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I am worried about my mother's wellbeing

I am worried about my mom, She really is a goddess but there are some downfalls. She is overprotective, lives in an arrested development, receptive to social media fake alert messages and constantly ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Pornography, Incest, Adultery, Infidelity, Unfaithful, doing bad acts in the title of mutual consent

Now a days, Most people receptive to pornography, social media, lust and acts they commit accept the idea of having more than one sexual relation with social media in their favor portraying multi ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Mantras for the peace of mind

When I try to sleep I am unable to sleep but feel very tired and want to sleep. Is there any mantras so that my mind can have some intense peace and rest to work for the next day? What are some ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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Deities and mantras to control our mind?

The situation of my mind is that , if want to do something I am getting swayed by other things. I know my objective is important but still unable to do it for some mental reasons . To me my mind has ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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Is there any final theory of Karma

Everybody put a Karma theory in a slightly different way,but the two directions should be separated first of all: Samskaras and vasanas create desires habits and inclinations working from inside. At ...
noname7619's user avatar
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Whats the thing with MIND? How to communicate with subconscious mind?

Ive heard in a lot of places that in ancient times, Sages or saints or people like them used to focus more on internal discovery and development than external. Like you know, Body and stuff. What are ...
VedicExplorer2024's user avatar
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How does one control chitta during japa/sadhana?

I understand it takes time to control the mind as a beginner. But does it mean I have to force back my thoughts onto the deity I'm focusing on everytime my mind wanders? Have you controlled your ...
Anirudh's user avatar
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Meditation practice in the name of god

we must Always keep your mind on God and be meditating in the name of god, right. Can anyone please tell me what kind of practice is supposed to be incorporated here. should we be thinking about him, ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Daydreaming about many topics in free time

I read a lot of questions and answers and discussions on this website, thanks to its active members and moderators. But I realised that now I am spending time in spiral of thoughts in my free time, ...
Dhrumil Dave's user avatar
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Bliss vs sentiments

A atheist asked me, "why do you believe in God?". I answered," because I enjoy bliss and happiness in the name of my holy lord." He said, "that is not bliss, this is your ...
Nitesh's user avatar
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mindful action is related to the naive notion of morality and ethics

In the verses up to Verse 2:35, Krishna talks about Atman being inde-structible and seems to be telling Arjuna that, “Go ahead and kill these guys. It is f i ne because you can’t kill the Atman and ...
quanity's user avatar
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Incessant mind chatter and narcissistic parents

This really is a personal question but It needs a spiritual angle so that I could be set free from this endless cycle. My parents are not proud enough of me no matter what I accomplish and what I ...
Abhi's user avatar
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How to develop patience?

We pray to god to end our sufferings. But many times, results don't come easily and quickly. In that time how to develop patience and not fall into despair and depression. Sometimes doubts gets ...
river's user avatar
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Who is the Sakshi/Witness-Consciousness that watches the mind? How to realize it or be situated in it?

Drig Drishya Viveka says I am aware of the contents in my mind and hence I should be different from my mind. But that awareness of being different from the mind or watching the mind only comes when I ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Do yoga scriptures mention the average number of human thoughts per day?

There are several references to the number of times a human breathes in a day in general, which is typically around 21,600 times. The frequency of breath is an important factor in practices such as ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Do Our Thoughts come from the Cosmos?

I have been learning more about the nature of the mind, pranayama and, in general, the Hindu view of reality. One thing I’ve really been exploring as of late is this idea that we are not our thoughts ...
iamlearner's user avatar
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Do Shiva and Vishnu know what everyone is thinking?

Do Shiva and Vishnu know what any person is thinking? Which other gods are capable of doing this?
river's user avatar
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Who is it that is looking for Brahmgyan?

My long quest for the Brahma gyan or moksha has led me to a lot of reading, research and meditation and today a question just popped in my mind that seems to be absolutely essential for me to get ...
Budhdhee Prakash's user avatar
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Do devas have physical bodies?

Do devas have bodies? Or are they purely spiritual beings? If they do have bodies, what type of matter is it made out of? If they don’t have bodies, then do they have physical location? Do they have ...
Rel Kerero's user avatar
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Yogic Theory of Intelligence for AI

What are some yogic texts which discuss the precise, scientific nature of the components of the mind and how the human intelligence operates in great detail? I am aware of the Nyaya Sutras, but I was ...
dcsuka's user avatar
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In hindusim what forces control the body/mind?

For example, Is a person walking just an illusion and it is God moving the person who thinks they are in control, or is the person actually exerting true free will, or is it an interplay of "...
Cadillac's user avatar
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Who controls the mind according to Advaita Vedanta?

According to Advaita Vedanta if I am always the witness consciousness, Brahman, then who 'controls' the mind? Mind control is an important part of most Sadhana, and if I am the watcher of my thoughts, ...
Chandramouli Santhanam's user avatar
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Are there any references in scriptures related to respecting our own understanding(સમજ)? [duplicate]

Should scriptures be called out for every matters?
Harsh's user avatar
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How does meditation work on human personality?

I thought meditation does not only work on mind and soul, but it is more than that.
kritika jain's user avatar
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Comparison of contributions of manas and buddhi in attaining moksha

Across the Scriptures of sanathan dharma, a particular classification is as follows: Universe/world, Senses of body, manas, buddhi, and para brahman. One needs to attain para brahman, which is ...
hanugm's user avatar
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How to control /manage the mind when angry and lustful thoughts attack you very badly?

Our life is not constant some times go up and sometimes down In our day to day life sometimes lust thought/anger thought attack you but not badly , but at some special day lustful thought/anger ...
jasmine's user avatar
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Practices for Focus, Concentration, Memory?

Any Mantra, Yantra, Yoga for Focus, Concentration, Memory... Which concept should I look into, If I want to know more about, Focus, Concentration and Memory in Hinduism
HinduKid's user avatar
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How to increase Memory? [duplicate]

Is there any practice, mantra/stotra in Hinduism to Increase Memory. I want to read about Smriti-Sakti, Jnana-Sakti, Buddhi Sakti, Kalpana Sakti, Pratibha Sakti... Im trying to collect everything in ...
HinduKid's user avatar
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Prayers for Mind?

Are there any Vedic Prayer, Mantra, Stotra for/on Mind Śukla Yajurveda 34.1 Śukla Yajurveda 34.2 Śukla Yajurveda 34.3 Śukla Yajurveda 34.4 Śukla Yajurveda 34.5 Śukla Yajurveda 34.6 Can someone write ...
HinduKid's user avatar
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How to gain mental strength?

Any Mantras, Shlokas, Stotras related to gain mental strength, overcome mental disorders. Which God is related to mind, related to these mental aspects like mental strength, mind related disorders. ...
HinduKid's user avatar
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how to understand this body is also conciousness?

I can understand mind is conciousness because mind resolves into conciousness during deep sleep but how to understand body is also conciousness.
harish android's user avatar
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If we think thoughts about consciousness with the mind, does it imply mind is aware of consciousness? [closed]

We think everything in our minds. Even when one talks about pure consciousness he is referring to one's own thoughts which are products of mind. Now consciousness is the changeless perception of these ...
Weezy's user avatar
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Are our actions outcome of mind & body or of soul?

I would like to understand this thing from our scriptures point of view: Are our actions outcome of our mind & body or of soul (Atma)? Please do cite authentic references with your answers.
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Do scriptures say anything about 'Buddhi Karmaanu Saarini'?

I heard a sentence, Buddhi Karmaanu Saarini, which means that sometimes your mind makes choices without your consciousness and drives you closer towards your destiny. Is this true? Is it mentioned in ...
Rama Krisha's user avatar
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What are the 14 layers of the mind

I had read somewhere that in the vedas the awareness can be divided into four categories, i.e chitta (consciousness/conscience), manas (heart/want/desire), aham (ego) and buddhi (intelligence). Each ...
souparno majumder's user avatar
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Questions on thoughts of Jealousy, Lust and they ever stop and where are they stored?

I am more inclined towards Advaita which says that for any person pursuing freedom, these qualities are necessary: Viveka Vairagya Sat-Sampatti - control of senses, mind, etc Mumukshutva So my ...
P Jai's user avatar
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How to understand essence of mind (Thought) is consciousness in vedanta?

i need simple logic to understand mind (each and every thought) is nothing but consciousness. In waking and dreaming state thought are coming and going but i the consciousness is not changing. But how ...
harish android's user avatar
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Is there other technique which Lord Krishna has given in Gita to keep our mind steady?

What are the techniques of controlling the mind Lord Krishna has mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita? Some ISKCON member has told me - "Chant Hare Krishna mantra" As you know that would be very ...
jasmine's user avatar
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Scripture to learn about manas, chitta, ahamkar and buddhi in detail?

Is there an authentic ancient scripture to study about manas, ahamkar, buddhi, chitta, chit, chit vritti etc. in detail, so one can exactly know what they are and how they differ? For example, to ...
Lokesh's user avatar
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Why did God made mind so hard to control?

In Bhagwat Geeta Lord Shri Krishna talks a lot about controlling your mind. Like this saying from Bhagavad Gita: “For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who ...
Mayank Joshi's user avatar
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Everything is a thought then why does this present moment feel so real?

I was listening to one of the YouTube lectures on Advaita(forget which one it was). It states that “past, present and future - all is just a thought in your brain. The only reason this very moment ...
P Jai's user avatar
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How does the process of rational thinking using buddhi look like?

When buddhi tries to think about something(like solving a problem using logic) does it use the mann to do the thinking part or does the thinking happen in buddhi itself (meaning mann and buddhi work ...
SEUser's user avatar
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What are physical equivalents of buddhi, mann, chitta, ahamkara in the human brain?

Are these (buddhi, mann, chitta, ahamkara) just abstract concepts or they have physical existence in the brain. I have been reading some answers under :
SEUser's user avatar
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Arishadvargas - references in Vedas [duplicate]

Arishadvarga (See here) includes Krodha and Matsarya. Further these aspects of human mind are mentioned in Ramayana and later scriptures. What references are being made to these ( krodha and Matsarya) ...
Tel Ert's user avatar
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How many types of intelligence or dimension of mind?

Western science rejects every concept until they don't cut and see because its reach is limited and under development and based on one type of intelligence ie intellect. Many of scriptures are lost, ...
TheExorcist's user avatar
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Why is Yoga called union when it is the mind that actually dissolves?

It is said that Mind is simply a bundle of thoughts and the patanajali yoga sutras says "yogachittavritiinirodha". Since the thought process is restrained through meditation and ego is dissolved,veil ...
Amrit Jung Kunwar's user avatar
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What is the difference/relation between Chitta and Manas

Can you clarify these two? What is the exact definition and function of Chitta (heart) and Manas (mind)? It is confusing that desires are formed in the mind, but they are also in heart. So there ...
Sohail's user avatar
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What is Mindedness(chitt ekaagrata) based on Hinduism?

There are many ways to find yourself, As per Hinduism Mindedness(chitt ekaagrata) is one way to find yourself. I've also read that using of Mindedness with proper practice and Idol Worship, Which ...
Dilip Borad's user avatar
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What is positive thinking? How is it developed?

Many philosophers, Gurus and Acharyas stress on "positive way of life" or "positive thinking". If the "negative thinking" was so bad, then it would have vanished from general populace with time, isn't ...
iammilind's user avatar
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Is the mind a product of maya?

A pure soul is considered to be the same as the Supreme Soul,i.e Brahman.As per my knowledge,I know that the soul consists of: 1.Mind 2.Intelligence(Buddhi) 3.Ego(Ahankar) If a pure soul merges ...
Elfin forest's user avatar
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