to go and touch the idols. And men only can worship them, or go to their temple or touch them like Shani Dev ...
Kailash Chandra Polai's user avatar
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How is being loyal to one's wife same as celibacy?

As you can see below, the Linga Purana says that a married man who is loyal to his wife is same as a celibate (brahmachari). svadāre vidhivatkṛtvā nivṛttiścānyataḥ sadā / manasā karmaṇā vācā ...
Deepeshkumar's user avatar
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Is there any verse to have nice husband?

Many of my friends married recently and all of them were either unhappy or divorced. Can any one tell me any verses/slokas to get married to nice husband?
user6912's user avatar
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Punnya from donation / charity for married person in Hinduism

In Hinduism is it the case that:- If a married person does any charity from "His own earned income" (not from the income of his wife or forefathers), then half of his Punya is given to his ...
C Sharper's user avatar
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Do scriptures talk about some men not having nipples? [closed]

In his book Jaya, Devdutt Patanaik mentions the following: (From: Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata By Devdutt Pattanaik) So my questions are: Is there any scriptural references to ...
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