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Questions tagged [moksha]

Moksha (Sanskrit: मोक्ष) means emancipation, liberation or release. In soteriological and eschatological sense, it connotes freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth.

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1 answer

Why is there so much condemnation of Advaita and Liberation in certain Gaudiya Texts

One can find the oft quoted statement from Chaitanya Charitamrita, "listening to mayavadi(advaitic) commentary will lead to ruin" and the same preceded by "those who preach or believe ...
Samridh Joshi's user avatar
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Why Pandavs did not attained the Moksha?

In Hinduism achieving the Moksha is the highest goal of one's life to get rid of the birth and death cycle. For attaining moksha several paths and practices have been suggested. Pandvas were righteous ...
parag's user avatar
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Can householders get divine visions and spiritual powers?

Can a householder if he practices sincerely for a singnificant hours in a day , get spiritual powers and moksha, or any expertise in any of the tantra sadhana? Or does he have to move out to other ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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5 answers

What is wrong with samsara and dukkha from the perspective of advaita philosophy?

To my understanding, most Āstika schools of Hinduism view dukkha (suffering) and samsara (the cycle of life and death) as something bad, from which one should strive to be liberated (Moksha). This is ...
Ruben's user avatar
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How to attain Moksha? Which sacred texts to follow with regards to Moksha?

I want to know the answer from authentic and traditional sources.
messagetomankind's user avatar
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Is it possible to get liberation(moksha) just by believing something?

Even if a man cannot act up to the precepts of the Jain religion, he crosses the sea of pain and misery if he only believes this to be the only true religion in the world." Prakaran Ratnakar, ...
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What if a Deva is desireful for moksh

Would it be difficult for them to take a human birth and is there a set procedure for that?
noname7619's user avatar
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Can a person become an avatar of brahman and be worshipped?

Is it possible for a being freed of earthly, astral, and casual karma to be a representative or effectivly identify as the most supreme and derive worship and full authority ?
Malcolm Saint Felix's user avatar
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What are the experiences and benefits of worshipping the mahavidyas?

Each of the mahavidyas have different physical features. Can anyone share what are the experiences felt by the practitioners while doing the sadhana or ashttotara nama japa of the mahavidyas, and what ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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Is Individual soul created or an eternal being according to Madhva and Ramanuja? if God is all pervading, why we have to go vaikuta after mukti?

Namo vaḥ🙏 As per Madhva and Ramanuja individual souls are separate and not equal to Brahman. if so, Is individual soul(jivatma) created? If it is created, why God created us separate from him? Just ...
Srikanth Srikaram's user avatar
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What is a Mlechha and what are their religious rights?

I am a Muslim born who left Islam 2 years ago, although I am still a theist. I am currently researching about other religions and as of now, I like Hinduism better than any religion I have studied. ...
Ibrahim Sayyid's user avatar
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How do Advaitins respond to the Vishishtadvaitic argument that attaining the state of Kaivalya does not lead to liberation?

In this Vishishtadvaitc work called Siddhanta sangraha, the author Sri Shailacharya, a Vishishtadvaitin of the Rāmānuja school argues- One who is interested in kaivalya-bhoga is included in amumukṣu ...
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What happens on Moksha as per Bhagvad Gita?

As per Bhagvad Gita, what happens at Moksha ? Does the person get merged in Krishna ? Does he get sharan of Krishna ? What exactly is mentioned in Bhagvad Gita on Moksha ?
river's user avatar
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On what basis does an enlightened person decided what to do and what not to do in advaita vedanta?

From what I understand, for the enlightened person, it doesn't matter if he/she gains something or loses something because nothing we observe is ultimately real. Ultimately there is neither the ...
tinkerer's user avatar
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3 answers

Why jeevatma gets detached from paramatma?

Jeevatma is like a droplet detached from paramatma, the ultimate omnipresent eternal soul. By achieving moksha, jeevatma gets freed from reincarnation and gets merged in the paramatma. But why the ...
goose's user avatar
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Are there Any Annihilationist schools in Hinduism?

Among, All the schools of Hinduism, The Madhva school believes in eternal hell for Tamo-yogya Jivas who are beyond saving. There are a few other schools who also believe in the concept of nitya-...
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Do idol worshippers don't get moksha or is this statement symbolic(not literal)?

Maitrey upnishad chapter 2 verse 26 To one desiring liberation worship of idols made of stone, metal, gem and clay results only in the experience of rebirth; hence the sage should perform the worship ...
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2 answers

Are there any schools of Hinduism which hold that one can be a non-theist and still get Moksha?

Are there any schools or belief systems in Hinduism where belief in Ishvara, (or any deities for that matter) is not a necessity for attaining Liberation?
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What happends after you shed the last of your casual karma?At this stage do you merge with God?

After shedding the last residual of your casual karma. You merge with god, does this mean you literally become God or do you still retain individuality ? If you do retain individuality, what does it ...
Malcolm Saint Felix's user avatar
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If everything has taken on forms from eternal past in various rebirths, why are we not already born with self realization of moksha?

I have read that the soul is eternally present. Since the eternal past it has undergone an infinite amount of rebirths without beginning. Why is the realization of moksha needed at that specific point ...
Malcolm Saint Felix's user avatar
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Does a man get Moksha when he get rid of Tamas Guna?

Is it true that a man get Moksha when he get rid of Tamas Guna ? Or for getting Moksha , getting rid of all three Gunas is needed ?
river's user avatar
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Any way to face consequence of all good and bad deeds in one life?

I have committed many paap/sins (broke promise, insult and abuse, dishonesty) and good deeds like helping people, charity. But good and bad deeds make one to continue material existence. What I want ...
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Punya and Papa and how swabhava affects them

If god controls everything, why does a person get punya or papa even though that person has no control over anything ? Is swabhava just the choice that we make ( which is greatly affected by sattva, ...
Kamar Taj's user avatar
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Living creatures and sins

I, myself have killed so many mosquitoes, pests in my life. Now, I have come to a thought that they too are beautiful expressions created by god. Every single being created by the supreme serves a ...
Abhi's user avatar
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What happens when a person dies without fulfilling their greatest desire(s)?

If a person dies whether intentionally , naturally or accidentally without fulfilling their deepest desire. Whether it be sexual/materialistic/spiritualistic, what happens to their Atman after death? ...
SurSD's user avatar
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Does god really accept our prayers despite our wandering mind, our desires, pleasure seeking intentions and praying just for the wish to be fulfilled?

I actually am perplexed by consuming information from various sources and would like to put it out in words now. I fall in an endless mind chatter when thinking about my prayers and god fulfilling ...
Abhi's user avatar
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What is nivritti marg according to the shastras?

There are two paths one is nivritti and another is pravritti. What does nivritti mean? They both lead to bhagwat prapti .
Alkyl Alkanoate's user avatar
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Is it true that people who are cremated in Kashi get Moksha?

Is it true that people who are cremated in Kashi get Moksha? Or, is it people who die in Kashi that get Moksha?
river's user avatar
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Does having children create very strong attachment (Moh)? Is this hindrance to Moksha?

It is commonly seen that most men are very strongly attached to their offsprings Is this the reason why most Hindu seers don't get married. As they want Moksha and a strong attachment with one's ...
river's user avatar
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Bhagavata saptaha for wandering souls

A priest in a prashne had advocated bhagavata saptah for one of my relatives who had lost his ancedtors (coming under sapindikas) in the pamban train crash in 1964 and the bodies were never recovered. ...
Suresh kunjithaya's user avatar
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Lustful Thoughts

Someone enlightened me with their answer to lustful thoughts and god being antaryami observes each and every thought. These thoughts are said to be innate and with practice can be controlled to attain ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Any easy way for moksha

See, I was an athiest who was enjoying lust and pleasure avoiding work and continuing this cycle. My problem increased with too much pending work, self hate and I just avoided people and cried alone ...
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If we all have taken different incarnations due to our karma, how can we explain what might have caused our first incarnation

My question is - If we all have taken different incarnations due to our karma, how can we explain what might have caused our first incarnation? If the ultimate goal is to attain moksha/reunite with ...
Harsh kumar's user avatar
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Does God want humans to achieve real union with Him?

I believe in God, but I'm not sure God wants humans to achieve a real union with Him. After all, infinity in space, time and as an intellectual concept is a seemingly unsurpassable limit for humans. ...
exp8j's user avatar
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What are the seven Moksha granting cities?

In India A Sacred Geography by Diana Eck - it says (p 408) The great city of the Rama legend is Ayodhya, known to the Puranas as one of the seven moksha-granting cities of India. I know Varanasi is ...
S K's user avatar
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Saivite rasarnava tradition

Does somebody have any idea about this rasarnava tradition as in is it still alive and how can I increase my lifespan using mercury as these guys of this saivite rasarnava tradition did. I want to ...
Deepanshu Molasi's user avatar
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Are there instances of Kshatriyas reaching Moksha?

For example, AFAIK, all the warriors in the Mahabharata war only went to Swarga. If a Kshatriya renounced war, took Sannyasa and obtained Moksha, I am not looking for that. I am looking for ...
S K's user avatar
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Who CAN'T attain moksha?

I've seen a bunch of questions that ask about moksha and the limits on who can attain it. What I'm wondering is, is there any group of people or type of person for whom the attainment of moksha is ...
CDR's user avatar
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Does knowledge of the self or spiritual knowledge move from life to life?

I remember hearing one claim that if you don't get Moksha in this life whatever merits (spiritual actions or where you were in the spiritual rank) moves from one body to another or in other words you ...
Rajam's user avatar
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What is required for a Westerner who agrees with Advaita Vedanta to attain a good rebirth?

In more detail, I am someone who lives in the West (1) who accepts the teaching of traditional Advaita Vedanta (through self-study), but (2) who doubts I will be able to attain moksha in my current ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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Can Shudras attain Moksha?

I have seen the verse in the Bhagavad Gita which says that Shudras women etc. can achieve the highest reality or state which is Moksha by taking refugee in him,so is there any more such verses that ...
Rajam's user avatar
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Scriptural references for Jivas getting Moksha in Shiva loka

Are there any Scriptural references which state that Jeevas can Attain Moksha on reaching Shiva loka and not fall back in Samsara?
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Did Shisupala's soul get merged with Krishna upon being slain?

Shisupala was slain by Krishna. Is it true that when he died, his atma merged with Krishna (indicating that he got Moksha)?
river's user avatar
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Moksha According to Shiva and Vasihnav agamas

I have heard that the Vaishnava and Shaivite Agamas mention that the Jiva is different from the Param Atma and that during moksha, the Jivas main their individual personality. Can anyone provide these ...
Debbie's user avatar
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To attain moksha, must you be born as a Hindu?

Imagine that a person is living in the USA or anywhere in the world like Africa is peaceful, loving, and worships God but does not know anything about moksha. Will he get moksha or he will again be ...
Hindutvadi 's user avatar
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What is the period between brahmachari ashram and grihasti ashram called?

What would you call a pass out in which ashram he is ?
Shiv's user avatar
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Regarding rebirth of animals and other non humans

The human birth is considered to be an opportunity to realise oneself and attain moksha through punya karmas. Hence only the vedas propound such truths. My question is regarding animals, how could ...
TheSeeker's user avatar
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What happens to a woman devotee who views Krishna as her husband/lover?

It is not uncommon for a female devotee to see Krishna as her lover/husband. (Mira bai was one example). Theoretically, what happens to them if their devotion is true? Do they get merged with Radha/...
river's user avatar
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What kind of meditation did Mahavira practice?

First of all I know that this is not community for jains and I am not a jain either. But since there is no Jain stack exchange, I thought of asking here. My question is regarding details of how ...
Kobamschitzo's user avatar
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Hindu marriage and moksha

It is said that a Hindu marriage binds the groom and the bride for seven janmas. Now, suppose I get married in this janma. If immediately after this janma (or the next, or the next to next) I attain ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar

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