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Questions tagged [moksha]

Moksha (Sanskrit: मोक्ष) means emancipation, liberation or release. In soteriological and eschatological sense, it connotes freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth.

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9 votes
3 answers

Does enlightenment happen without kundalini awakening?

There are many paths in sanathan dharma to get enlightenment. Is it true that every path has kundalini awakening? Or is there any path, in which an aspirant gets enlightened without any kundalini ...
hanugm's user avatar
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5 answers

Are Rama and Krishna incarnations of Vishnu or Brahman?

Brahman , the all prevailing , the endless , the formless , the all-loving and merciful the seed soul of us all . And Brahma , Vishnu and Mahesh are just the names given by us to HIM performing his ...
yashC's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What's the point in striving for moksha?

Whatever we see around us (manifestation and everything) is nothing but Brahman's play/leela. This is told in a few texts.  Brahmasutra 2.1.33 लोकवत्तु लीला कैवल्यम्। lokavattu līlā kaivalyam। ...
The Crimson Universe's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Unlimited reincarnations before moksha or only 7?

I believe most learned Hindus understand re-incarnation as a continuous process till the Jivatma attains the qualifications required for Moksha. But there seems to be some traditions within Hinduism ...
Naveen's user avatar
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8 votes
8 answers

Can we become God?

Can we become God? Most people believe that the Gods that we are worshipping are fixed and no human can reach the state of God. Is this true? If a person is born and lives as the purest one and ...
Ponmari Subramanian's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

How do Vaishnavas interpret the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra?

Vaishnavas believe that only Lord Vishnu can grant Moksha. If that is the case, then how do they explain this mantra from the Rig Veda which clearly says that Lord Shiva can grant Moksha? Om ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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3 answers

Do the different schools of thought in Hinduism believe that where way of getting moksha is the only correct way and others are wrong?

Different schools of thought in Hinduism have different ways to attain Moksha. Do any school believe in "there way is only way"? And do the different schools believe that people that believe ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the Bhairavi Yatana given by Mahadeva in Kashi?

It is well known that Mahadeva gives moksha to people in Varanasi by uttering the taraka mantra in the ears of those dying, as said in the Kashi Khanda: Who is competent enough to describe the ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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2 answers

Does Karma (going from a higher life-form to a lower one) only apply to humans?

As most of you might know that in Hinduism, it is believed that you and every other living thing consist of two things one is "a soul" which is indestructible, true and reality. No harm can be done to ...
LightAchala's user avatar
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1 answer

How many human births does the soul take before it merges with the Almighty?

The soul passes through a cycle of successive lives (samsara) and its next incarnation i.e., birth is always dependent on how the previous life was lived (karma). Finally, the soul travels back to ...
Ganesh's user avatar
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1 answer

Is Moksha (liberation) the highest attainable level for a jivā (soul)? Is there anything above Moksha?

Moksha (liberation) is the ultimate goal of a jivā (soul). So, If I've understood it correctly, when a jivā attains moksha, it is freed from the cycle of life and death, being absorbed into the '...
Navik Goswami's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How Vishishtadvaitha explains Moksha?

I know how "Moksha" is explained in both "Advaitha" and "Dvaitha" philosophies. What about "Vishishtadvaitha"?
Kiran RS's user avatar
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4 answers

Is Enlightment the destiny of every soul?

Is every soul bound to be liberated eventually? Does the timing depend on the soul, or divine intervention?
Matko's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any difference between a normal person and a jivan muktha except perception?

In some texts like Yoga Vasista, I read that, normal persons have physical perception aka stula drishti and jivan mukthas has unified/ultimate perception aka tatva drishti. I am interpreting it as the ...
hanugm's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What are the outcomes of Kaivalya and Sayujya mokshas according to Gaudiya Vaishnavas?

As discussed here, the Upanishads describe the state of Kaivalya as the detachment/seperation of the Self from Prakriti. According to Advaitins, Kaivalya is said to be the ultimate state/moksha ...
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7 votes
2 answers

Was Vasista a jivan mukta?

Vasista is known to be a guru of Lord Rama. It is well known that he is one of the rishi in sapta rishis. Was he a jivan mukta?
hanugm's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is it true that if supreme lord kills someone then she/he will attain Moksha?

Moksha is the main goal of human life, people who do good karma attain Moksha. Is it true that if supreme lord kills someone then she/he will attain Moksha? The story of Pūtanā is an example
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Moksha in the Vedas (excluding the Upanishads)

Note that this is not a dup of this question, since the answers I expect are not from the Upanishads. I have two questions based on my (poor) understanding of a few posts in this site. They are ...
user1952500's user avatar
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Presence of children at the time of death of parents?

What does Shastras/ Vedas prescribe in the matter of son/daughter being present near father/mother at the time of their death? I read somewhere it is required that a son be present with parent at the ...
CVS's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference between Mukti and Moksha

As already requested in my earlier question if the Jivatma didn't stay more than 5 days either in moksha and naraka. However what's the difference between mukti and moksha. Do you someone have any ...
ssr1012's user avatar
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3 answers

Why doesn't Lord Krishna give Moksha to everyone?

If Krishna wants, he can give Moksha to everyone. Bhagavad Gita 18.66: sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ Meaning:- Abandon all varieties ...
Pinakin's user avatar
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3 answers

Is the Moksha achieved after getting slayed by the Supreme Lord impermanent as in the case of Jaya and Vijaya's first two births?

As per this QnA, anyone killed by the Supreme Lord achieves Moksha. Then why is it that the cursed Jīvātman of Jaya & Vijaya (the door keepers of God Vishnu's Vaikuntha) had to be re-born not ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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2 answers

When does our Karma get over?

I'm confused when does our karma end. One would say that karma ends when we get moksha. If that's so, then what happens to our Sanchita Karma? When we do good karma, we get some good return. When we ...
user5155835's user avatar
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2 answers

what are the actual consequences of kundalini yoga?

I have been reading about Kundalini yoga and have realized that though people consider the Kundilini arousal state to be the consequence of spiritual enlightenment, the after-effects of this arousal ...
Sreram's user avatar
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1 answer

Is Kaivalya only way for Soul to go back to it's original nature of infinity?

We have four types of Moksha - Salokya, Sarupya Samipya and finally Kaivalya. Even in Yoga tattva upanishad - Lord Vishnu talks about Kaivalya Moksha is the way to be free from influence of Maya. So ...
Agamas Tantras's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Does a soul retain it's identity after Moksha?

I know my question is counterintuitive since the entire idea of Moksha is merging with the Supreme.
Adi Shankar's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is (if any) the significance of Ignorance/Maya?

We all know that samsara is not real but it is maya/ignorance. And once self-realization/Jnana is attained, all duality and ignorance are removed/obsolete. In other words, samsara is only based on ...
Pandya's user avatar
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1 answer

Why do infants die? What about their karma?

We see that some infants die just after they are born. Some were not born also. Why does that happen? If the reason of their birth is to experience the karma that they had in the previous birth, then ...
user12458's user avatar
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2 answers

If one dies in Kanchi will he get liberation too?

Is it a Mokshapuri just like Kashi is? What scriptures talk about Kanchi as a Mokshapuri? And if it’s a Mokshapuri why isn’t it as popular as a pilgrimage site as Kashi?
johny man's user avatar
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Who or what attains moksha?

When we talk about liberation among the living i.e the jeevanmukts, is it their aatman which has achieved realization? If not the aatman, that what/who? For those who have done good karma in this ...
indrajala's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

What is the way to Liberation: direct communication with lord Krishna or the reading scriptures? [closed]

Which is it better the reading of the multitude of scriptures from different schools of Hindu thought whose aim is to show you the way to self realization, Moksha, Brahman, or direct communication ...
Frank Hestermann's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

According to Advaita philosophy,what are the conditions for attaining Moksha?

Suppose I wish to attain Moksha then,according to Advaita Philosophy, what conditions I must fulfill in order to achieve Moksha?
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Do Vedas talk about Moksha,Kaivalya or Mukti?

I've heard that the Vedas only talk about three of the four Purusharthas, viz. Dharmam, Arth, and Kam. The fourth Purushartha, Moksha, is said to be added or is made popular or is accepted after the ...
gaj's user avatar
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2 answers

Do Vedas have these concepts?

Karma, Maya, Atman, Brahman, Moksha, Reincarnation and Indriya Nigraha (Sense Control) are they present in Vedic Samhitas? (Not Upanishads only Samhitas)
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Can commoners attain Moksha without needing to be born as a Brahmin?

Are commoners i.e, people not wearing yajnopavita able to attain moksha without needing to be born as Brahmin according to Hindu Scriptures? Are there any examples of them attaining Moksha or Oneness ...
Ajay Varma's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Was Krishna in moksha state during his life?

Krishna is Vishnu who lived during Dwapara yuga for the establishment of dharma. My doubt is whether he was in the state of moksha at that time or not? Suppose someone attains moksha after death, ...
hanugm's user avatar
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5 answers

Universal mantra of all mantras for attaining the highest level of God realization?

There are a lot of mantras in our scriptures. Some of these mantras are used to invoke a particular deity, activity or a life-event. Some are mantras for longevity, some for knowledge, immortality, ...
Navik Goswami's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

What happens during Moksha?

What happens during Moksha, the end of all deaths? I know already that the higher death is when the soul is reborn in a heavenly place but What about Moksha? What happens and what really Moksha ...
Panathinaikos's user avatar
6 votes
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What liberation technique taught by Shree Ramana Maharshi?

Ramana Maharshi was an enlightened master from the last century, what technique did he prescribe to know the self or become self realized?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Did Kumarila Bhatta believe in Nishkama Karma as a valid means to Moksha?

As I discuss in this question, by far the most popular school of Hindu philosophy is the Vedanta school, which bases its tenets on the doctrines laid out in the Brahma Sutras, a work by the sage Vyasa ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do the Vedas describe Moksha?

It is commonly seen that in many Vedanta texts and discourses we hear of moksha. I have also asked a related question here. I want to know how does the Vedas describe moksha? Are there any ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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What are the legends of Narasih Mehta?

In Gujarat there was a saint named Narasih Mehta, it is heard that he is a renowned saint and famous as well as the kind person. I would like to know his full story. What I heard about him was Lord ...
prem30488's user avatar
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Doing "evil" or "good" after being self-realized wont affect such an "individual" because he is not bound to the illusion of the material, yes or no?

When self realized,you understand the illusion and rise above the illusion. It wont matter if you do good or evil since the concept of good and evil is something that is bound to the illusion and the ...
Prefer anonymous's user avatar
6 votes
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Which Hindu scriptures discuss Kapāla Mokṣa?

If you ever attended a Hindu funeral or cremation, you will notice that it is customary to wait until the kapāla (skull) of the deceased cracks. I think this is taken as a sign of the deceased person'...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do beings killed by Lord Shiva get Moksha?

Do any of the Hinduism scriptures say that someone was killed by Lord Shiva and thus he got Moksha?
Aks's user avatar
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Does the state of Moksha differ for different sects?

In another question, I asked if Ajamila attained Moksha and the reply was "He attained the abode of Vishnu". Is that only a Vaishnavite definition of Moksha? What other definitions exist in ...
S K's user avatar
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Is it necessary for a soul to attain enlightenment in order to attain liberation after death?

Is it necessary for a soul to attain enlightenment in order to attain liberation after death? Or is it sufficient to just focus the mind on God in order to attain liberation after death(even if the ...
Hitesh Khiani's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the reason behind Gita favoring the SAtvika way over others?

Usually people who have read Gita, would say that NishKAma Karma is the way of "Karma yoga". Numerous verses suggest that, NishkAma Karma is SAtvika way of life. SakAma karma is RAjasika way & ...
iammilind's user avatar
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Cycle of births and deaths

Where is the first historical reference of the cycle of existence, according to the scriptures ?
Lucky Pashu's user avatar
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Reincarnation and past life ambitions and emotions

What does Hindu scriptures say about soul (atman) and it's innate characteristics? Can a jivatma have ambitions/emotions/fear/love ? How will these characteristics be reflected in his incarnations? ...
Vineet Menon's user avatar
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