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Questions tagged [moksha]

Moksha (Sanskrit: मोक्ष) means emancipation, liberation or release. In soteriological and eschatological sense, it connotes freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth.

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6 votes
2 answers

What is the meaning of Life if all is pre-written or controlled by the will of God?

Assumptions: God is the supreme Everything that we do is the will of God which may or maynot have an effect on the future Our purpose in life is to submit to God, Do good deeds, acquire punya In the ...
Varun Rao's user avatar
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Method/ philosophy to attain moksha, concept of Brahman in the Shaiva Agamas, and link to Vedas

Please read the main 3 questions, additional are secondary questions. The Shaiva Agamas, 28 in number, having 204 supporting Upagamas, are said to be revealed by the five faces of Rudra Bhagavan ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Is listening to music bad for moksha?

Many people listen to music,this is a fact,Carnatic Music being one among them. A spiritual aspirant is advised to shun all sense pleasing actions. Since listening to music that he/she likes,...
Amethyst's user avatar
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What are the differences in teachings between Yoga Vasista, Ashtavakra Gita, and Vivekachudamani?

Yoga Vasistha (योग-वासिष्ठ), Ashtavakra Gita (अष्टावक्रगीता), and Vivekachudamani (विवेकचूडामणि) are teachings about Enlightenment and (Moh)Maya. What are the Philosophical differences between these ...
Neel's user avatar
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How to understand the dead person's future based on the life energy left through nava randhra marg?

I heard, for a person based on his karma leaves the physical body through one of the nava randhra marg. It is said that if life energy/atma left the body through bramha randra then the person may ...
pbvamsi's user avatar
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3 answers

Can a 24 year old renounce the material world and live a life solely dedicated to realization of God through meditation? [closed]

I'm going through a really dark phase in my life and I constantly think about killing myself. However, I don't want to repeat the cycle of life-death and so on. And I believe, suicide is an action ...
Navik Goswami's user avatar
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4 answers

Do people get birth even they are (almost) eligible for Moksha

Is it possible for taking birth even the Jeeva is eligible for Moksha? I'm asking this question for normal human beings, not for the avatar as Krishna, Rama etc., If possible, then show an example ...
hanugm's user avatar
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5 answers

Can a woman get moksha?

Can a woman get moksha ? Or is getting moksha reserved only for men ? Or Does husband-wife get moksha simultaneously ?
river's user avatar
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5 answers

What is wrong with samsara and dukkha from the perspective of advaita philosophy?

To my understanding, most Āstika schools of Hinduism view dukkha (suffering) and samsara (the cycle of life and death) as something bad, from which one should strive to be liberated (Moksha). This is ...
Ruben's user avatar
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3 answers

Will a man attain liberation the moment his karma is nullified?

Attainment of liberation is clearing of all the karma (both good and bad). Now my question is will a man attain liberation, the second both his good and bad karma will get nullified i.e. his karma ...
user12458's user avatar
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What are the seven Moksha granting cities?

In India A Sacred Geography by Diana Eck - it says (p 408) The great city of the Rama legend is Ayodhya, known to the Puranas as one of the seven moksha-granting cities of India. I know Varanasi is ...
S K's user avatar
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3 answers

Which people have got Moksha ? Could anyone enlist people mentioned in Puranas and Ithihas who got Moksha?

I don't find any mention of lot many people getting Moksha. Could anyone enlist people in Puranas and Ithihas who got Moksha ?
river's user avatar
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What is the difference between Nirvikalpa Samadi and Moksha?

When the jivatman unites with Paratman, Ananda of spirit is experienced is this Moksha or Nirvikalpa Samadi what is the difference?
Frank Hestermann's user avatar
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Does hinduism also suggest shedding of karma and renunciation?

I know about 4 ashram and 4 purusharth but does it somewhere suggest that we should only focus on moksha (as in jainism) and not on purusharth and ashram system.
Shreyans jain's user avatar
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Is moksha guaranteed for everyone?

I would like to know whether moksha is guaranteed for everyone i.e. everyone at some point is liberated from the cycle of birth and death. To be clear, if not in this birth, he will be re-born and he ...
user12458's user avatar
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6 answers

Do Thenkalai Sri Vaishnavas believe that liberated souls have powers of creation of the material Universe?

The members of the Sri Vaishnava sect of Hinduism, especially the Iyengars (Sri Vaishnavas who are Brahmanas), are divided into two sub-sects, Thenkalais and Vadakalais. These sub-sects both agree on ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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What happens to a liberated soul?

A verse from the gita : Having come to Me and having reached the highest perfection, these great souls are no more subject to rebirth, which is transitory and an abode of pain. So a great should that ...
Matko's user avatar
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How worship will help to merge with brahman?

How can worship help to get self-realization? If I chant 'Om Namah Shivaya' continuously, then will that give me moksha? If Chanting is also part of worship, what is the connection between chanting ...
user2225190's user avatar
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What does it feel like to be god-realized?

One of the main goals of Hinduism is to attain god-realization. How does one know he/she is in that state? What changes? Are there any Hindu texts that provide details on what that god-realized ...
Quinty's user avatar
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What is chitta ? How can we purify it to make our life and afterlife peaceful?

How should we purify chitta so that our death and time after death can't be harmful or full of suffering for us. How someone can get peace with it?
Vishvam's user avatar
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Wouldnt it would be wise to just become a sanyasi?

Wouldnt it would be wise to just become a sanyasi? I knw everybody has to do karma but a sanyasi lifes is relatively simple.Why to marry and bring another generation in this complicated world?If all ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Will a person get moksha or not when he/she donates body after death?

It is said that a person need to lean in panchabhootas in his life. But what happens if any person doesn't meet one of the panchabhoothas i.e fire due to body or organs donation? Will he/she gets ...
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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Is this life cycle never ending one?

Just wanted to understand if this life cycle of birth and death is a never ending one? We know that a person/soul/jeevatama can get out of this cycle under certain conditions/circumstances by ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Is moksha related to immortality?

Many vedAntins quote the following verse while talking of VedAnta and samnyAsa. na karmana na prajaya dhanena tyagenaike amrutatvamanashuh | parena nakam nihitam guhayam vibhrajate yadyatayo ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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Should one always abide by his parents' will or can he go against it only if he is right? [duplicate]

I want to ask this question with the help of a real life scenario. Basically, what if one wants to pursue an educational field associating with this world just for a living so that he can progress in ...
Pardeep Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

How concept of Moksha and Amar (Immortality) can exists together? [duplicate]

Moksha - Once you are dead you'll get rid of Life Cycle (Jeevan Chakra), you become an absolute and pure energy traveling across the Universe. No need to reincarnate again, take birth as Fly or Human ...
paul's user avatar
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3 answers

According to Sri Vaishnavism, what happens to someone who worships someone other than Lord Vishnu as Brahman?

Bhagavad Gita says one who worships someone other than Lord Krishna is actually indirectly worshipping Him because He resides as the Indweller (Antaryami). In the Kaushitaki Upanishad also, there is ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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1 answer

Marriage and moksha.

In Hinduism, it believes that marriage is a bonding for next 7 lives. Is that mean that he will not attain moksha at least in next 6 lives?
Santanu Debnath's user avatar
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Precedence among the four Purushartha

Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are considered as the four goals of life according to Hinduism. One might argue that Moksha is the highest amongst all four. In the remaining three - Dharma, Artha and ...
Amit Saxena's user avatar
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Vedanta and Moksha

Moksha is the important (and ultimate) goal of Hinduism. And whenever I think about it, Vedanta philosophy comes into picture. So, I think there might be knowledge regarding Moksha included in Vedanta....
Pandya's user avatar
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The agony in the path to liberation

We know that there can be several stages before achieving liberation. At some stage (say pre-liberation), nearer to the liberation, sadhaka may attain knowledge of her previous lives and concludes ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the beginning of anadi karma?

It is said that we are in samsara due to anadi karma. If anadi karma has an end, i.e. moksha, that means that is has to have a beginning too. What was the first incident that put jiva in samsara? What ...
strugglingseeker's user avatar
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How does the quality of "Tamas" viz. "ignorance", affect Moksha/Liberation?

There are 3 qualities for any being or existence, named as : Sattva (illumination), Rajas (passion), Tamas (ignorance). Gita discusses them in great detail. According to it, the quality of Rajas is ...
iammilind's user avatar
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Which path of liberation does the name "bhavana gamya" belongs to?

There are four names in Lalitha Sahastranaamas that ends with the word gamya. They are 113 : Bhavana gamya --- She who can be attained by bhavana 119 : Bhakthi gamya --- She who can be reached by ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Why do Srivaishnavas consider sayujya to be highest of all liberations?

There are different types of liberation namely: Ekatva, or oneness with the Atma Salokya, or living in the same world as Vishnu Sarshti, or having the same opulences as Vishnu Samipya, or being a ...
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Why does Devaki forego Salvation?

According to this YouTUBE video, Lord Krishna appears to Devaki and Vasudeva in Evil Kansa's prison. Lord Krishna visits Devaki and Vasudeva in Evil Kansa's Prison Lord Krishna tells Devaki how to ...
Rhonda's user avatar
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Can Shudras attain Moksha?

I have seen the verse in the Bhagavad Gita which says that Shudras women etc. can achieve the highest reality or state which is Moksha by taking refugee in him,so is there any more such verses that ...
Rajam's user avatar
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Stages for Jnana marga

Jnana marga is a way to attain liberation in Sanathan dharma. It is a path of knowledge. The aspirant enquires about existence using scriptures and finally attains moksha. Do any scripture tells in ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Does Jnana marga takes much time compared to Karma and Bhakti?

Traditionally, there are three ways to attain moksha: Jnana, Bhakti, and Karma. Is it true that it will take more time for a person to attain moksha in Jnana marga?
hanugm's user avatar
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How do Hindus meditate?

In Buddhism, which I’m more familiar with, there is vipasanna meditation, in which you focus on your breath. This helps achieve nirvana. Now how do Hindus meditate to reach their nirvana/moksha? In ...
Ama's user avatar
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Is it true that Jivan Mukta has capability to nullify his/her karma?

I am asking the question for all sects that do believe in Jivan Muktha especially Advaita. According to Advaita, a jivan muktha is also a Brahman. So, it is clear that she can nullify her karma. Am I ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Does a person with awakened kundalini stay in moksha state?

We know that a jivanmukta is in moksha state. But is it true that a person whose kundalini is awakened is in moksha state?
hanugm's user avatar
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7 answers

What is required for a Westerner who agrees with Advaita Vedanta to attain a good rebirth?

In more detail, I am someone who lives in the West (1) who accepts the teaching of traditional Advaita Vedanta (through self-study), but (2) who doubts I will be able to attain moksha in my current ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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Are there any verses related to the beginning of everything?

To elaborate on the question, I am assuming that in the beginning there was no Atma stuck in maya, is there any information on how the perfect Atma got stuck in Maya? Is my assumption wrong? To build ...
Rohan Deshpande's user avatar
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Does consuming non-vegetarian food hinder our spiritual progress?

Does taking non-vegetarian food prevent us from becoming spiritual and getting salvation?
Jvlnarasimharao's user avatar
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Do hindu sects have doctrines as to whether or not other sects can provide liberation?

I remember reading that Madhwas don't believe Sri-vaishnavites would achieve moksha. I also remember reading right on this board Sri-vaishnavite theories as to how people worship other deities for ...
S K's user avatar
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Is the "capability of knowing past lives" an unavoidable step in getting moksha?

A person in a moksha state or higher yogic state is able to know about her past lives according to scriptures. My doubt is that is it a mandated step in getting moksha? I mean, is it true that a ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the necessity for a karmic loop?

My understanding is that prarabdha karma affects the current janma, and the current janma's positive and negative karma cumulatively gets added to that prarabdha and the cycle continues ad infinitum, ...
Vandan Revanur's user avatar
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What is more important Self Realization or Responsibilities towards family?

According to Vedas what is more important Self Realization or Responsibilities towards family? Reason I am asking this is because we have read that Gautam Buddha left everything like his kingdom, his ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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How many types of mukti are there?

I would like to know how many types of mukti are there. Also, is mukti the same thing as moksha? If not, what is the difference between those two? If there are different types of mukti, is any type ...
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